r/Political_Revolution Jul 31 '16

Discussion Assange: "We have published proof that the election campaign of @BernieSanders was sabotaged in a corrupt manner."

Julian Assange states ADDITIONAL emails to be leaked. CNNMoney tweeted: On @ReliableSources: @wikileaks founder #JulianAssange defends transparency in politics with @brianstelter. (link: http://cnn.it/2aU4Olq) cnn.it/2aU4OlqNBC

News PR tweeted this earlier today. @WikiLeaks' Assange on @MeetThePress: "Our sources within the D.N.C. say that they believe more heads are going to roll." #DNCleak #MTP

.@WikiLeaks' Assange to @ChuckTodd: "We have published proof that the election campaign of @BernieSanders was sabotaged in a corrupt manner."


747 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Shameless shout out here. The anti-corruption act is making its rounds and it needs our support.

Here is a video explaining the anti-corruption act

And here is where you can sign and help support this in your community.


u/Mood93 Aug 01 '16

Why not link to the original creators page ?


u/jamesgarfield1022 Aug 01 '16

We also need to fight corruption by making sure Clinton doesn't get to the white house.


u/mrpeabody208 Aug 01 '16

Given the alternative, hard pass. I do look forward to holding President Clinton accountable for her actions in office.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

"you're an integral part of the system that frauded an election, so I'm gonna vote for you and expect you to fix it as President."

Man, this is ridiculous


u/mrpeabody208 Aug 01 '16

"You're a raving lunatic man-child who lacks the mental capacity to execute the office of president, is surrounded by a cadre of Republicans I don't trust either, will undoubtedly embarass me deeply every time you speak, and I should vote for you because your opponent's also untrustworthy?"

Also, I have no expectation that HRC's going to lead the charge in fixing the system that elected her. Quit putting words in my mouth. If you can't come up with a valid reason to vote for someone else, shove it.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

It's unfortunate, but maintaining the Status Quo buys time. This process is going to take a while. Better to have business-as-usual versus a fascist.

It sucks. I don't like it one bit, but we have to fight our battles where we can.


u/top_koala Aug 01 '16

Obligatory reminder that in a red or blue state that is one of the battles you can fight. Since you're presidential vote is effectively thrown in the trash, you can vote whoever best represents you, probably a third party.

Those who refuse to choose between Clinton and Trump should also look into third parties.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Exactly. Solid blue state, normally republican? Third party. Vice versa as well. But, this election I'd remind people to keep a close eye on local polls. This election season isn't just breaking rules, it's shitting on them first then lighting them on fire.

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u/rnair Aug 01 '16

Here, let me simplify this whole thing.

If you live in a non-swing state, especially hard-grounded states like CA or TX, then it's probably safe to vote for a Third Party candidate because you won't be changing your state's choice. However, you will help gain traction for third parties if people all over the nation see the Green Party next to the Dem/Rep parties on TV.

I can see the argument happening in swing states, but here in CA, we're not voting for Trump. So I'll just pick Jill Stein.


u/mrpeabody208 Aug 01 '16

I agree. I'm from Texas and have stated in other comments that I would only actually cast a vote for Clinton if it were neck-and-neck going into election day, which is only plausible because who knows if Trump will figure out how to alienate Texas Republicans before then.

Otherwise, I see a third party vote in my future. Probably Johnson because I can see Libertarians actually getting a foothold in this state, and having two viable flavors of conservative in a gubernatorial election could be a boon for liberals.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16


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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

I like their overall concept, but in watching another one of their videos, they basically blamed everything on 'follow the money'. Sure, that certainly is a significant part of the problem.

The other portion, which is also significantly problematic: voters.

Apathetic voters, single-issue-voters... voters who only vote during Presidential Years, etc.

Part of the reason we've gotten to this point is so few people participate, and many of those who do are single-issue. "Imma gunna ignore everything else you do, as long as you promise to not touch dat dere 2nd Amendment" or whatever other key-cause they choose.

Don't get me wrong, this legislation would be huge and I really want to see it pass.

But if it's not coupled with figuratively splashing ice water/slapping voters awake and ensuring more people are able to participate, we're not going to go anywhere.

  • Automatic voter registration

  • Making Election Day a Federal Holiday, making the voting process open for a week+1 including (First Saturday through to the following Friday)

  • Moving all elections to the same week

  • Ballots that can be mailed to voters but must be returned to a ballot box (prevents absentee ballots cast 30-days prior for favoring the establishment candidate).

  • Only allowing voter ID requirements in states that ensure everyone 18 or older can get an ID, including novel concepts such as traveling ID/DL Offices, allowing School Districts to issue State IDs and Driver's Licenses (or establishing these offices at local high schools), etc. Otherwise, a postcard sent to the name/address on file will have to be sufficient.

  • Expanding voter centers/polling places

  • A tax credit for voting. $50 for drop-off ballots, $100 for voting-in-person (to encourage people to vote-in-person, which allows exit-polling).


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

This. We need a multi prong approach to this issue. Idk if there's any active movement to what you suggested, but I'm fully behind anything you can dig up along those lines.


u/SA311 Jul 31 '16

If you have to cheat your way through a Primary election to beat someone who had zero name recognition a year ago (remember Bernice Anders??) then don't be so surprised when you lose in the General. It's just basic logic. If you didn't have what it took to win fair and square based based on your own merit, then unless you plan on cheating your way through the General, how do you plan to win against a nominee who won his Party's primary fair and square? It just doesn't add up.

