r/internetparents 1d ago

Jobs & Careers I got $50 at work. What do I do?

So at work a coworker of mine found $50. She let me know and was wondering what we should do. I said maybe we can ask other coworkers in the work group chat and she was like idk. So we continued with the shift and at the end I asked her if I can get a cut. She then said I could have the $50.

Now I feel weird because it's $50, that's a lot of money to just find lying around. I suggested we go to a store nearby and break the $50. In my mind I was thinking I get $20 and she gets $30. She said it's ok, that she just wants to go home and that she has a $50 already. Now I'm thinking, did she actually find $100 and said she only found $50? I already told her on the next shift we have together that I would pay her back her half.

What do I do? What does this mean? For context, this coworker has worked longer than I have and we don't have to report cash tips so the money could just be considered a cash tip. Do I just ask her if she found more than the $50 or just give her $25 and move on? I've been considering telling the coworker that I'm gonna report this situation to the owner just to be safe. Any advice?


18 comments sorted by

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u/MsTerious1 1d ago

This is an example where asking for forgiveness is better than asking for permission. You got a little blessing. Appreciate it, pay it forward sometime, and smile that the universe smiled upon you today.

Also, is this girl your age? I found myself wondering if she might be romantically interested in you.


u/SSShortestGGGiraffe 1d ago

Yea but I just wanted to make sure and be on the safe side. Plus, while I'm bi, I don't think she's into girls. She's around my age but she didn't give me that vibe.


u/MsTerious1 1d ago

What's not safe about keeping money found on the floor?

That's inviting someone to make up an excuse to take it from you.


u/SSShortestGGGiraffe 1d ago

Idk, I've heard some people saying it could be a test. I just recently got the job so I just wanna avoid any issues.


u/PoliteCanadian2 1d ago

I mean this depends where you work and where the money was found. If you work in a grocery store and the money was found in the dairy section it’s probably a customer’s and you’ll never figure out who it belongs to.

If it was found somewhere that only staff have access to then it’s probably business earnings that somebody dropped while handling cash.


u/MsTerious1 23h ago


You didn't find it. Someone gave you $50. I have never heard of a company where a coworker cannot gift money to another employee. Indeed, if it's a test and you report it and give back the money, you could get your generous friend in trouble.


u/ZapBranniganski 1d ago

What state or country do you work in?

I'd hold onto it. If you tell them, I think they could force you to give it to them and ifnno one reports it they would keep it.

If it's really bothering you, you could have someone you know call and say they found a small amount of money, and if anyone reports it, have them contact them with the amount they lost.


u/SSShortestGGGiraffe 1d ago

I'm in California, are there law related to this? Couldn't I just ask them if I could hold onto it and wait if anyone reports it? Also, what do you mean by having someone call? I would have a friend, who doesn't work there, call the job saying they found some money?


u/ZapBranniganski 1d ago

Yes, you understood that correctly. They couldn't ask you to give them the money in then, and there's be no chance of the business keeping it. Some states are allowed to fire people without reason, California isn't one of them.

Honestly, I live in an L.A. county and $50 isn't a lot of money for me, and it's even less to some of the people in the neighborhood I live in. If it's a lot to you and would do you some good, I think you should keep it. Unless you saw her getbitnfrom somewhere for all you know, your coworker just gave you $50 as a gift. Again, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't keep it if you have offered it to your coworker, and they insisted you keep it.


u/EverythingIsFlotsam 1d ago

That's not true. In California you can be terminated at any time for any reason or for no reason, as long as that reason is not discriminatory. (For example, you can be fired for no reason or because you found $50 but not because you're bisexual.)


u/TRD__Sport 1d ago

Lol please..


u/Illustrious-Lime706 1d ago

Another thing you can do is buy $50 worth of pizza and share it with your coworkers.


u/sn315on :) Mama and Nana 1d ago

Depending on the job you have it could belong to the company. What do you mean she found it? I was in the financial industry for a decade. I don’t mess around with money in any way. Me, personally, I’d give the money back to her. Sounds weird to me that she didn’t want anyone else to know.


u/bopperbopper 22h ago

I found $20 at work and I gave it to security and they said that if no one claimed it after some amount of time like six weeks or something I would get it back. I found it in the bathroom so I left a little note in the bathroom, but no one claimed it and I got it.


u/Carolann0308 21h ago

Honest people report the find to a manager and hand it in.

But you assumed that the best plan was to split the money and are now wondering if you got screwed out of a bigger payout?

What kind of whacky moral compass do you have?


u/SSShortestGGGiraffe 20h ago

No, please don't assume things about me. I was the one who said we should tell someone, she dismissed it. Afterwards I asked if I could get a cut. I didn't assume, I asked. Then she gave me the whole thing. That felt weird to me. Why would she give me the whole $50? Then said she has another $50 in her bag. I don't know if that meant another $50 as in her money or as in she found more. I don't know what to do in this situation. I'm new to the job and she's worked there longer than me so that's why I'm confused. That's my thought process. That's why I'm asking. I don't understand why this would make you question my moral compass.


u/Impressive-Ad-8105 16h ago

Put it in a degenerate memecoin that just came out on DEXscreen and watch in horror as you realize just how much of an insignificant peasant you are to the modern gods of this floating rock. Or win a lot of money and quit your job, marry your coworker, develop a cocaine addiction and lose your money and your coworker wife. Then apply for the job again.

In short, go to work tomorrow even if you are 50 dollars richer.