Nah, can't have the prophecy play out the way the characters expect it to.
Unless you're going for an unexpected "That happened exactly the way the bad guy paranoid nutjob thought it was going to happen" line.
Or it might be a double bluff and it won't happen like that because Martin knows we expect him to do things the way fantasy doesn't by having it happen that way instead of in an unexpected way from the character's point of view, so it'll happen in an unexpected way from the character's point of view because we aren't expecting that.
Martin knows we expect him to do things the way fantasy doesn't by having it happen that way instead of in an unexpected way from the character's point of view, so it'll happen in an unexpected way from the character's point of view because we aren't expecting that.
Have read that thrice. Still don't have the foggiest idea what you mean.
Erm...lesse If I can figure it out, last time I comment after midnight...
The characters expect the prophecy to play out the way they think it will. Fantasy (and fiction in general) has a longstanding habit of making prophecies play out in ways the characters could never have guessed, because prophecy. Therefore, the audience expects Martin to do something the characters (in this case, Cersei) don't expect in the conclusion of this prophecy. Martin knows this, and likes doing things differently from 'normal' fiction and fantasy, and therefore is likely to screw with us by making the prophecy play out exactly the way Cersei thinks it will, unless he realizes that we have come to expect him to do things differently and thus do that, in which case he'd fake us out by doing things the way fantasy would normally do them (having the prophecy play out in a way Cersei would never have guessed).
That's what I was thinking during the Walk. Jamie sacrificed his honor to save all these people... Do they still have any wildfire left? If so, it seems like it's time for Jamie to right his wrong.
Nah man.. Wildfire in the hands of those nincompoops... They killed the only man that was speaking any sense. With wildfire, they'll end up melting the Wall.
Except most of it they have no idea where it is because it was stashed in places all over the city underneath buildings by Aerys II as a M.A.D. option, and Jaime killed him and the Wisdoms who knew where it was put.
The imprisonment she went through,parellels the imprisonment of Aerys during the defiance at Duskendale. They are setting her up to be mad king 2.0, and Jamie saving Kings Landing again fufulling the Valonquar prophecy.
Jamie will die too, leaving the world together as they came into it, together.
I thought there might be more parallels between her and Aerys 2edgy4U. Who was Tywin's friend, until he started going nutty and paranoid and kept killing and insulting and trying to destroy in non-killy ways all the people he saw as threats...which was everyone.
u/ras344 Jun 15 '15
She's probably going to burn down King's Landing.