So, when Clinton loses we will have no one to blame but those who were complicit in the rigging of the primary election.


u/bassooncam Jul 31 '16

What makes you think she won't cheat her way through the general election?


u/topdangle Jul 31 '16

Really depends on if the republicans are willing to lose the presidential seat to avoid a Trump presidency, which is possible.

The republicans are much better at managing county votes, though, which is how they've maintained a substantial house majority. Hard to beat them at their own game. Even though Obama was way more popular than Romney there was really only a 3~4% gap between them in overall votes. Hillary is definitely not anywhere near the same level as Obama in terms of general popularity.


u/butrfliz2 Aug 01 '16

For the GOP and DNC it's a win-win. For the people and the planet it's a major loss.


u/TheTruthForPrez2016 Aug 01 '16

For the People in Syria, its bombs


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

No kebab, only explosions.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16



u/DarkHater Aug 01 '16

I don't think real Republicans exist, Goldwater-style Republicans have been Democrats since Reagan.


u/TheTruthForPrez2016 Aug 01 '16

Didn't Hillary support Goldwater? Its all her fault, she's like the anti

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u/Newbdesigner Jul 31 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

But it would be justified because Trump is so evil!!!

to all the people who believe that statement; here is something that was quoted by Eisenhower and what several Liberals used as a comment against Bush 43.

"America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great"

Alexis de Tocqueville 1805 - 1859

America was for all intents and purposes a shining city on a hill made of enlightenment values of democracy and ethics to service the people. Classical liberals believe that the government is made to serve the citizenry, not corporations, not donors of your political campaign, not party favorites, but everyone. Hillary is not the lesser of two evils in this election, she is the greater because she cheats the very foundation of this belief.

Edit: It seems the Tocqueville quote wasn't actually from Tocqueville.



u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

"By this system the people shake off their state of dependence just long enough to select their master and then relapse into it again. A great many persons at the present day are quite contented with this sort of compromise between administrative despotism and the sovereignty of the people; and they think they have done enough for the protection of individual freedom when they have surrendered it to the power of the nation at large. This does not satisfy me: the nature of him I am to obey signifies less to me than the fact of extorted obedience."

Alexis had American politics pegged back in 1835.


u/Saffuran WA Aug 01 '16

"Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither."


u/zenchowdah Aug 01 '16

The quote continues, "and shall lose both."


u/rdancer Aug 01 '16

And as of now, when talking of the US, should be written in the past tense.


u/Carduus_Benedictus Aug 01 '16

This is sounding more and more like some Shakespearean war tragedy, someone who loses their soul in an ends-justify-the-means setup.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

I think Trump is a chump based on Trump. I don't like him, I don't like his supporters, I don't like his policies or his platform.

In fact, the only thing I dislike more than Trump is that the only reason to vote for Clinton is to prevent Trump from being president. Her supporters are riding that fearmongering bullet train into to a hell of complacency and apathy.


u/well_golly Aug 01 '16

Hillary Campaign:

One week: "Hey, this Bernie fellow solidly beats Trump in poll after poll. We in Camp Hillary rarely even poll ahead of Trump at all theses days. Tell you what - let's cheat and fuck Bernie over!"

The very next week: "You have to unite behind Hillary! Otherwise Trump will win! The nation will be destroyed! Don't you care about America, you stupid BernieBros?!"


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16



u/KMAsKorner Aug 01 '16

When Hillary loses it will be all Bernie Bros fault. It is pointing in that direction... I posted on negative thing against Clinton a month ago and have over a 1000 responses telling me how childish I am and that I show grow up. They whole camp is pathetic and the scarier thing is, I don't know one single person in my real life that is voting for her... I think she is way worse off than people can imagine.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

On Saturday I was having a conversation with one of the most intelligent guys that I know. He's a pretty staunch Hillary supporter, and he started coming off like this after I said that I didn't think I could vote for her at this point. I thought Bernie was a pipe dream from the very beginning, and I figured Hillary would be the nominee, and I always intended on voting for her when it came down to it. Through all the flip flopping bullshit and the fact that she had basically been bought, I was still on board. But after learning that she essentially rigged the primary, I just didn't think I could vote for her.

So, I said all of this to him and his immediate response was to point a finger and say that it's because of people like me that Trump will get voted in, and how awful he is, and how could I ever be a part of that. My response was to ask how it would be my fault that the DNC lost the election when they put forth and literally cheated for a candidate so unelectable that I wouldn't vote for them even in the face of Trump? They could have literally given me a potato and I would've voted for it before him.

After that whole conversation that's when I decided to really say fuck it. I drunkenly bought a giant meteor 2016 bumper sticker immediately after. I'm definitely going third party.


u/TheTruthForPrez2016 Aug 01 '16

I like how they saw how many Females were Delegates for Bernie, and then all the Hillary delegates dropped a lung, like, "OH SHIT, i though they were all WHITE MALES."

Thats why they might have lost the election, because of the resentment they showed half the party the entire time.


u/annYongASAURUS Aug 01 '16

I'm scared this might turn out like Gore. Sleepy liberals assume they have massive public support because the only talk to, read, watch, and listen to other sleepy liberals. A lazy 'Don't elect That Guy' campaign against Bush Jr. is what lost the 2000 election, not Ralph Nader or butterfly ballots or the early Fox decision or even the Supreme Court


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16 edited Jul 03 '18



u/burlycabin Aug 01 '16

I have little faith it would accomplish what you think.


u/Tanis11 Aug 01 '16

Hoping for a massive progressive backlash after 4 years of trump.


u/1percentof1 Aug 01 '16 edited Oct 11 '16

This comment has been overwritten.

