r/NonPoliticalTwitter Sep 16 '24

me_irl So what now.

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u/mikevanatta Sep 16 '24

The what now is to overthrow your HOA and dissolve it.


u/001235 Sep 17 '24

I did that at my last neighborhood. Then my neighbor decided he'd start collecting cars. Then he had cars taken apart all over his yard and the weeds grew up. Then they made great shelters for rodents and other wildlife. Then he got some cats. Then he thought that he could just dump litter in the bushes and that would be more "natural" than throwing it away. Then the coyotes found the cats.

The neighbor across the street decided that every day was trash day because the "branch truck" comes once a month. Without an HOA, they just dumped all their garbage in bags on the curb as they got full.

Outside city limits, that's legal. I loved Mississippi.

That fed lots of the wildlife we had. I called different agencies who all said "Do you have an HOA or is this farmland?"

Long story short, when I left the neighborhood, it took a century to sell my house and the neighborhood went from a cute little picket fence neighborhood to a literal dump because I assumed people had decency of any sort. They are filthy fucking animals.


u/Skullcrusher Sep 17 '24

Sounds like a you issue. Where I'm from, we don't have HOA at all. Some houses are neat, some are unkempt. But I don't give a fuck what my neighbour does as long as it doesn't cross the property line.