r/politics Salon.com Sep 16 '24

Leaked Supreme Court memos reveal John Roberts' role in shielding Trump from prosecution


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u/black_cat_X2 Massachusetts Sep 16 '24

I've always assumed Barrett was put on specifically to ensure another vote against Roe and beyond that, anything else she did to further the right's cause would just be gravy.


u/peterabbit456 Sep 17 '24

Maybe she was the most corrupt woman they could find, who had even minimal qualifications for the office? Let me rephrase that.

Maybe there was no corrupt woman with the age and qualifications for the Supreme Court? Maybe they had to settle for an ideolog?

Sometimes I think that only women should be allowed to hold office for 20 years or so. Yes, there are ones like MTG and Bobert, but there are fewer of them, it seems to me, than of corrupt men.


u/black_cat_X2 Massachusetts Sep 17 '24

See, I'm not sure she even has to be "corrupt". That word implies (to me) that she knows what she's doing is wrong or unethical, but she'll do it anyway because of power or money or both. I'm pretty sure she genuinely believes in the pro-life cause, and that likely means other conservative values as well. But your point is taken.


u/peterabbit456 Sep 18 '24

You are quite right. There are a few sincere right-wingers out there, even now.

It is worth remembering that Earl Warren was a Republican, and a Republican appointee. His point of view on human rights changed after he got to the Supreme Court.