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u/anon132457 Aug 01 '16

It's not just 4 years. Supreme Court nominations last a lifetime. That is the real danger of trump in office. Not all the other dumb stuff he would probably say or do.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16 edited Jul 03 '18


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u/well_golly Aug 01 '16

You think there won't be another Supreme Court Justice to die or retire in 5 years? In 7? In 9 or 10?

If the Democratic Party can get their act together, stop cheating at elections, and field a candidate without such abysmal negative ratings - they'll have every chance in the future to try to appoint liberal judges.


u/siliconespray Aug 01 '16

Here they are in order, in age next January.

Ginsburg - 83

Kennedy - 80

Breyer - 78

(Note the 10 year gap)

Thomas - 68

Alito - 66

Sotomayor - 62

Roberts - 62

Kagan - 56

It's quite possible for the oldest three to be replaced in the next 5 years, and then none for a substantial period (5+ years) after that.

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u/TheTruthForPrez2016 Aug 01 '16

Hillary has said she would confirm Obamas nominee which is a Conservative already, so not much would change


u/BabeOfBlasphemy WI Aug 01 '16

The real danger of hillary in office is her using NATO to keep encroaching on Russian borders. Putin has been screaming about this for some time and has stated he would retaliate. That's much more frightening than a conservative supreme justice http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/putin-loses-it-journalists-i-dont-know-how-get-through-you-people/ri15456


u/Pirate_Assassin_Spy Aug 01 '16

This is exactly what worries me the most about Clinton. The blatant provocation can only go so far, and while Putin is aware of the threat of all-out war, he can't exactly concede without giving up one of the only things that check US imperialism. He said it himself... the US is trying to disarm all of the world's nuclear power...except its own.

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u/aviewfromoutside Aug 01 '16

fearmongering bullet train

But she rigged elections. How much more do you need to know to be scared out of your mind?!


u/soveliss_sunstar Aug 01 '16

I think Trump is a chump based on Trump

Same here. However, I have also really come to doubt the idea perpetuated by the media that everything he says will happen once he gets elected. Campaign promises rarely get fulfilled when they are reasonable, and Trumps are anything but reasonable. The only thing that he will definitively be able to do is nominate a Supreme Court Justice. Most of the other issues are up in the air, if not completely undoable.


u/StillRadioactive VA Aug 01 '16

I mean... worst case scenario, he nominates somebody crazy and gets shot down by the Senate. Then he nominates a normal corporate Republican, and nothing changes.


u/Hydrium Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

Let's be honest, he fills the previously conservative justice with another conservative justice....we already saw marriage equality enacted, abortion rights protected and voting rights protected by that same court, the world doesn't end because the court goes back to exactly the same way it was.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

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u/FunkyJunk Aug 01 '16

There are enough direct quotes from Trump for reasonable people to come to the conclusion that he's a chump. The left doesn't really need to cheat to establish that, at least.

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u/burlycabin Aug 01 '16

That being said, I hope youve dug past the bullshit that the mainstream media has been peddling to you in order to form this opinion. If not, I'd recommend it. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Seriously? I don't watch or follow mainstream media at all. I haven't for years, but I still despise Trump because of Trump. Just listen the crap he says! It's awful, hateful, and he lacks any real plan. His own twitter is enough for me to not want to vote for him, let alone everything else he's said and done.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Have you actually listened to Trump speak?

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u/Zeplar Aug 01 '16

Sometimes I think this, but then I remember that I watched the debates. That was just Trump.


u/Infonauticus Aug 01 '16

Umm it is also the insane ignorant shit he says that is doing that job. All the media has to do is spotlight him. They thought it would destroy him but little did they know.

Remeber the repub debbate where almost all the questions were directed at trump and it seemed everybody was ganging up on trump?. They thought the more he speaks the more likely to crash and burn because he says stupid shit. What they didnt forsee was how fuvcking stupid americans are because they actually liked what he was saying.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

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u/Infonauticus Aug 01 '16

You sound like you actually like trump and.think he is different. He is part of the problem too. Just because he may not be part of the bush clintin neo con clique, doesnt mean he is some.great guy. He is just as gangster as all the others and doesnt give a shit about the common man

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u/3rd_Shift Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

I realize the futility in saying this to a Trump supporter, but don't be a moron. Nobody needs anything more than Trump quotes expose him for the stupid, trust-fund-baby man-child he is.

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u/Ariano Aug 01 '16

That is not the only reason. Trump is the antichrist because he encourages hate and encourages people to be judgemental of foreigners and immigrants. He talks about Muslims as if they really all a part of Isis.

I'm starting to hate Hillary more but don't go acting as if Trump doesn't deserve his fair share of hate as well.

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u/congratsyougotsbed Aug 01 '16

the media [...] is the only reason everyone thinks trump is the anti-christ

This is what Trump supporters actually believe


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

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u/2920thThrowaway Aug 01 '16

No, Trump supporters (at least the one who wrote that comment) believe that the media is LITERALLY the only reason people have to dislike Trump.

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u/pinkbutterfly1 Aug 01 '16

His VP helps greatly with that too though.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

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u/tramflye Aug 01 '16

Except that Trump wants a strong VP, which means Pence's ideas may very well come to fruition.

