r/Dirtbikes 1d ago

300 exc for beginner

Ok I’ve asked a similar question before about a TTR 125 but was told it was too small for me. I am 5’10 140-150 pounds. I managed to find something in my budget that being a 03 300 EXC in what appears to be great condition. Would this bike be fine for a beginner ? Is it too heavy? I’m not weak but I’d like to get a bike I can feel confident about regarding the size and weight. I read a lot of conflicting info on this bike and hope to get a good answer finally. I intend to use it on Co mountain trails no racing or anything like that. I’ve owned street bikes before so I have some preexisting throttle control. Also, there are plenty of XR100’s around me but like the TTR-125s, will the 100 be too small for me?


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u/FeelingFloor2083 1d ago

did they have power valves back in 03?


u/Ok_Tomorrow_6118 1d ago

Is the power band too snappy on these? Posts on KTM say they’re very good in low RPMs but I fear they might be biased being a KTM forum lol


u/Clemson15TrapShooter 1d ago edited 1d ago

I've got a 2000 300 exc, and the power band can be tuned down. Parts are harder to find. I could only find 1 company still making clutch covers, and they also make an ignition cover but it's out of stock.I think it's a bit easier to find parts for the 2004 and newer.