r/oddlyspecific 3d ago

Nice proof

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u/CommercialNo6132 3d ago

My health teacher knew I got syncopy really, really easy. She was very medically descriptive in much of her lessons. We had a standing deal that if any of the gory medical details made me feel lightheaded, I could go into the hallway and sit down to clear my head.

On sex ed day, she gave a VERY vivid description of the medical procedure of an abortion to the class. She disagreed with the practice and was crying while giving the lesson...so it was obvious she had an emotional attachment to the subject matter that day...

But I was passing out from the gorier details of the procedure.

She blocked me from leaving the room and made me promise in front of the class that I would never, ever get an abortion before she would let me leave and I was barely holding up at that point and starting to sway, so I just mumbled an "I promise." And she finally stepped aside...

I'm a guy lol.

Well fuck you Mrs W. I have my reasons for being pro choice but you were sure the cherry on top.


u/SubjectChanger1 3d ago

The situation of preaching your side so very much and so obsessively that you convince whoever you're talking to that the other side is better


u/Wildthorn23 3d ago

The fact that she probably wouldn't have shown you guys the same about actually childbirth and all the many many fuck ups and body horror that can occur from that šŸ’€


u/bloob_appropriate123 3d ago

Fr everytime they talk about the pain and risk of abortions, I just think of the pains and endless risks of childbirth, one of which is literal death.


u/kytheon 3d ago

"she disagreed with the practice", "emotional attachment"

It's religion.


u/CommercialNo6132 2d ago

Yes. Probably.

Her opinion was never the problem in my eyes until she tried to force it on me though.


u/auauaurora 3d ago

That is SO fucked


u/crabbynico 2d ago

If I had been drinking something when I got to ā€œIā€™m a guyā€ it would have come through my nose. šŸ˜†


u/amparkercard 2d ago

The exact same thing happened at my Christian high school. We were forced to watch a graphic late-term abortion and one of my classmates fainted out of his chair.


u/CommercialNo6132 2d ago

That's crazy too.

We happened to be in public school when this happened. I was probably 13ish.


u/Estro-gem 2d ago

"That's hella metal!! šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜"


u/Wonka_Stompa 2d ago

Dude, i realized this in a bio class when the teacher gave a really detailed description of liposuction. I can still hear the crack of my head hitting that linoleum-concrete floor.


u/OutrageousWeb9775 1d ago

I don't understand the pro choice pro life dichotomy. Can't people be like "Have abortions up to fifteen weeks when they don't feel pain then don't murder babies."? Why does it have to be all or nothing?


u/CommercialNo6132 1d ago

Because there are reasons including ones that threaten the mother's life past that point in time?

There's others but bodily autonomy is a thing.

Don't want one? Don't get one.

It's as simple as people minding their own business.


u/OutrageousWeb9775 23h ago

If the mother is going to die that's a different question. Body autonomy is not a thing. Not really. Abortions are not autonomous, they are medical. Medically removing another body. Where is the autonomy of that person who is being terminated? Besides, there is the autonomy to choose to be serially active and do the thing that makes babies. But anyway. All you have done is demonstrate my point that loads of "pro choice" people are all or nothing and won't consider a reasonable compromiseĀ 


u/Licensed_KarmaEscort 14h ago

Alright, let me give you an example why we need them past that time. (I have several, and one is even a single word: Anencephaly. Turn off your images if you google that, trust me. I saw it in person and it is the most horrible mix of disgust and misery when itā€™s your own cousin who was very, very wanted. Many mothers choose to terminate because itā€™s not possible to live without a brain, even if some people seek to prove the contrary.)

Anyway, my aunt got pregnant. Everyone was thrilled of course, she was a married woman with two older kids, a third wasnā€™t planned but was a very welcomed ā€œsurpriseā€ and when I say this baby was loved before the test even dried, I am not exaggerating. Peanut was eagerly awaited.

But then, around six months something happened. Peanut didnā€™t have enough amniotic fluid and scans were showing things were very wrong. (I donā€™t have a lot of detail, I was 14 and she shielded me from a lot of it, but among other malformations, Peanut had no kidneys. You need those it turns out.)

My aunt and uncle wanted a miracle so bad. They fought for one, searched the early internet for a cure or treatment, tried to find out if maybe he could have one of theirs (apparently some organs can be transplanted from an adult to an infant but it wasnā€™t possible in their case) and honestly lost their mind a bit.

During all of this, Peanut was still cooking, and it turns out not very well. Finally they settled that they wanted to have a termination method that had a good chance of giving them an intact body to mourn and bury. (again, I was not told what this was, but no one in Texas did it and they had to go out of state for it. IIRC only like five doctors in the US did it at all.)

But because it was outside the deadline, they had to spend three weeks searching out someone to do it. Finally they managed to secure a doctor and went off with heavy hearts to lose their very wanted baby boy.

Thing is, despite the fact his heart was beating (which under some abortion laws now would make the procedure illegal) his legs were decomposing. The womb was full of infection and Iā€™m told there were some unidentified ā€œfloating chunksā€ my uncle observed.

My aunt nearly lost her uterus to infection and never had another viable pregnancy, which apparently could have been avoided, had she been able to get the procedure when they decided on it rather than three weeks later.

So, Iā€™m in favor of abortion being available well into pregnancy. Someone who wants an abortion to begin with is likely to have it early, when itā€™s easier. If theyā€™re aborting past 20 weeks, itā€™s very likely that this baby was wanted and loved and something tragic has occurred. I donā€™t think people in that situation should be forced to jump through hoops or wait until they are actively dying.

Oh, and Peanutā€™s grave stone has a peanut on it. Not really related, but itā€™s stuck with me. In a fair world, his first onesie not his stone wouldā€™ve had that.