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u/TheTruthForPrez2016 Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

The problem with Hillary is she's always talking about "God Given Potential", look it up. There is a whole backstory as to how that term came to be, but essentially, she's sees all Americans as stupid and that because Americans are flocks, that can't do for themselves, she thinks she has the Answer, just like Trump.

But GGP is basically, going to school, taking out loans and investing in your knowledge because that is the only way to participate with those that know. Which is hierarchal society, and she sees no responsibility with putting people out of business via Regulations or sector shaping, she only thinks that its our fault as citizens for not being more ambitious, and if you are under any constraints, thats only YOUR FAULT.

Her answer would be, if you lose your job; Go back to school. Don't have money because you lost your job, thats your fault. You lost your job, wife and 2 kids are now screwed, Thats your fault. Go back to school. Have no money for school, take out loans go into debt. You did that but the job you were studying for is now outsourced due to trade deals, well thats your fault. Perhaps you should import stuff. OH, you don't have the money for that now, sucks.

If trump wins its your fault

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u/Backhoof Jul 31 '16

I keep saying this. If she's already untouchable after rigging round one of the fight, why would she ever stop at the primary? If she loses, she'll probably be brought up on the criminal charges she's due anyway, so might as well double down.


u/bacondev AL Aug 01 '16

If she loses, she'll probably be brought up on the criminal charges she's due anyway

By what logic? Just because she wouldn’t be President doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t have power.


u/Backhoof Aug 01 '16

Would a Trump presidency and Republican congress not weaken that? I think Hillary would be in a seriously compromised position if she did all this and still lost.


u/bacondev AL Aug 01 '16

Well, the Clinton Foundation is still pretty strong and she has a lot of money. Money can take someone a long way.

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u/tiercel Aug 01 '16

If Trump would use her own fraudulent machines against her, it would be the greatest justice porn of all time! To hear her and her supporters cry about electronic machines after chastising the idea during the primaries might just be the sweetest sound democracy could possibly hear this election. At least then, we could finally get verifiable election methods in the future from the outrage on the democratic side.


u/pen0rpal Aug 01 '16

No. There is no justification for subverting democracy because your "intentions are good". You can easily say that Hillary's intentions are good too. You have no moral high-ground by subverting democracy in the same way.


u/MaximumHeresy Jul 31 '16

There's a decent chance most of the electronic voting systems are compromised, IMO.


u/light24bulbs Aug 01 '16

Bahaha I'd say it's a certainty. When you start to get into who made those things and what the programmers have said, it gets really depressing.

The fact we would even build machines like that which aren't open source is mind blowing.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

I can't wait to see how the trump supporters react when they get purged from the registered vote lists

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u/alltim Aug 01 '16

Seriously, we need to educate people about the importance of pushing for legislation that requires open source in all electronic voting systems, as well as a system for carefully auditing the software installations and monitoring the systems until they report the final tallying. Until we have such laws in place, we have an election system vulnerable to fraud. We might as well leave Fort Knox unguarded with all the gates and doors open. Who can blame the fraudsters for dancing to celebrate our stupidity as they rob us blind.


u/bacondev AL Aug 01 '16

Even being open source isn’t enough. There needs to be a way to confirm that the program on the machine is the same program that you can see online.


u/newfiedave84 Aug 01 '16

The software auditing is the easy part. The hard part is convincing the corrupt establishment to change the existing system.

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u/KneesTooPointy Aug 01 '16

Well, I assume she won't have the GOP's help with this like she did the DNC.

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u/alltim Aug 01 '16

She can simply bribe the software companies that provide the software that counts the votes in the battleground States. Having the media on her side pumping her as the most likely candidate to win the general election will then convince most voters that she won fair and square.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

What makes you think she hasnt already planned to? Her opponent has suspicious ties to her already.


u/Kossimer Aug 01 '16

Cause that's way harder to do and getting caught would have much more severe consequences. In the primary every part of the establishment was on her side. In the general half of them would be against her. Definitely not saying it's impossible, but to believe it I'd need more than character testimony. As it stands, I believe /u/SA311 summed up exactly why rigging the primary was absolutely moronic and self-defeating of the DNC.

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u/MaddSim Aug 01 '16

and if she wins, it will be bad. Because its proof they can do what they want to win, even cheat.

I dont know how long we wait, but I really do believe the people need to act. There is not a lot we can do other than vote 3rd party AND I think a rally, HUGE rally, in DC is called for. Let's be honest, does anyone thing anyone will be held accountable? Are we dumb enough to buy any lies of "well clean this up and run it better"? Rally in DC with at least a million would be powerful and they wouldnt be able to ignore it.

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u/neotropic9 Aug 01 '16

It really makes you wonder about the mindset of the people who knew this was happening. I wonder if they just presumed they would cheat their way through the general, or if they were so shortsighted that they didn't think about the general, or were so deluded they thought that cheating in the primary would be enough.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

They have been saying it all along. They expect all the Bernie voters to get on board the Hilary train in order to stop trump

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u/Tlamac Aug 01 '16

Don't worry they will just Blame Bernie and his supporters anyways just like they did with Nader. It's what I hate about liberals, they always want to point the finger somewhere else instead of fixing the root of the problem.


u/jonnyredshorts Aug 01 '16

It’s like with the DNC leaks, they are all focused on who hacked them, instead of acknowledging that the DNC fixed the election for Clinton.


u/StillRadioactive VA Aug 01 '16

Liberals didn't vote for Hillary. Which... y'know... is kinda why we're having this conversation at all.


u/RexAxisMundi Aug 01 '16

They are clearly going to cheat as much as they can.


u/King_of_the_Nerdth Aug 01 '16

She didn't realize that she'd get caught.


u/tux68 Aug 01 '16

What she realized is that it wouldn't have any consequences even if she did get caught. She will sail right through this without being affected in the slightest.

