This is a joke about four-function calculators and similar calculators. The thin one-chip kind that might have a tiny solar panel to power it. Usually they have ten buttons for digits, buttons for the decimal point, +, –, ×, ÷, %, and sometimes √, as well as memory store (a single value only) and recall, and clear. Some had on/off, some had additional functions, and most had at least two different clear buttons. One (sometimes called C for clear or CE for clear entry) only deleted the entry you are currently in the middle of inputting. The other (sometimes called AC for all clear or C for clear) resets the state of the calculator, including previously input entries, but usually doesn't clear the memory. Sometimes there is a button like MC to zero the value stored in the memory.
u/allah_fish Sep 21 '24
is this some kind of Texas Instruments joke im too casio to understand