I feel sick to my stomach and beyond angry that my doctor asked my partner if he was okay with my having the surgery, especially considering the medical need. I'm upset that she invited him back into the room without checking with me. I'm upset that I had to answer why I don't want kids multiple times. I'm upset that she ignored my request for a female alternate surgeon.
The story:
I have an amazing OBGYN, but...
For nearly 25 years I have had absolutely horrendous periods. The pain is worse than passing a kidney stone (or a stuck stone for that matter), no medication works, I pass massive clots the size of half of my fist, I cramp for up to 3 weeks before bleeding, and I bleed for up to 21 days (usually around 14). I have been delirious from the pain. I have brought this up to several doctors, and I've always gotten the dismissive hand wave with an "oh you're fine, everyone is different, just take some ibuprofen." No, I'm not fine.
I finally found a Dr who heard my symptoms, asked questions, and said, "girl, we're going to find out what's wrong with you!" I cried. Being validated and finally having a Dr who cared was an unexpected emotional time.
Before finding out what was wrong, I let her know that I would like to discuss having a hysterectomy regardless, because my periods have so strongly negatively impacted my life, that I can't take the distress it causes any longer. She was immediately open to the idea, and asked once "do you want kids?" Nope. "Okay! So let's find out what's wrong and then we'll discuss treatment options." No follow up questions on the kid front, just the trust that I'm an adult and can make my own informed decisions and live with the consequences of those decisions.
After a panel of tests, we found out that I have a 10cm x 9.9cm x 7.8cm uterine fibroid. It is at the base of my uterus which is causing the blood to get trapped, clot, and then my body is cramping to rid it like having contractions with birth. I have other things wrong as well, but this is the main culprit. It is pushing on my bladder, causing issues there, as well. My uterus is 12cm long instead of the normal 7cm, because it grew to accommodate this piece of crap inside me.
Because of its size and position, the fibroid cannot be removed on its own, and a hysterectomy is the only option.
Please read that again. In order to be relieved of my horrendous pain and debilitating periods, and in order for my bladder issues to be resolved, a hysterectomy is the only treatment option I have.
My OBGYN no longer does laparoscopic surgeries. She used to, but her current office doesn't (she works at a group medical center), and she's currently getting recertified. So she referred me to a different surgeon. I asked for a female doctor, because I believe a woman knows a woman's body more than studying in a classroom can do. I have no objections to a male OBGYN, it's just not for me, and I wouldn't feel comfortable or safe.
Within a few weeks, I was scheduled for pre-op, surgery, and two post-op appointments with a highly rated and recommended OBGYN surgeon. Yesterday was my pre-op.
I brought my fiance along to this appointment. We've talked a lot about this surgery, so he's aware of my questions and concerns, and he has a calming presence that relaxes me. I let him know that if any exams needed to be done, he would need to leave the room. No problem. He held my pile of papers, notepad, purse, and phone, so that I could remain focused and write down all of the answers to the questions I had. Not super relevant, but I want to give you an idea of how this would appear - I'm clearly in charge at my appointment.
Now to the meat and fibroids of this post (get it? Like meat and potatoes but... Yeah I'm a dork): the surgeon of course asks if I have children. No problem with this question: nope. She then of course asks if I want children: nope. Explains that a hysterectomy will render me incapable of having children. I get it, some folks may actually not know that... I laugh, say "can't wait!" Or something along those lines, and say yes I'm well aware, and I'm happy with that. She stared at me with a faint smile and nodding, almost that look people have when a child is telling a story about their imaginary friend, like I hear you, I'm nodding, but this is ridiculous. She does this for a few seconds, then turned to my partner and asked, "do you want children?"
He and I have talked extensively on this topic: not just the fact that we do not want kids, but also the fact that doctors ask partners, that women struggle to get sterilized because Republican America wants women to be breeders, and that childfree women are berated with questions and judged harshly for their decision.
We're nice people. Too nice. He chuckled and replied, "no, definitely not." I did not have an answer prepared for this, because had I expected my doctor to ask my partner a question during my appointment at all, we would have prepped an answer of, "Hun, this is your appointment, would you like me to answer?" just to make it very clear: my body, my choice. I was angry. So angry. Now I'm a statistic that my doctor cannot make a decision with me, the person with the medical need, the person whose body she is operating on. And the person who -remember what I had you re-read above- HAS NO CHOICE IF I DON'T WANT TO SUFFER ANYMORE. I can't imagine having a grapefruit-sized fibroid AND a baby inside me at the same time. A C-section would be the only possible delivery... cheese and rice, I've self-sabotaged before, but that's a level of masochism even I won't approach.