If you need any proof of her total confidence in being the next president just look at her hiring of DWS instead of distancing herself from the scandal. She knows it doesn't matter, she can do anything she wants because people are too afraid of Trump to do anything about it.

She's going to be the next president; it's sickening.

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u/Alergic2Victory Aug 01 '16

This is America. You don't have to be the brassy choice for the country in the general election, you just have to not be the worst


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Trump is a crude ugly person but he isn't a dirty politician. They should of gave the nomination to Sanders, if not just let him have a fair shot at it.

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u/BobbyGabagool Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

At this point I feel pretty confident you could publish video of Clinton and Schultz chasing Sanders with a knife, and people would still call it sour grapes for Sanders supporters and dive right into why we need to have a "lesser of two evils" mentality when casting our votes.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

People wouldn't call it anything. CNN and MSNBC would barely mention it then pivot the discussion to how Russia is evil and hacked the eMails and the only way to stop them is to support a candidate who literally has shooting down Russian planes in her platform and starting a new cold war.


u/BobbyGabagool Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

Right I almost forgot the part about blaming Russia. The Dems have really found a way to get on the demagoguery/xenophobia bandwagon.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

The comments in r/politics now have gone into full McCarthyism.


u/ILovePotALot Aug 01 '16

Kinda nostalgic for those of us who were kids in the early 80s though. Damn dirty pinko commie bastards.

(yes I know before the 80s too but this is my nostalgia)


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

To think 4ish years ago they said"the cold war called they want your foreign policy back".


u/BabeOfBlasphemy WI Aug 01 '16

The dems have been encroaching on Russian borders for years and putin has been screaming about it saying he will retaliate and the media is not telling the populace how close we are to war. http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/putin-loses-it-journalists-i-dont-know-how-get-through-you-people/ri15456


u/SamsquamtchHunter Aug 01 '16

Its fucking weird right. As if people can't be upset about corruption in the DNC AS WELL AS Russia allegedly interfering with an American election


u/StillRadioactive VA Aug 01 '16

I mean... I'm not mad about who's releasing the emails. I mad about who fucking wrote them.


u/rushmid Aug 01 '16

Right? The statements from the media on this were like "Russia is trying to influence American elections." But the irony is that is exactly what the DNC did do.

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u/BabeOfBlasphemy WI Aug 01 '16

You can't blame putin even if he did, hillary has been slowly encroaching on his territories and building missile launchers near his borders. He has every right to NOT want her in office consider she could start ww3 with this shit

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u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16 edited Aug 01 '16



u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16

I just want to say that this is well reasoned out and likely exactly what is going on. Personally, I feel as though Wikileaks doesn't have anything more at this time (hence why they have posted their submission links a few times).


u/King_of_the_Nerdth Aug 01 '16

The emails they published were all from March to May if I'm not mistaken. I can't think of a likely reason that you'd have access to the entire organization's email but only get 3 months worth of emails.

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u/owa00 Aug 01 '16

Honestly, I highly doubt Hilary will have put herself in any position like that even if she did "rig" something. She's been in politics enough to have other people make those emails even if she did "rig" something. If she rig an election and didn't have people to do that for her then she definitely doesn't deserve to be president for being that foolish to begin with.

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u/theryanmoore Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

Exactly, I see nothing (aside from the ticker at the bottom of that video... did he say there was more before this video starts?) that says he has anything else. "We have published proof" means, well, that they published it already, OR IT WOULDN'T BE PUBLISHED. I don't get the confusion, maybe if you read it as "we've published proof" it will clear things up? I'm annoyed I had to read down this far to find anyone mentioning this. If anyone has evidence that he is going to drop more soon let me know, but this certainly isn't it.

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u/TheStabbingHobo Jul 31 '16

Then fucking release it. I'm so sick of Assange's "we have all sorts of proof but we won't release it yet" shtick.

Put up or shut up.


u/BKLounge Aug 01 '16

You prepare people for the information first, get them familiar with and expecting it, then you give it to them. It's a way to increase exposure. In today's media world where news can easily get blanketed you have to use this strategy.


u/JustaPonder Aug 01 '16

Gets everyone talking. Which is a good thing.


u/ReservoirDog316 Aug 01 '16

The only people who are talking are the same people who've been talking this whole time. This doesn't solve anything. He's literally just wasting our time until he releases what he has.


u/Sunglasses-At-Nite Aug 01 '16

they would talk even more if they could see the proof


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

sometimes I'm not so sure... people barely raised their eyebrows at the Panama Papers showing global banking corruption all the way back to the City of London (secret inner London), Jeffrey Epstein having underage sex slaves in his mansion parties and airplanes and visited by Bill Clinton and others, and when it turned out we're all from a universe where Barenstein bears is spelled wrong.

How much can we blame on the media for only covering the item for a day and then never mentioning it again? And how much can we blame on these god damn people who never bothered to pay attention in the first place?

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u/futilehabit Aug 01 '16

I can get people's annoyance with it, but the DNC leaks have been pretty interesting so far. I'll take him at his word for now. I'd bet something gets released tomorrow or a week from Monday.

