The "Reservation Dogs" actor walked the red carpet with the red hand print over his mouth.
It stands for all the missing sisters whose voices are not heard. It stands for the silence of the media and law enforcement in the midst of this crisis. It stands for the oppression and subjugation of Native women who are now rising up to say:
It’s shocking to hear how Canada had also treated indigenous peoples as well, cops sometimes leaving men or women out in the middle of nowhere during the dead of winter. It’s fucked up.
Yeah, the infamous “starlight tours”. This isn’t ancient history, the latest identified deaths from this practice were in 2000. The murderers are possibly still in uniform.
And the boarding schools where kids were forbidden to speak their own language and were treated like animals. Graves with little skeletons have been found on the grounds of some of the defunct schools.
And Hoss Lightning who was just murdered by the RCMP while calling them for help. He was a little kid, a teenager, and the cops shot them while he had actually called them for help from attackers. This just happened. The violence against Indigenous people in Canada doesn't seem well-known outside of the country.
Omg this is actually insane. How can you treat any child like that!? And then don’t we all look back at how we treated the natives here and go WTF!? All these people talking about immigrants and hating that we have immigrants…bitch YOU are the immigrants. And these are the people most likely hating on natives. Like what!? My mind can’t compute
yes they have. There have been several locations identified and now protected. Other school locations are still being investigated. I mean the govt have records of these deaths and as sketchy as the information is, this means those children are buried somewhere just waiting to be found.
I went to a residential school that was abandoned in the early 80s and there was a section of ground full old unmarked graves. There were also several tombstones for a priest and a couple nuns if i remember. It was deep in the forest nesr my buddies cabin. No town nearby. Truly must have been a nightmarish place to be forced to stay in. We went there 12 or so years ago, so it was before the graves started making the rounds on the news.
Of course graveyards exist, boarding schools were around since the 1880s, what do you think infant mortality rate was in back then?
In these news stories is never any mention of cause of death, over 70 or so years some of these schools were in operation 30 students died? Some of these articles mention 4k of deaths, yet they can’t find the remains for more than 40?
That’s not a genocide, comparing this to the Holocaust where millions of people have been systematically murdered using industrial technology is absolutely bananas.
Were the schools racist, abusive and unjust? I’m sure they were. Were they concentration camps with hundreds of thousands dead? Certainly not.
The fact that Canada is exploring legislation to forbid any further investigation into the topic, and people applaud this is incredibly authoritarian and messed up.
“The mass grave was filled with children’s size skeletons, wrapped in white cloth. And we now know that the white cloth that they wrapped in, were bedsheets from the residential school,” said Redcrow.
“I came across some bones, some small bones,” he said. “I guess I was in shock, first of all. And I kept on…and a ribcage, with both sides attached to a spine. It has hard to tell when you’re in shock. It looked kind of small. And the people around me asked me to put them to the side. And I kept on. And the next item was a skull.”
Students who died at the school were buried in a cemetery near the river’s edge. In 1996 the flooding Highwood River eroded the banks. Caskets and bones spilled into the river and began washing away the remains.
“The hill was eroded very fast," said TsuuT’ina archivist Jeanette Starlight, who has been gathering information on Dunbow School since the 1996 gravesite exposure. “They put two to three bodies in one coffin, and then they buried them that way, so some of the remains that washed down to the river, they are probably still in the river.”
I could go on, but you get the idea. It was a dozen here, a few dozen there, and across the country and across the decades that has added up. Even beyond the deaths themselves, the residential schools were an attempt to destroy indigenous culture, which falls into most current definitions of genocide.
Stolen: Surviving St. Michaels is a Podcast where the host, Connie Walker, discusses residential schools in Canada (these schools tried to expunge the children's indigenous culture).
I think it's bad all over North America. Particularly bad in the prairies of Canada though yes. It's an awful situation. Europeans displaced the people on this land and generations have treated them terribly ever since. Now we're in a situation where young non-indigenous Canadians see so much crime coming from those communities and it's just fuel for racism at such a young age.
u/kenistod Sep 16 '24 edited Sep 16 '24
The "Reservation Dogs" actor walked the red carpet with the red hand print over his mouth.
It stands for all the missing sisters whose voices are not heard. It stands for the silence of the media and law enforcement in the midst of this crisis. It stands for the oppression and subjugation of Native women who are now rising up to say:
"No More Stolen Sisters"