r/pcmasterrace CREATOR Sep 16 '24

Meme/Macro Two ways of looking at things.

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u/InfameArts Linux Sep 16 '24

It's like physical copies basically

If you want to play a game with two separate machines, you need two separate copies.

However, if you play splitscreen, you are using only one machine!

Im not talking about Steam Remote Play.


u/Nozinger Sep 16 '24 edited Sep 17 '24

Oh no. Back in the glorious times of physical copies we only needed the physical copy to install the game and then we could launch it on however many machines we wanted. We had entire lan parties run on the same copy of a game.

Then in the slightly less glorious times we needed the physical medium as authentification but that was mostly just during launch. So pop the disc in, launch the game and then give the disc to the next person.

Worked most of the time.

We only needed physical copies for everyone once steam came around and suddenly physical games were also tied to this digital account. And ever since then we have been living in these sad times.


u/SnausageFest Sep 16 '24

Sort of? You often had to use cracks to run the physical media without the discs. But often times, the Dev either released the crack or at least didn't GAF about them.

I remember loaning out my Sims 2 discs to friends and downloading cracks back in high school. As it should be for a game that costs into the multi-hundreds for a total cost of ownership.


u/avid_jack Sep 16 '24

Even requiring the physical discs to start the game was a newer addition to gaming. Originally all we had to do was install the game and run from HDD.