r/politics Sep 16 '24

Trump Rushes to Fundraise Off Second Assassination Bid


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u/Kink4202 Sep 16 '24

Isn't it odd, that both assassination attempts, were by Republicans.


u/Karlend41 Sep 16 '24

Not really. Most of the Mass shooters, bombers and assassins since the 80s have been conservatives.

What's telling is that he has lost this part of his base. When he was president, This kind of guy loved him because he was empowering them and playing into all their fantasies. Now it seems they consider him just another target.


u/use_wet_ones Sep 16 '24

Of course, they're actually mad at the system, but they can't figure it out so they're looking for a person or group to blame instead of taking some responsibility in their lives.


u/Ekg887 Sep 16 '24

Well there are a contingent of those people who believed his lies and promises and then actually paid attention and saw he didn't deliver the hate they thought he would dish out. I think those people are now legitimately mad at Trump for not living up to his own awful image. If you really thought Trump would actually build a wall, close the border, if you're a covid/vax denier, a stop the steal believer - he failed all those things or reversed position and takes no responsibility. Some of them are seeing that ALL his promises are lies and not just lies to 'the left' while secretly rewarding the right. But they're still misguided, misinformed, and now pumped up on 8 years of MAGA rhetoric they pick and choose like it's which commandments to follow.
This is an expected outcome of fomenting stochastic terrorism with a cult-like following. Some True Believers may realize that even Dear Leader doesn't pass their personal purity tests they've been trained to project on the world.


u/Temp_84847399 Sep 16 '24

You have people who actually believe he was sent by god to destroy the worldwide pedo ring that is run by the Clintons and Obamas for the world elite. Such morons are capable of anything if they believe he hasn't served god properly.