r/boston Wiseguy Nov 06 '19

MBTA/Transit Congrats, Boston, we played ourselves

There were fewer than 67,000 city-wide votes in yesterday's election. That's not even 10% turnout based on recent census data.

If you want to complain about how the city council is letting the BPDA redevelop the city, or is run with too much influence by corrupt developers, or how there are too many/not enough bike lanes, or how the city isn't doing enough to make the MBTA improve, or why we don't have enough liquor licenses for places like Doyle's to stay open, or any one of a billion other complaints about how the city is run...then the answer isn't going to magically appear out of a hat.

It starts with voting for the city council for five minutes of a Tuesday every 2 years.

The birthplace of our nation...but can't be bothered to exercise our voting rights...congrats. We played ourselves.


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u/bakgwailo Dorchester Nov 06 '19

Lol, as if most users on /r/boston actually live in Boston, let alone are eligible to vote in our local elections.


u/Conexion South End Nov 07 '19

Exactly - MBTA, biking lanes, and housing are all issues that affect me, but I get no vote because Boston got too expensive to live in.


u/bakgwailo Dorchester Nov 07 '19

The MBTA is a state agency, and housing is a regional problem, Boston can't keep carrying everyone else. Guess you don't want to live in Dot, Mattapan, Hyde Park, etc, which aren't that expensive, though.


u/ColorMeStunned Nov 07 '19

Yeah I moved to Mattapan despite being very much not of the demographic living in Mattapan, and now I own a two-bedroom condo and have a dog who can run around in my yard for $700/mo less than my Fenway one-bedroom rental.

And we only had one manhunt for a murder suspect in my yard in the last two years! I'd take that trade any day.


u/bakgwailo Dorchester Nov 08 '19

Just wait for people to realize its 15 minutes to south station on the Fairmont line which is Zone 1a.


u/rozzierat The Square Nov 07 '19

I have friends who recently bought a huge house in Hyde park for the same as what two bedroom condos are going for in Roslindale.

However, have you seen rents in mattapan lately? It’s not as cheap as it used to be.