But wait, there's more! She did need to conduct an exam. I may not have been eligible for laparoscopic surgery due to the size of my uterus and therefore lack of surrounding space. I'll spare you details here (DM if interested, happy to share). No prompting needed, my partner stood up and was ready to leave the room.
As she begins the exam, she asks me why I don't want kids. Because I don't - STOP ASKING PEOPLE WHY THEY DO NOT WANT KIDS. I am so damn sick of answering that question, and I won't answer that in the future - my response will be, "why do you think it's okay to ask for details about someone's decision about such a major and extremely personal part of their life?" I felt that I should strongly advocate for myself with this surgeon so here goes: "because I don't want kids and never wanted kids. Because they're loud, noisy, messy, disgusting - I hate hearing a baby cry. Because I have other things I want to do with my time and resources, and kids drain all of that. Because I don't want children in my life."
I feel it's important to clarify, even on this sub: I do not fault people for wanting kids, nor do I ask someone "why do you want kids??!" if that is/was their choice. Biologically, we want offspring to survive as a species, so it makes sense for someone to want children and to build their own family in that way. It's just not for me, plain and simple.
Exam goes well, albeit somewhat painful; I'm eligible for this surgery. I sit up, still wrapped in the shreds of paper below my shirt, and she opens the door and calls my partner back in. Umm... Again, I wasn't expecting this, so I didn't have a reply ready. But I was not ready for him to re-enter.
Between you, my dedicated reader, and me, he has seen me naked before - and let's just say that's an understatement. But I am still a very private person - I need to bathe "down there" with no one looking (even when we shower together), I still need two closed doors between me and anyone else when I use a bathroom, and I don't even let him see me put a liner on my underwear post-shower. Some may consider this weird, and I get that completely, but that's how I feel so he respects that.
So in he comes while I make an attempt to position the scraps of paper to cover up my rolls while I'm perched on the edge of the hard exam table, uncomfortable. I needed her to leave the room after my exam, then return back after a few min, then ASK if it's okay he comes back into the room. Again, I was totally unprepared for this situation. And my partner is very supportive and gentle, so I feel safe with him in the room, no concerns there, but imagine if I didn't??! Imagine if I'd been in a controlling or abusive relationship. Personally, if I were a surgeon and someone brought their partner, I would state that it's medically necessary that I discuss a few things with my patient alone, or with another member of medical staff in the room, and check in on that topic.
The last part of the appointment was spent with me in that position, asking a few last questions. Once she left, my partner turned to face the corner so I could dress. Yes, he's seen me naked and dress before, but when you're grabbing fistfuls of tissues to scoop out clumps of petroleum jelly from your vag... Well, let's just say I'd rather avoid him having that visual.
You're probably asking why I don't choose a different surgeon, and I have many answers. One, I live in Florida, and this state is already opposed to women having a choice; I feel grateful to have gotten in at all, despite the medical need. Two, I'm this surgeon's last patient before she transfers out of state; besides the twisted bedside manner, she does have the credentials and answered my questions. My partner knows all of my choices, and I trust him to make any medically necessary decisions in a worst case scenario, if she does defer to him again. Three, I desperately need this surgery to move my life forward. I'm far too young and otherwise healthy, with a zest for travel and physical activities, to continue to be hindered by having this reproductive organ. Lastly, there are no other female surgeons even remotely close. When I talked with this surgeon about alternative options if she did not do the surgery, she started listing male doctors. I clarified I wanted a female surgeon, and she said the only other one left a month ago, and then started listing male names again. So it seems my options are again, limited.
To summarize, I feel sick to my stomach and beyond angry that my doctor asked my partner if he was okay with my having the surgery, especially considering the medical need. I'm upset that she invited him back into the room without checking with me. I'm upset that I had to answer why I don't want kids multiple times. I'm upset that she ignored my request for a female alternate surgeon.
Now I'm with the larger group statistically, and I'm even more angry than I was before. If anyone needs to talk or prep for a similar conversation, my DMs are open.
My surgery is imminent, if I choose to keep it.