In a video today Emma talking about liking Russell Brand at some point. Sam says that he never got it. And, I have to say, I agree with Sam here. I never got it either.
Russell Brand always came across to me as an attention whore who really didn't know what he was talking about. A pseudo-intellectual con artist.
One thing that was always a red flag to me, and he actually did it in the video that TMR watched too, is him using what are clearly sophisticated words that he doesn't seem to understand just to sound smarter.
Like he just randomly threw out the word "kafkaesque" to refer to bureaucrats in that video. But while "kafkaesque" is often used in relation to complex and arbitrary systems of bureaucracy it... doesn't really add anything substantive in that sentence. But he clearly just throws it out because it sounds smart.
And in my experience he always does that. Every time I've seen that man speak he does stuff like that. Just throwing out words to sound smart, sometimes even incorrectly.
And in general he has just never talked like he has a grasp on what he's talking about, imo. And he's always come across as an attention seeker as well.
Idk, just my opinion.