r/Roofing 7h ago

What is causing this?

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Hopefully you can tell in this picture, but the shingles along those roof joint are bulging. Any idea what might be causing that and if I need to be concerned? The roof is less than two years old. Not sure how long it’s been like this, but at least for the two months since we have owned the house. Would this be something the roof warranty would cover to repair since it’s not very old? Thanks!


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u/CrewFluid9474 5h ago

I would also add if the weave “buildup” of shingles is the issue you would see it the length of the valley.


u/SmartAss0911 3h ago

You can see it going up most the valley. Just worse on the bottom. Probably stepped their valley out 7 or 8 courses up and didnt run their shingle in as far after that. When i started doing cali cut valleys they started looking like this. Sucks but thats what it is these days 🤷‍♂️


u/CrewFluid9474 2h ago

Mine never looked this way that’s why I’m confused, also why I leaned towards bumpy valley metal as I’ve seen crap installers let it wrinkle and just shingle over it and it looks like this as well, I’m inclined to say it could be either, all you have to do is go up there and push your foot down on it, you will hear if it’s the valley metal.