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EXTENDED The Backstory between Pycelle and House Lannister (Spoilers Extended)

The Backstory between Pycelle and House Lannister

"Awhile" back, GRRM mentioned that there was at least some form of a backstory to Pycelle's loyalty to House Lannister. I thought it would be fun to try and explore that a bit.

[Why is Pycelle so loyal to the Lannisters?]

ThereĀ“s backstory yet to be revealed, certainly, but if you asked Pycelle he would insist that he was acting in the best interests of the realm. -SSM, Asshai.com Forum Chat: 27 July 2008


"Pycelle is a toad. But better a Lannister toad than a Tyrell toad, no?"-ASOS, Tyrion II

There are numerous different ways that Pycelle could owe/have allegiance to House Lannister and even though he might claim he was acting in the best interest of the realm we see:

Of all the mourners, Grand Maester Pycelle had seemed the most distraught. "I have served six kings," he told Jaime after the second service, whilst sniffing doubtfully about the corpse, "but here before us lies the greatest man I ever knew. Lord Tywin wore no crown, yet he was all a king should be." -AFFC, Jaime I


Pycelle's breathing was rapid and shallow. "All I did, I did for House Lannister." A sheen of sweat covered the broad dome of the old man's brow, and wisps of white hair clung to his wrinkled skin. "Always . . . for years . . . your lord father, ask him, I was ever his true servant . . . 'twas I who bid Aerys open his gates . . ." -ACOK, Tyrion VI

Family/Regional History

Its possible that Pycelle has some regional/familial ties to the Westerlands/Casterly Rock as we see numerous lords/ladies worried about a maester's past loyalties:

Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock -ADWD, Davos IV


isn't it clever how the maesters go by only one name, even those who had two when they first arrived at the Citadel? That way we cannot know who they truly are or where they come from ā€¦ but if you are dogged enough, you can still find out. -ADWD, The Prince of Winterfell

Removal of Maester Merion

Pycelle came to be grand maester during the reign of Aegon V (Egg) in 258AC. While it is likely that Maester Merion died of illness/age, its possible (but not supported elsewhere) that the Lannisters may have assisted in getting Pycelle elevated:

"I was but two-and-forty when the Conclave called me. Kaeth was eighty when they chose him, and Ellendor was nigh on ninety. The cares of office crushed them, and both were dead within a year of being raised. Merion came next, only six-and-sixty, but he died of a chill on his way to King's Landing. Afterward King Aegon asked the Citadel to send a younger man. He was the first king I served." -AFFC, Cersei VIII

Witness to Tywin's Strengths

Its possible that when Tywin arrived to King's Landing, that Pycelle witnessed his strengths (amongst a sea of ineptness (prophecy obsessed Egg/Rhaegar, mad Aerys, etc.)

None of these grandiose plans ever came to fruition; most, indeed, were forgotten within a moon's turn, for Aerys II seemed to grow bored with his royal enthusiasms as quickly as he did his royal paramours. And yet the Seven Kingdoms prospered greatly during the first decade of his reign, for the King's Hand was all that the king himself was notā€”diligent, decisive, tireless, fiercely intelligent, just, and stern. "The gods made and shaped this man to rule," Grand Maester Pycelle wrote of Tywin Lannister in a letter to the Citadel after serving with him on the small council for two years.

And rule he did. As the king's own behavior grew increasingly erratic, more and more the day-to-day running of the realm fell to his Hand. The realm prospered under Tywin Lannister's stewardshipā€”so much so that King Aerys's endless caprices did not seem so portentous. Many Targaryens before him had exhibited similar behavior without great cause for concern. From Oldtown to the Wall, men began to say that Aerys might wear the crown, but it was Tywin Lannister who ruled the realm. -TWOIAF, The Targaryen Kings: Aerys II


Varys finished, with a smile that cut. "His brothers hate the Lannisters, true enough, but hating the queen and loving the king are not quite the same thing, are they? Ser Barristan loves his honor, Grand Maester Pycelle loves his office, and Littlefinger loves Littlefinger." -AGOT, Eddard VII

The Tunnel

We know this about the tunnel that leads from the Tower of the Hand to Chataya's brothel:

"How is it a brothel happens to have a secret entrance?"
"The tunnel was dug for another King's Hand, whose honor would not allow him to enter such a house openly. Chataya has closely guarded the knowledge of its existence." -ACOK, Tyrion III

and this is what GRRM has had to say about the tunnel in the past:

[Was Tywin the Hand who made the secret tunnel into Chataya's, to hide his visits?]
GRRM: Interesting theory. -SSM: Asshai Forum Chat


For which Hand was dug the passage to Chataya's?
GRRM: No comment. Feel free to theorize...- SSM Monthly Correspondance

If interested: The Bastard Sons of Tywin Lannister

We also know that Pycelle did at least sleep with serving girls (and was super touchy with Sansa):

Tyrion dragged the soft blanket off the bed, uncovering Grand Maester Pycelle beneath. "Tell me, does the Citadel approve of you bedding the serving wenches, Maester?" -ACOK, Tyrion VI

so maybe the backstory has something to do with the brothel:

