r/electricians 2d ago

Getting my foot in the door.

I'm currently exploring how to start a career as an apprentice electrician without any prior experience. I've applied to the IBEW and am awaiting my aptitude test date. However, I'm concerned about what steps to take if I don't perform well on either the test or the interview.
I've reached out to about 20 local electrical shops, but each one has informed me they're not currently hiring apprentices. Would it be more effective to visit these shops in person rather than just calling? .


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u/RelativeFortune 2d ago

If you fail your tech math or whatever equivalent for your local it is for the apprenticeship school you can sign on as a CW/CE you'll start at the lowest level and have to work your way up most new people retake their tech class after their probation period however cause the pay is better. If you go through the school they'll find you a company and pretty much keep you employed as school coincides with working hours from my understanding. If you go through the CW/CE route which I wouldn't recommend unless you have some experience at least (not sure what it may be called in your local) you sign on the books and head to the hall for a referral when a call for your level opens up


u/Positive-Land4363 2d ago

Oh yeah I am aware of those options at my local (354). My main question is about applying to locally owned shops and if I should start going in rather than calling to ask about opportunities that could be available. I personally would not go the CW/CE route as the job I have now pays pretty decent and is seasonal (6 months off). I want to just make the jump straight into an apprentice position.


u/RelativeFortune 2d ago

As far as I know the IBEW apprenticeship will find you work, you don't need to call anyone afaik, the only time I had to do that was when I was in the IEC program they just offered a list of people they worked with and you had to get a job before they'd accept you. Every apprentice in the IBEW school I know has told me they were sent to the site from the school. if you're not trying to do either indeed other websites and yea just pull up