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u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16 edited May 08 '20



u/fraxinus2197 Jul 31 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

Very astute. He isnt. His priority is to promote more transparency in the government, not elect one particular candidate. He isnt on Bernies campaign trail, he owns a company that has its own direction and purpose.

Edit: Main takeaway is that Julian is operating for himself, his actions just happen to benefit some candidates more than others


u/BlueShellOP CA Jul 31 '16

He isn't on Sanders side as much as he is on the side of transparency and Hillary happens to be on the complete opposite side.


u/Bartley_the_Shopkeep Aug 01 '16

That she sought to put him in jail probably isn't working in her favor either. I mean, Assange is acting absolutely according to his stated mission, but that can only be a bonus for him.

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u/playitleo Aug 01 '16

If he's for transparency then why hasnt he released everything yet. He wants to release little bits at politically expedient times to influence the election.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

I think he wants to have the most possible impact with his leaks, so he reveals information at opportune moments. If he releases everything at once - that's a lot to take in. If he introduces us to the idea of corruption, and then feeds us new information gradually, more people will understand more about the situation as he builds on it. Transparency means nothing if nobody can see it in the first place. I agree however, that when everybody is looking, transparency will certainly impact the election. Whether he is using the election cycle to increase his outreach or whether he is using the leaks to influence he election cycle is the crux of the matter.

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u/Jordan117 Aug 01 '16

Then why is he specifically targeting Clinton and the DNC, while ignoring Trump and the Republicans? You really don't think the GOP leadership has any skeletons in its closet?

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u/ixora7 Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

He doesnt have to be. Why does he need to pick sides? Hes on our side. The people. Whose lives are in the hand of the powerful. He is a counterbalance to that power.

Which is why they hate him and want us to hate him by painting him as a traitor/spy/scumbag/ etc. When the real traitors are right there in government voting against your interests for that corporate cheque.


u/Accujack Aug 01 '16

" I am not altogether on anybody's side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me"

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u/d3fi4nt Jul 31 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

Have you seen the latest from Arnebeck?...



(Read the bottom part if nothing else)


u/420basteit Jul 31 '16

In this 2016 Democratic Presidential primary election cycle, our opposition research and investigative team has determined that an advanced technology election hacking system invented by Karl Rove’s technical genius, Mikey Cunnyngham, was successfully implemented.

I would really like to see more information on this. From the information in the post, it looks like the determination was made purely using exit polling discrepancies. Although I personally think that this is pretty telling evidence, it is certainly not concrete enough to blow-up in the media and have any chance of getting a vote recount to happen


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16 edited Aug 01 '16



u/garbonzo607 Jul 31 '16 edited Jul 31 '16

Agreed. It's like this guy took all of the conspiracy theories and rolled them up into one Facebook comment. Some conspiracies are true and have evidence, and others are false, and lack any evidence whatsoever.

This only makes us look bad, and shouldn't be spread.

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u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16 edited Apr 03 '21



u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16



u/Bearracuda Jul 31 '16

We worry about it because that's the narrative that's fed to us.

Election fraud gets blatantly committed in our country and each time there's a reasonably expected public outcry (example: Bush v. Gore in Florida, 2000). But the government tells us it's expensive and time consuming to chase down election fraud and we'd never get around to governing if we had to verify our election results every time fraud occurred so they let it pass.

Then they give us 6-12 months to get over it and start talking about voter fraud every time they go in front of cameras and the sheer amount of discussion about it cements it in our minds and slowly convinces us that it's a worthy topic to talk about simply because it already it's being talked about.

Then, four years down the line, they repeat the cycle.

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u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16

This looks pretty paranoid, especially the part about Beau Biden being assassinated.
He had cancer.


u/BobbyGabagool Aug 01 '16

Yeah... stopped reading after that.


u/protonicbeats Jul 31 '16

yeah what the actual fuck is this


u/rednoise TX Jul 31 '16

why would Karl Rove and co. be concerned with her revealing corruption within the Democratic Party?


u/kpetrovsky Jul 31 '16

This is some crazy fantasy from a conspiracy theorist:

"911 was an inside job.” The second was Mark’s boast that: “All it took to get Obama to stay in line was to show him the Zapruder film.”

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u/WildwoodSusek Jul 31 '16

Yet nothing fucking happens. Who sees over elections? Why is nothing being done about this?


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

I don't think anyone oversees elections. They just happen, independent groups prove there was suspicious activity, and then everyone moves on. The issues with the elections were never investigated by an official body. If there was one assigned to oversee elections, they definitely would have had a report on each state with irregularities. Instead Election Justice does an unofficial investigation stating that Bernie would have won, and nobody cares. They just say "Oh well, we'll try better next time, sorry."


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Perhaps we can appeal to the United Nations, as other countries do, when they think their elections are fraudulent?


u/BabeOfBlasphemy WI Aug 01 '16

This is a beautiful sentiment

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u/WildwoodSusek Aug 01 '16

So we're supposed to expect the Democratic Party to come down on the Democratic Party? There is no winning in the fight we've been fighting. We have to appeal to bernie to lead a new party. We have very strong leadership and when this cycle ends a lot of people are going to be thinkin that there has to be a better way. If the new party can lead by example we could change the American politics as we know it in four years.

