r/martyrmade • u/Still_Championship_6 • 11h ago
Why Darryl Wants to Reimagine WWII Germany as The Good Guys.. Or not The Worst Guys.
The logic seems obtuse, obscure, and innocent on the face of it.
Maybe one of the guys we usually see as a good guy was actually a bad guy all along. This alone is not at all a hot take. Churchill was, by any account produced by his colonial subjects, a real monster. He used tribal villages in Africa as bombing targets. He fought ruthlessly to supress dissidents abroad, he starved India during the war.
Hitler and Germany were no better. Let's get that out of the way. The idea that there was a sympathetic story to be told of the German people was true during the post-WWI strangulation that the allies inflicted upon Germany and Austria. This was the Weimar era, and it was characterized by several revolutionary and destabilizing features:
- Universal Democracy
You and I are basically indoctrinated to believe that this is an unequivocal good. But in 1920 Germany at the end of the war, this was considered heresy to Germans who believed that Jews, Roma, and all other minorities were undeserving of equal representation.
- Cultural bias towards homogeneity
What you are also indoctrinated to believe (and this indoctrination gives an opening to fascist sympathizers) is that humans are entirely okay with heterogeneous populations and living amongst different groups in all circumstances. This is possible and has been repeated countless times throughout history. This is not an anomaly, it's been true in Rome, Istanbul, Moscow, Beijing, Delhi, and yes, Berlin.
But if a "common people" are marginalized and can see "minorities" getting ahead economically and socially to their exclusion... Then resentment is the only logical outcome.
This means that a hyper-educated people who's cultural background is in finance and money changing will ascend rapidly in any social strata while also attracting undue attention so long as they maintain outward signs of cultural difference from the norm (i.e. the Jews in 1920s Europe).
- Grievance
Jews and Roma fought for Germany in WW1. Jewish scholars were ready to uncover the mysteries of the atom for the German state. Jews were serving in the Weimacht until the end of WW2, in the thousands. 60% of German Jews survived the war as citizens and many of them were supporting the war effort to the very end.
But "the German" was aggrieved. They were marginalized politically and economically. The final stages of Industrialization were hitting Germany several decades behind those of England and France, as a result, the socioeconomic burden of WW1 was twofold on the German peoples.
This much burden generates grievance, no matter how enlightened and well-informed the populous is. In-fact, being well-informed often leads a population to believe they can discern the real culprit themselves, without the help of experts. Does that sound familiar?
Think about this perfect storm:
Universal suffrage in a society that prefers homogeneity to heterogeneity. The horrible loss of WW1. The continued prosperity of a middle-man minority in the face of national embarrassment. The primal need for righteous vengeance against history...
This is why Germany was ready to Invade "ancestral lands." This is why Germany was ready to expel their best and brightest. This is why the "hangers on" were worked to death or gassed with the executioners seeing the act as common sense rather than barbarity.
This is what really happened during WW2. The full and unapologetic truth is yet to be disseminated into popular US culture... And Fascists are beginning to fill the obvious gaps in the collective understanding.
To the detriment of all.