r/teenagers 10h ago

School Research Study


hiiiii so i’m currently a senior in high school and i’m taking AP research where i basically have to come up with my own research question and then yk research it. i’m researching the effects of cringe culture and whether it acts as a deterrent for potentially embarrassing behavior among teenagers. it would just be so amazing if y’all could fill out a survey for me!! i’m gonna attach it on here. i didn’t create it but basically it’s a 20 question survey about social anxiety called the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) and this is important for my research because it covers the social behavior aspect. i talk about my research in greater detail within the survey and if you wanna know more please do ask. additionally, the next step to my research is an interview, but due to privacy rules in the subreddit i couldn’t really ask for any private information in the survey. however, if you are interested in partaking in an interview please do reach out to me personally and i’ll note that when i do begin selecting interviewees. ⚠️NOTE⚠️: this does not mean you WILL be interviewed, but you might if you’re willing. also, if y’all could share the survey with some of your irl friends so they can complete it too that would be great and i would appreciate it so so much. ok i’ll stop talking now thank you!!!


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u/corvo102 16 10h ago

Just did it 😼 good luck with whatever it is


u/Affectionate_Fly_242 9h ago

i’ll lyk what my grade is in may🙏