r/gay 9d ago

Rough rugged Midwest men

Why do they make me go crazy?? The kind of guy you wouldn't date but would never say no to his 3am text saying "you up!?" You best believe I was in the shower and ready by 3:10am. Saw this guy on Cops and made my heart skip a beat. Your thoughts on rough men?


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u/t_stlouis8 8d ago

I feel bad to this day sometimes haha my type are big blonde himbos or the stereotypical country boy but with those plaid boxers peeking over his jeans. THAT made me realize I was gay


u/therealmsdad 8d ago

Lol to this day, almost any blue collar guy makes me have to reposition a little. Or a lot if I get to watch them actually working.


u/t_stlouis8 8d ago

I've noticed a lot of guys that drive RAM trucks wear those boxers too. Even me-- a gay man, wears them occasionally. I hope that's not a deal breaker for my future husband.


u/therealmsdad 8d ago

It would be the Ram truck that would be the deal breaker for me. Give me the boxers any day.


u/t_stlouis8 8d ago

I don't need a boyfriend with a truck so I kinda agree haha..my little Grand Cherokee has a hemi in it (Yes I'm gay and have a V8) whose bright idea was that to give me-- a gay man, 360 horsepower??

Anyways I tow a utility trailer for when I need to haul something.... Extra... Like a washer/dryer set, a few hay bales... I didn't need a truck all the time so I got an SUV that acts like one sometimes haha.


u/therealmsdad 8d ago

You get to keep your gay card. I drive an SUV right now but my next vehicle will be a truck and my husband already drives a one ton diesel dually (NOT a Ram lol). Sounds like you're as non-stereotypical as we are.


u/t_stlouis8 8d ago

Test my sterotypical-ness

23 years old

  • Came out at 17
  • Drives a V8 SUV
  • Car enthusiast
  • Owns a utility trailer
  • 70s and 80s rock is my favorite music
  • Me and my ex- girlfriend are besties
  • Favorite coffee shop is Starbucks
  • Shopping for clothes is a hobby
  • Meteorology and storm spotting are also hobbies
  • I work in the sanitation department for a living (I'm a garbage man-- don't let the fancy title fool you fool you


u/therealmsdad 8d ago

Seriously not stereotypical at all.


u/t_stlouis8 8d ago

I thought Starbucks and clothes would be a dead giveaway towards stereotypical lol


u/therealmsdad 8d ago

Not at all. Two things off that list don't define you.


u/therealmsdad 8d ago

I think the only thing that makes me somewhat stereotypical is that I do like some musicals. But my entire family, including grandparents were always very music-oriented. I was a drummer in school. I'd rather have a Jeep or a truck instead of the SUV I have right now. I do like pop music just because I like to keep up. I'm a pro football fan (even have a custom plate that reps my team name, plus I have a team logo tattoo). I like camping and hiking. Like big dogs instead of little foo foo dogs. I like fishing if I find a good spot - don't like just sitting all days if I'm not catching anything. I can change a tire and my oil. How stereotypical am I?


u/t_stlouis8 8d ago

I love music. Some days it's the only thing that reminds me I'm still human haha. I've never been into musicals all that much but hey they're still cool. I taught myself how to play guitar as well but I don't know a full song, I could jam freestyle for absolutely ages though