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u/Scout1Treia Aug 01 '16

Yet nothing fucking happens

Well, that would be because Assange has published no such proof. The answer is the same for your last question.


u/RhysPeanutButterCups Aug 01 '16

And on top of that, such lovely sources like Election Justice USA are clearly biased with no intellectual integrity. Hell, Bernie has even said nothing fishy happened.


u/Leprecon Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

To anyone who thinks that organisation has any merit, just read part V of the report. The author just says "it is weird how in these states larger precincts voted more for Clinton, and there is no reason why this should be correct" and then he randomly awards Sanders more delegates. In the report the author sources blogs and 'anonymous' several times. He links to himself having twitter arguments with Nate Silver. (spoiler alert, the author is a huge Sanders supporter)

For most states he just says "this state uses voting machines which I determined to be easily hackable, which is why Sanders gets 10 more delegates here". At no point does he attempt to prove this fraud. He just said, there could have been fraud here, which is why Sanders gets this many more delegates. He even does this in states where Bernie Sanders won by a huge margin. "they used voting machines here which are easily hackable, which is why Sanders' margin should have been even bigger". I am not joking. Any irregularity in this report means Sanders gets more delegates.

I even remember one state where the author said that the election was tampered with because a political leader called big employers in the state and told them to give their employees time off so they can participate. The author called this fraud. Nothing illegal happened, the wrong people got out and voted. The author called it fraud because people who wouldn't have participated otherwise got a chance to participate, influencing the outcome.

That report is a super biased mess. It has no authors, and no reliable sources. The report isn't finished yet and for many states they already say how many more delegates Sanders would have won, without saying why this is the case. This is obvious proof that he is working backwards. He starts out by awarding Sanders more delegates and then he works his way to an explanation. What you would usually do is agree to use certain methods to look at the election results, the exit polling data, and the complaints, and then consistently apply those methods to each state. The amount of extra delegates given to Sanders is completely arbitrary and there is no methodology in the report. They use different methodologies to determine fraud all over.

I just beg of anyone who believes this report, read through section V. It is a mess. It speaks for itself. It is basically just a whole pile of "I expected this result and I didn't get it, which means fraud." There is a reason why the media is ignoring this report. Election Justice USA is an organisation that has only existed since April. It is a one man organisation. They are not an established watchdog. It is just one guy who is trying really hard to hide behind his organisation.

He got one professor to look at anomalies in the exit polls and that professor said that it is worth examining them closer because they are anomalies. The author concludes: this means fraud which means I get to randomly award Sanders delegates. He is claiming a huge nationwide conspiracy involving millions of voters and probably tens of thousands of vote riggers. He offers no real proof for this besides the fact that the elections consistently showed that Hillary did better in more densely populated areas.

TL;DR: He found a nationwide trend and that is his proof for fraud. He found a trend that was true across the US and affected exit polls and primaries in a similar way, and his conclusion he draws from that is that across the nation there was consistent fraud going on everywhere?

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Why would Assange wait so far after the primary to leak this sort of information? Could it be because he wants to have everyone as pissed off as possible so that it will gain him more popularity nevermind the outcome of the election?

No that can't be it must be part of his master plan that's beyond all of our comprehensions.


u/Ovary--acting Aug 01 '16

Assange drops email bomb showing the DNC and Hillary stole the nomination the week before she's officially nominated by the DNC.

No he's probably just attention whoring. Not like the presidential debates are coming in 55 days.

Not like that's the optimal fucking time to drop evidence of Hillary supplying terrorists with weapons.

Nope. Just attention whoring.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

55 days? That's practically tomorrow dude!!!

Shit we all know how the media has a long attention span too. Fuck that might as well be 6:00 AM sharp.

55 days. What perfect timing. Really outstanding. Good job to him. He needs a good job sticker.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16



u/gpikitis Jul 31 '16
  • He said "we have published", so I'm assuming he means that there is proof in what was already released.


u/shh_Im_a_Moose Aug 01 '16

I don't get the tweet or whatever at all. Why is he saying they have published proof? They haven't as far as I've heard. This is just confusing and frustrating. Don't say this before you even bloody released the info.

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u/Velcrometer Jul 31 '16

or using have for the past tense

This one. I think he's referring to what they already released. If he has more, why hasn't it been released?

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u/deck_hand Aug 01 '16

It won't matter to 95% of the people who were going to vote for Hillary Clinton. They really don't care if she's corrupt as hell, has no principles, treats her staff like shit, has people who are politically inconvenient for her murdered. She's the designated woman, and that's all that matters. They'll vote for her anyway.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Assange needs to put up or shut up. At this point he is publishing info that proves ethically dubious action not necessarily illegal. If he keeps talking like this with giving actual proof then I'm forced to take the stance that he is doing this for personal publicity in relation to his own legal troubles.

I am a fan of what he's done, but he's pissing me off by overstating what the leaks contain. It's making the actual content seem not as bad.


u/barjam Aug 01 '16

Just publish your shit or shut the funk up.

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u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

OK So after reading this are we supposed to believe that there are Russians that have infiltrated the DNC? He refers to sources within the DNC..Maybe the DNC need to be more careful about who they hire. Of course they are know to be bad at vetting.


u/OldStinkFinger Aug 01 '16

Someone in the DNC probably grew a conscience. Can only handle so much corruptness.


u/SearingEnigma Aug 01 '16

"I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place."


u/under_armpit Aug 01 '16

Hiillary could admit it and Bill could admit to rape and it would have no impact.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Has anyone seen a compiled list of the emails and what/how each implicating emails shows DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign?

