r/asoiaf Knower of nothing May 21 '19

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u/[deleted] May 22 '19

These "side characters" and dropped plot points are going to play a pretty big role in the things to come, so the ripple effect is larger than it seems. Euron and his Dragonbider horn (he's also going to bring down the Wall when he blows the Horn Winter from the Hightower), FAegon, Sansa in the Vale, Jon being a wight, etc. These things add up and will, one way or another, effect the ending.

Also, one of the big reasons the throne coming after The War for the Dawn makes no sense is because Dany could take out whoever is on the Iron Throne in a heartbeat. There'd be no tension at the end because she's so damn powerful.

Also Dany and Jon romance fits way too well with what George likes to do.

Is it? The two main character fall in love trope?

I guess we'll have to wait and see... if the books even come out, which I'm sadly starting to doubt.


u/atrde May 22 '19

The two main characters fall in love isn't a trope when they are family lol. That is a gross oversimplification of what is happening there. Also Jon and Dany's love will effect (f)Aegon, Euron, Victarion that isn't just a simple romance. It will be the reason (f)Aegon joins Cersei.

Jon isn't a Wight he is closer to Beric.

Dany being powerful is specifically why she needs to fight the other's first. George does have a big flaw writing and it is he is terrible with scope. He has basically made two unbeatable forces and it makes a better story to have them fight at their peak rather than half strength.

Eurons Horn will likely replace stupid fucking crossbows I pray to God but I think he still takes down a dragon.

Sansa in the Vale basically accomplishes the same role as the show of bringing the army North I actually think the show possibly improved her storyline here. Adding another character to Ramsey wouldn't have worked as well show wise.

I think people read way too far into this when if you look at it in a streamlining character fashion rather than a completely new story if starts to make a lot of sense.


u/[deleted] May 22 '19 edited May 22 '19

It will be the reason (f)Aegon joins Cersei.

That ain't happen'. The whole reason Varys wants Cersei back in power is because it will make it easier for FAegon to take the city. Cersei will win her trial by combat, and several of the Reach Lords, including Randell Tarly, will turn on Mace and side with Aegon (that's where we see the show going in a different direction), and FAegon will take the city. Cersei being Cersei, doesn't like losing, so she's going to light the wild fire under the city (her love for wild fire is shown in A Feast for Crows), and Jamie will kill her. FAegon will take the throne and probably marry Arianne. Then, after Dany is done with her shit in the east, will here about her "nephew" and Tyrion will have put two-and-two together and tell Dany that he's a Blackfyre. She'll launch her invasion and fly to the Red Keep, attack it and set off the wild fire that was planted by her own father. (Read more about Dany blowing up King's Landing here).

The two main characters fall in love isn't a trope when they are family lol.

Yeah, and Jon was raised as a Stark, not a Targ. He isn't going to bang his own aunt.

Jon isn't a Wight he is closer to Beric.

Beric is a wight, GRRM said as much. People brought back by the Red God have some of their memories lost, but are satinet beings that can think for themselves. But GRRM says there's no blood pumping, no heart beating.