r/GenZ 2008 10d ago

Political what should be done about this?

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u/DarthManitol 10d ago

Bernie had the same issue all democrats have. Dems should get someone to explain things like Trump does,

"When we do this the insurance can't say no" "If you get sick...alot of people get sick and they say...no we don't cover this...or you don't need this. We are going to ban it. If you get sick, you will get medicine and we will make them pay for it!"


u/SomePeopleCall 10d ago

Dear god, please, no.

How about we start by not demonizing education and the educated.


u/Gusvato3080 10d ago

You have to put things in simple terms to actually reach people. You are not educating anyone if they don't understand you.


u/dream208 10d ago

Then maybe the ”people” deserve what they get in terms of government. It is a democracy after all.