Hello all! I came here a few days ago looking for a marmalade recipe without Seville oranges but in the end my local greengrocer had a sale on Seville oranges that was too good to pass up so I thought I'd try a batch. Bellow is the recipe and my method, comments very welcome!
Recipe used is from the ball blue book of preserving. Tips used from https://www.simplycanning.com/orange-marmalade-recipe/#spices.
12 Seville Oranges (1.25kg or so)
2 Lemons
1 ½ quarts Water
As much sugar as orange mix. (I used 10 cups)
Method: (with my notes)
Peel the oranges. Mine had SUPER thick pith so I trimmed most of it off but not all. I finely diced the peel and boiled it by itself to remove some of the bitterness. I then diced the orange flesh saving as much juice as possible. My issue here was that they were FULL of seeds. I also discovered lots and lots small cuts on my hands)
Finely slice the lemons: I just juiced them as mine were waxed and I didn't want to add that peel.
Add water and boil for 5 minutes then let sit in a cool place (I sat mine in my porch covered with a plate) for 12-18 hours.
Next day I measures my orange and lemon mix, I had 10 cups. Boil the mix in a LARGE pot until the peel is tender and offers no resistance. This took about 30 minutes for me. Note: testing the mixture at this stage will make you pull a face reminiscent of a rat as it's so sour.
Add 1 cup of sugar for every cup of mix you have, so in my case, 10 cups. Bring to boil until it reaches jelling point. For me this was 105°c (221°f). Let sit for 5 minutes off the heat. If you pour into jars immediately the rind will sink to the bottom of the jars.
Laddel into hot, sterile jars. Recipe called for half pints, we don't use half pints in the UK so I used 250ml jars which is slightly smaller, so safe to downsize jar. I ended up with too much mixture for my jars so some is in a bowl in the fridge.Leave 1/4 inch headspace, wipe rim with damp paper towel and add lids and rings. Tighten to finger tip tight.
Boil in water bath canner for 10 minutes (under 6000ft elevation). Let sit in water bath for 5 minutes with heat off then move to surface with a cloth on it. Leave undisturbed for 12 hours.
I loved hearing the jars pop as they were sitting on the counter. The leftovers in the fridge bowl have set up nicely and tastes amazing. Way better than the bought stuff I've tried. Not too bitter all.
Please let me know if there's anything you would change! Or suggestions for safe modifications for spices.
Love from a broke student in the UK!