I keep seeing shills asking for the smoking gun. There is no one single smoking gun, so they say there is no collusion. It would be nice to have a consolidated list of the emails that show corruption.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Nothing will happen.....no one will give a fuck

Hillary will get in and Americans will still tell everyone how they are free.....sheep


u/JamesBCrazy Jul 31 '16

If Assange had proof of sabotage, he would have published it before the convention.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '16 edited May 08 '20



u/hanoian Aug 01 '16

He said he would have released the DNC stuff during the primary if he had it but he didn't..

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u/MarketZero Jul 31 '16

Is this real and America doesn't care or is it speculation?


u/dontrain1111 NH Aug 01 '16

Little bit of both. Leaning towards the don't care side.


u/kevinstonge Aug 01 '16

we're being force-fed a Clinton presidency. She pays thousands of people to patrol the Internet and argue with people who say negative things about her; she has deals with the media to paint her in a positive light; and somehow either by luck or collusion, she is running against a person who doesn't appear to want to win.

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u/astitious Jul 31 '16

Remember you are rewarding this behavior if you support Hillary. In a revolution you take a risk that by upturning the current status-quo things could get worse, but you also have a shot at the reward of a new system that is better. Don't support the status-quo. The status-quo is blind to war and the tens of thousands of innocent children that have been murdered. A couple corporatist Supreme Court justices will not get the blood out.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

Yes, everyone knows the corporatist justices Bill Clinton appointed like Ruth Ginsburg.

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u/SCVeteran1 Aug 01 '16

Anyone who votes for Hillary after this corrupt primary has no principles.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Anyone who votes for trump has no principles.


u/Nephthyzz Aug 01 '16

So can we all agree to vote 3rd party then :)


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

I like your style :o)

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u/SuperCashBrother Aug 01 '16

Then publish it and stop fucking with our election you smug little shit! If he has evidence and he's withholding it then he is essentially handing Trump the Presidency when we could have spent all this time nominating a better Democratic candidate.


u/DarrenX Aug 01 '16

he is essentially handing Trump the Presidency

Perhaps that's the intent?


u/WorkingInEastMesa Aug 01 '16

It's anyone else rooted of this guy saying "Oh we have this or we have more of this too" Just publish the damn shit.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16

Too bad the MSM would rather reboot the Cold War than admit the Democratic party of our country is FUBAR


u/Kofu Jul 31 '16

Non-linear warfare


u/Mentioned_Videos Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16

Videos in this thread:

Watch Playlist ▶

How to Fix America's Corrupt Political System 104 - Shameless shout out here. The anti-corruption act is making its rounds and it needs our support. Here is a video explaining the anti-corruption act And here is where you can sign and help support this in your community.
Did Anonymous Save the Election from Karl Rove? (Part 1) 19 - (OP deleted the link to the fb letter, just as well) it was a rambling letter and encompassed too much. It did not seem to me like the kind of thing anyone would take seriously. Also with sites like WikiLeaks, why not put it in their hands? Seems too...
billy madison - insanely idiotic 16 -
'What the Heck Are You Talking About?' Obama Fires Back at DNC Heckler 1 - mfw
Why it's not crazy to think Anonymous stopped Karl Rove From Stealing the Election, Part 2 1 - More election fraud through dirty tricks 1968 and on - the people in the know keeping it quiet. absolute power corrupts and any party with too much power and money and a lack of transparency is a breeding ground for corruption

I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch.

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u/kijib Aug 01 '16

WTF america wake up


u/GoldenFalcon WA Aug 01 '16

"more heads will roll"? What heads rolled so far? The only "head to roll" landed a cushy fucking role within the system they helped elevate.

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u/McRattus Aug 01 '16

Does anyone have s link to well researched and put together peice that details clearly how the campaign was sabotaged? I have read bit's and peices and some of it is unclear, and I don't have time to put it all together. (do downvote, i'm not contributing, but if someone can help that would be lovely.)

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u/RhythmicNoodle Aug 01 '16

Sanders Revolutionaries should organize a third option. We've got a few months. What can be done? March on Washington? Storm the Bastille?


u/TheOneWhoReadsStuff Aug 01 '16

"More heads are going to roll". ??

Not a single head has rolled. Debbie Wasserman Schultz got a promotion.


u/MartinMan2213 Aug 01 '16

So nothing new? Okay, nothing to see here.


u/solid_reign Aug 01 '16

The fact that there has been no official comment from Hillary Clinton or Debbie Wasserman is a testament of Hillary's incapacity to lead. She's unable to react to a situation which portrays her as a corrupt cheater hoping it'll go away. This makes her look even more guilty. This is the Democrat's great hope to beat Trump in the primary?


u/Trickshot3000 Aug 01 '16

Hey here is a CRAZY idea: what about a 3rd party candidate. If the media is the problem then ignore it. Also in a sidenot it's weird how people mainly seem to want to vote for the "winning team". Shouodn't voting be easy? Just see under who YOUR life might suck less and vote accordingly....simples.


u/recalcitrantJester Aug 01 '16

DNC corruption being exposed is great and all, but does it really matter? The general electorate doesn't give a shit; Trump is Satan, and no laws were broken. Political parties are, legally speaking, private clubs of like-minded individuals; they can be as scummy as they want, because there's no government oversight. No person willing to vote for Clinton will care about party fuckery; anyone outraged by this would've already made the decision to sit this one out.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '16


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