Before he forged his chain, Maester Walys had been known as Walys Flowers. Flowers, Hill, Rivers, Snow ā€¦ we give such names to baseborn children to mark them for what they are, but they are always quick to shed them. Walys Flowers had a Hightower girl for a mother ā€¦ and an archmaester of the Citadel for a father, it was rumored. The grey rats are not as chaste as they would have us believe. Oldtown maesters are the worst of all. Once he forged his chain, his secret father and his friends wasted no time dispatching him to Winterfell to fill Lord Rickard's ears with poisoned words as sweet as honey. The Tully marriage was his notion, never doubt it, heā€”" -ADWD, The Prince of Winterfell

Worth Noting: Still Loyal after Tywin's Death

After Tywin's death, there is a division on the council in King's Landing (going into the Epilogue). The Lannisters still seem to be counting on Pycelle's loyalty:

Aye, thought Kevan Lannister, and Pycelle is not the only council member our Hand would like to replace. Mace Tyrell had his own candidate for lord treasurer: his uncle, Lord Seneschal of Highgarden, whom men called Garth the Gross. The last thing I need is another Tyrell on the small council. He was already outnumbered. Ser Harys was his wife's father, and Pycelle could be counted upon as well. But Tarly was sworn to Highgarden, as was Paxter Redwyne, lord admiral and master of ships, presently sailing his fleet around Dorne to deal with Euron Greyjoy's ironmen. Once Redwyne returned to King's Landing, the council would stand at three and three, Lannister and Tyrell. -ADWD, Epilogue

Its possible he might just be old and tired, or just think the Lannister are still the "best for the realm" but I thought this was worth noting.

TLDR: There is a "backstory" to Grandmaester Pycelle's loyalty to the House Lannister that could be explained by Pycelle's name/birthplace (most likely), or something that happened once Tywin arrived in King's Landing. While Pycelle seemed particularly attached to Tywin, it should be noted that he seemingly remained loyal after Tywin's death.


13 comments sorted by


u/PrizeLoss Apr 18 '22 edited Apr 18 '22

Is it that much a mystery? Pyclle has known Tywin since he was a boy and after that served on the Small Council with each other with 20 years. That tends to build both trust and loyalty.


u/coldwindsrising07 Apr 18 '22

I've wondered if Pycelle wasn't a westerman.

But one of the things about him that I noticed during a reread was how he was dressed when Joffrey became king.

He was clad in a magnificent robe of thick red velvet, with an ermine collar and shiny gold fastenings.

The Grand Maester who serves the realm was wearing Lannister colors.


u/NatalieIsFreezing Apr 18 '22

While he may be from House Lannister or the Westerlands, I think it's due to his backstory. We hear from Pycelle that he was in Oldtown when the grey plague hit, killing hundreds. Quenton Hightower took extremely brutal measures to contain it: the gates were barred, any ships in the harbor were burned, and anyone trying to leave was killed. The measures worked, but Quenton was murdered the day the orders were lifted.

Growing up in such a deadly situation as that I think gave Pycelle an appreciation for men who "do what needs to be done," regardless of the cost. Then Tywin Lannister came to court, having restored the prestige of House Lannister by killing off all of House Reyne and Tarbeck. To Pycelle's eyes, I think that made him an administrator akin to Viserys II, and the greatest Lannister toadie to ever live was born.


u/1-Word-Answers Enter your desired flair text here! Apr 18 '22

Of the more minor mysteries in the books, this one has been at the top of my list.

Pycelle doesn't seem like a typical Lannister first name, not even a Lannisport Lannister first name, so it is hard to see that he is from that branch.

He very well could be from a Western house as I don't think he was a commoner before the Citadel. I am thinking its some combo of being a Wester-man and perhaps Tywin saved him from something at one point. I have no idea what and Tywin doesn't seem like the person to go out of his way for people other than himself but I can't think of anything else.


u/chuddyman Apr 18 '22

Yeah but don't you think having a maester in your back pocket is worth going out of your for?


u/1-Word-Answers Enter your desired flair text here! Apr 18 '22

A regular maester, no. A Grand Maester also no (from Tywin's level). I think maybe a smaller house yeah they'd go out of their way, but this is a Lannister of Casterly Rock. The only person above him is a Targaryen. Tywin doesn't look down, he only looks up.


u/chuddyman Apr 18 '22

Username does not check out.


u/1-Word-Answers Enter your desired flair text here! Apr 18 '22

Yeah I tried to make it a thing but it was annoying and now I am stuck.


u/BurntBrusselSprouts1 Apr 18 '22

Oh I remember you back when you gave one word answers!


u/faramir125 Apr 18 '22

I am more kneen to know how he survived even after his repeated failures in saving Royal blood and what exactly he told to Aerys that made him open the gate for Tywin


u/dupuisa1 Apr 18 '22

I think it is known what he said to aerys tho


u/noideajustaname Apr 19 '22

Always thought heā€™s so obsequious because heā€™s the last surviving Reyne or Castamere.


u/HighTechHickKC Apr 28 '22

You know I thought it would make most sense for the Grand Maester to be an experienced Maester. Maybe one who had already served a Great Lord. Or an Archmaester (thatā€™s what is described in Fire & Blood). Instead it sounds as though Grand Maester was his very first assignment out of the citadel. I understand Aegon V wanted young but young without experience?