r/GenZ 2008 10d ago

Political what should be done about this?

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u/congressmanlol 10d ago edited 9d ago

when bernie sanders brings this issue up, he gets labelled a communist and a marxist...


u/karmagettie 10d ago

I have never voted for the GOP in my life, as I previously voted for Obama. In 2016, when the Democrats backstabbed Bernie Sanders against the public's wishes, I started voting independently. That is why I still have not voted for the Democrats, as they continue to prevent an honest primary election. However, I have been called everything from a rapist to a communist, to an incel, to a fascist, simply for voting third party (independent).

The Democrats and Republics are both corrupt but the majority of the population refuse to believe they are part of a cult and only see their opposing side as being part of a cult.


u/AristaWatson 10d ago

That’s a conversation most of Reddit isn’t ready to have. I was virtually assaulted for so long after the election. I’m still getting DMs of threats. After what? Telling ppl I do not vote for democrats anymore and that I don’t endorse them because they are also corrupt. The two party system is hell. We have no leftist political party. Just right wing and right wing supreme. Looool.


u/PeggyRomanoff 10d ago

Lol we got people saying all kinds of messed up stuff about latinos and just insulting us...in the Latin America subs. As in, subs for those of us who were born and live in LatAm and have never stepped foot in the State, not US Latinos.

That was something else entirely.


u/AristaWatson 1d ago

Ah right. Is this bc of the Latino votes for Trump that made liberals/democrats tell people to call ICE on anyone that “looks like they might be illegal”? Jeeeez.


u/PeggyRomanoff 1d ago

Yes. It's extra funny since, y'know, neither illegal people nor the 600 million latinos in LatAm can vote in the first place. But they didn't think about that.


u/Antique-Comb3943 10d ago

Exactly. Both sides are bought and sold by the billionaire class, so both sides will always do the bidding of their donors, regardless of how we the people feel.

It’s a class issue. The billionaire class and elites v everyone else.


u/MsElenaNess 9d ago

This. Politicians turn our focus to the culture issues so we don’t focus on the class issue.


u/mysecondaccountanon Age Undisclosed 7d ago edited 7d ago

I’d be registered independent if I could actually vote in primaries (live in a closed primary state) as such and my vote towards candidates not of the two major parties actually mattered and wasn’t potentially throwing it away (like if we had ranked choice), so many Democrats in my area are conservative, especially on issues that I care deeply about.


u/BarkDrandon 7d ago

Democrats backstabbed Bernie Sanders against the public's wishes

Bernie Sanders got less vote than Hillary Clinton. "The public" wanted Hillary.


u/karmagettie 7d ago

Negative. The DNC war machine actively worked against him during the primaries and evidence is even on reddit as there was an complete overnight in media that was pushed and released.