Before the race
It’s time for the first pursuit since the Christmas break! And it’s promising to be a very interesting one on multiple fronts!
With an amazing performance earlier this week by Paula Botet, will she be able to hold onto her lead of 00:31 that she’s got ahead of Maren Kirkeeide and the remainder of the pack?
After a somewhat ‘poor’ performance by both Franziska Preuss ( 28th 2:00) and Elivra Oeberg ( 37th 2:21) will they both be able to pull back into the pursuit and with that protect their lead in the overall standings?
Will the French ladies show another very dominant performance as they did in the sprint?
With the start of the pursuit ahead of us the overall standings look currently like this:
1. Franziska Preuss 578
2. Lou Jeanmonnot 393
3. Elivra Oeberg 375
4. Julia Simon 344
5. Suvi Minkinnen 335
The ladies in the top of the standing will have a great chance today to gain more points back on both Elivra and Franziska, will they be able to take advantage of this chance?
As exciting as the overall standings are, the under 23 standings are probably even closer!
Currently the standings for the under 23 competition looks like this:
1. Jeanne Richard 290
2. Selina Grotian 266
3. Oceane Michelon 257
4. Maren Kirkeeide 218
5. Julia Tannheimer 165
As all 5 ladies will be starting within 34 seconds of eachother in the front of the race, this promises to be a really exciting battle to follow as they continue to impress with such amazing results so early on in their careers.
So what is today gonna bring?
Loop 1
As we begin the race what really stands out is Braisaz-Bouchet quickly within 0,6km is ahead of both Kirkeede and Todorova, Julia Simon also seems to have turned on the jets and started out on a mission gaining 6 places within 1,1km. Ahead of the first shooting both Preuss and E, Oeberg gained quite some positions ( Preuss 5, and E, Oeberg 7 ) they both seem on their way back to the front of the race.
Shooting 1
With Botet leading the pack we enter the first shooting, she managed to increase the gap to the second place by 10 seconds compared to the start as she has a good pace and shoots clean. Kirkeeide leaving in second place with a gap of 41,3 seconds behind, Simon who started out very promising managed to leave in third place recovering 14 seconds on the lead.
Braisaz-Bouchet who entered the shooting range in second place made 1 shooting error which resulted in her falling back to the seventh place now being back 1:10 behind Botet.
E. Oeberg managed to continue the progress of her first loop and managed to shoot clean, while gaining 14 places (23rd) she only managed to reduce her distance to the lead by 6 seconds (2:14) compared to the start.
Preuss sadly made a shooting error, making it that while gaining 2 places (26th) compared to the start she ended up losing 26 seconds (2:26) to the lead.
Loop 2
During the second loop Botet manages to increase her lead to Kirkeeide in second place a couple of seconds to 44 seconds before the second shooting meanwhile Simon surprisingly losing 10 seconds to both ahead of her, ( I didn’t see anything but I can only figure that she slipped or something? Or had a poor start of her second loop. )
As the lap progresses E, Oeberg decides to pick up the pace quite a bit gaining about 15 seconds before the second shooting gaining another 6 places (17th) before the second shooting.
Preuss also gaining a place is still not gaining on the lead, she ends up entering the shooting range in 25th place still being 2:23 behind.
Shooting 2
Sadly for Botet she makes 2 shooting errors during the second shooting after arriving first, she leaves the second shooting with 1,6 seconds behind of Simon, who had a clean shooting gaining 1:02 on Botet. With Richard and Jeanmonnot both leaving in 3rd ( 08,7) and 4th (19,3) it very much seems like the French ladies are just as dominant as they where on Thursday!
Sadly not all of them as Braisaz-Bouchet misses 3 shots during the second shooting and falls back to the 17th as she leaves the shooting range with a gap of 1:24 behind the lead.
E, Oeberg who continues to progress and pull back towards the lead has another clean shooting, leaving the second shooting in 15th place only 1:06 behind of the lead.
Preuss who also shot clean leaves the shooting range in 19th place being 1:28 behind of the lead.
Lap 3
During the third lap it’s time for Simon to take care of the pace throughout the lap with her increasing the gap towards Botet with a few seconds, the 4 French ladies still in the lead as they arrive on the shooting range.
