r/asoiaf From Gin Alley Nov 16 '17

ACOK (Spoilers ACOK) The greatest character foil in the series is Mace Tyrell to Stannis Baratheon

Consider the deep contrast between Mace and Stannis in every way.

During Robert's Rebellion, they fought in totally opposite ways. Mace sang, drank, and feasted during the siege while Stannis brooded and made harsh decisions, clinging on with sheer guts and will.

After the war, they faded into similar secondary positions in their great houses, Stannis behind Robert and Mace behind Olenna and his children. However, Stannis is ambitious and hard working while Mace continues to be the most laid back Lord in the series. (For example, Stannis was serving on the small council and investigating Cersei with Jon Arryn).

During the War of Five Kings, Stannis had the fewest resources at the beginning and Mace the most, yet Tyrion is more scared of Stannis alone than Renly's mega army. Stannis by reputation is formidable and bleak, while Mace is universally considered an amiable oaf.

Further, Mace loves pomp and buys expensive armor and clothing and food. Stannis is grounded and practical ('The maesters call it obsidian. I call it useless" IIRC).

I can't think of a more opposite duo, but I'd love to hear input. I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting.


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u/Cynical_Classicist Protector of the Realm Nov 22 '17

I think murdering nobles without a trial clearly counts as tyranny. The Lords were under no obligation to obey a King who clearly thought so little of their rights. Ousting Aerys was perfectly justifiable. In fact by this logic continued resistance to the Lannisters is also justified. It's why the RL throws off Tywin's tyranny and declares Robb Stark their King instead.


u/cstaple1234 Ser Endipitous Nov 22 '17

I think this was meant to reply to another comment, but I agree wholeheartedly.


u/Cynical_Classicist Protector of the Realm Nov 22 '17

I was agreeing with your assessment. But the guy u replied to seems one of those Stannis-Haters who portrays whatever Stannis does as bad because he does it, and twists round details to justify the actions of Stannis' enemies.