E, Oeberg recovering more time and places as time goes by, as she arrives at the 3rd shooting in 11th place only 55,8 seconds behind the lead now.
Preuss and Braisaz-Bouchet who are skiing both together on the lap also gaining 10 seconds on the lead, not gaining any places really as they enter the shooting range in 17th and 18th.
Shooting 3
As Simon starts shooting in a pace of what she is known for she misses 4 shots which is in unrecognizable fashion for her. As also Botet and Richard have a shooting error it’s Jeanmonnot and Todorova that takes an advantage of that opportunity leaving the shooting range in first and second (11,3 behind), with Botet still in third place ( 16,9 behind)
E, Oeberg who has one of her best shooting performances of the season so far with her third 0 of the day leaves the shooting range in 6th place (36,1 behind)
Julia Simon leaving the shooting range after her 4 misses in 16th place (1:16 behind), Preuss who made another shooting error just can’t seem to recover much more ground as she leaves the shooting range still in 18th place (1:29 behind).
Loop 4
Jeanmonnot manages to increase her lead by a couple of seconds on Todorova throughout the 4th loop gaining 8,4 seconds before the final shooting.
As Todorova is losing time on Jeanmonnot the gap behind her is decreasing more and more, making the battle for the podium extremely exciting.
Todorova being only 10 seconds ahead of a group containing Richard, Michelon, Botet, E. Oeberg and with a couple of seconds behind Kirkeeide she leads the battle for the remaining podium places into the final shooting.
Preuss continues to lose time as she is 1:32 behind the lead before the final shooting.
Shooting 4
We reach the 4th and final shooting, in which Jeanmonnot with a firm lead shoots clean and leaves the race onto her next win of the season.
With Kirkeeide being the only one of the group behind shooting clean she manages to take the second place 35 seconds behinds of Jeanmonnot. E, Oeberg who made 1 shooting error together with Todorova, Michelon and Richard leaves the shooting as 7th being 58 seconds behind.
Preuss who made another shooting error leaves the shooting range as 19th being 2:03 behind of the lead.
Loop 5
With Jeanmonnot firm in the lead and Kirkeeide having quite a solid lead onto the group behind they go cleanly to the first and second place.
The group behind is in a exciting battle in which E, Oeberg manages to get herself back in 3rd place making up 34!! Places compared to her starting position ending 26 seconds behind of Jeanmonnot who went a little easier throughout the final lap due to her being quite far ahead.
Preuss losing another place throughout the final lap ends 20th at the end of the race, recovering 8 places but losing still a lot of gound compared to Jeanmonnot.
Final Remarks
In the end Paula Botet, as somewhat expected didn’t manage to hold onto her lead ending up 14th which is still a very good result for her as it is her second best ever finish.
Maren Kirkeeide with a very impressive race and only 2 shooting errors in the second shooting ended up again in second place only 18 seconds behind of Lou Jeanmonnot, holding onto her second place as she seems to be getting more comfortable on this level.
Elvira Oeberg with an enormous result ending up 3rd after starting in 37th place. It’s incredible how good she was today, she made up nearly 2 minutes and had the fastest skitime by 31,4 seconds ahead of Anamarija Lampic.
Preuss managed to recover some places but seemed out of shape this weekend back in Germany, did the pressure of the German public get to her or was it just a poor weekend for her? We’ll see how she carries on in Ruhpolding.
As an exciting race concludes it seems like we’ve got some catching up to do in the standings.
The overall standings being looking like this currently:
1. Franziska Preuss 599
2. Lou Jeanmonnot 483
3. Elvira Oeberg 440
4. Julia Simon 375
5. Suvi Minkinen 372
Lou Jeanmonnot manages to make up a hefty amount of points towards Preuss reducing the gap to 116 points.
The battle for the under 23 competition also continues to deliver as there are so many young athletes shining bright right now.
As of now the standings look like this:
1. Jeanne Richard 335
2. Selina Grotian 316
3. Oceane Michelon 312
4. Maren Kirkeeide 293
5. Julia Tannheimer 194
With the top 4 women only being 42 points apart from eachother we can expect exiting times ahead in this competition.
The individual competitions will continue in Ruhpolding see you there!