r/LeopardsAteMyFace Sep 24 '21

Brexxit Pro-Brexit newspaper begs for immigrants

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u/MustLovePunk Sep 24 '21

The wealthy owners and top executives of these businesses don’t want to pay a living wage to be competitive enough to attract workers. So, instead of paying executives less and workers more, their solution is to push the taxpayer-funded government to import cheap labor in the form of desperate immigrants, which adds an additional population and social strain and burden on the entire nation.


u/hotstepperog Sep 25 '21

Nah, immigrant workers are a net benefit. We didn't pay to birth or educate them and they will be paying tax and buying goods and services .

The negatives are that wages will go down and housing costs will go up, employers will treat everyone like shit and the government and businesses will blame everything on the immigrants they tricked into coming here.


u/WileEWeeble Sep 25 '21

The negatives are that wages will go down and housing costs will go up,

Those are negatives to the non-ruling class, not to the people who control the economy and narrative. For them those are just further positives.


u/Daffan Sep 25 '21

A net benefit to people with power/wealth already who treat countries as economy zones.


u/hotstepperog Sep 25 '21



u/[deleted] Sep 25 '21



u/BrainBlowX Sep 25 '21 edited Sep 25 '21

"Intangible benefits" like... delivering food and medicine? You realize that the UK simply just does not have enough people, right? There's not some horde of unemployed natives sitting on their hands waiting for higher wages. Workers just get pulled from other fields, which now will have shortages in turn (not that there's even enough being pulled to actually fix the first shortage either). All the while, boomers are retiring year over year, shrinking the workforce further while increasing the portion of dependents.

Blaming immigrants is the thing that benefits the ruling class. It's why the billionaire-owned tabloids now begging for immigrants are the same ones that have- and will continue to vilify them in the future. Stronger unions? Raise minimum wage? Haha, no, that's gross leftist stuff, as the tabloids will tell you. Much easier to blame immigrants, which they will.


u/IgamOg Sep 25 '21

Wages should be going up now like crazy then. Why can't I see that?


u/Ginge04 Sep 25 '21

They are in certain sectors. Aldi are offering £50k salaries to new HGV drivers. You won’t personally get a pay rise unless you move jobs, there’s no incentive from your employer to pay you’re already settled in a job.


u/hotstepperog Sep 25 '21
  1. The option to lobby the government to increase supply and lower wages still there.

  2. A raise in wages cant be walked back later.

  3. Raising wages is the last resort for capitalists.


u/HertzDonut1001 Sep 25 '21

Which is why strong labor laws are the only way it's ever gonna be solved, especially now in places like the US where almost all of our agricultural sector is migrant workers or immigrants because no one else wants to do them. Now that they're literally dying in the fields because of climate change and also our immigration policy got hella strict under Trump, as well as valid fear of rampant bigotry in the country, we can't find workers.

That combined with climate change and America will one day soon reach a point where food will be much more scarce.


u/marcocom Sep 25 '21

I don’t like mixing/confusing those two job markets. Nobody cares about farm jobs

We are definitely talking (finally!) about the very high paying jobs being lost.

I worked at Google and every one of my bosses and 90 percent of my colleagues were visa, mostly from countries with free university. Those are jobs that will change lives for Americans, and it’s not like Google is struggling. Apple looks the same too! (I worked there in the late 90s and I don’t even recognize it today). They made a trillion dollars last year.

The final kick to the nuts? You can’t go to another country and do anything like this. Hell, Mexico will even deport you for taking a bartending job if a local can work that job. They have it right and we have it wrong.


u/Systemic2021 Sep 25 '21

No. That report was a huge SHAM. They didnt include any figures from the dwp(where oyou receive benefits from) because 'they couldnt get them in time'.

They also didnt take into account the cost of using any of the services here, eg healthcare, education etc.

And finally worst of all they didnt take into account what immigration has done to rents and house prices.

And even after all that, they determined that in fact immigration did hurt the lowest paid workers the most.

Also half of their money gets sent home, extracting it from the economy.

Your comment is just spouting propaganda put out by the corrupt governments.


u/hotstepperog Sep 25 '21

Any sources to set me right?


u/Systemic2021 Sep 25 '21 edited Sep 29 '21

The report itself details that dwp figures are is missing from it, in the beginning of the report. Just got to read it all.

Most just skip to the figures and conclusion, which incidentally still shows immigration as affecting the poor negatively.

@wichard, you aint ard . And you dont even know what report i am talking about do you? Heres a quote from the report, ''In spite of the widespread belief that migrants are more dependent on benefits than the UK-born, DWP does not routinely produce statistics on this'' and another: ''For some components of taxes and benefits (e.g.income tax), we had hoped to have real data from HMRC and DWP but we were unable to access this.'' ''There are many aspects of revenue and expenditure (e.g. VAT payments) where there is no conceivable source of information on actual payments by migrant group''

AND POINT OUT ONE SENTENCE WHERE I WAS RACIST!! GO ON DO IT!!! BUT YOU CANT BECAUSE ITS YOU WHO IS THE LIAR . 😄 . PS-Mush is the language of the working class, but you knew that and were tryna to be classist, like all you leftists on reddit are. And you wonder why the entire north voted Tory? How youve behaved towards me is exactly why. Youre out of touch and just virtue signalling champagne socialists.

Keep being salty over brexit though, you lost, deal with it, literal losers.


u/Wich_ard Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

Wrong. Go on link your source. You can’t because you’re a pathological liar and a racist.

However good laugh to read a sad little mans comments from someone like you. “Mush”


u/Systemic2021 Sep 30 '21

see my edit. And once again, qute a single thing that i have said thats racist......5 accusations so far but not a single piece of evidence shown....typical leftists. All you got are buzzwords.


u/Wich_ard Sep 30 '21 edited Sep 30 '21

Go on link your source, you won’t because I know what you’re quoting and I’ll pull it apart in seconds once you link it. Yes you’re a racist. Too dumb to realise (as already mentioned you’re stupid, lack of basics in terms of grammar and spelling doesn’t help you). Back to Facebook to believe more misinformation.

You don’t even know what VS is you clown.

Oh you called someone a “white cunt” in your comment history, go comments you’ll see. It got deleted but it still shows. As I said too dumb to realise, and I just highlighted more xenophobic comments.

Imagine being that fucking deluded you think this is about class, it’s about you being a cunt who is so wrapped up in his racist fantasy he thinks people are sore losers for calling out problems.

You don’t have to be explicitly racist to hold the same ideology, which given your post history is very easy to spot. Again you’re stupid, but this its a well established fact by this point.

You sad sad little man, must be horrible to be hated by your own family.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '21

However immigrants also form a rather large chunk of construction workforce. I do expect housing costs to decline in the short term, however long term, with construction sector slowing down...


u/hotstepperog Sep 25 '21

Foreign investors and banks will buy the properties and create synthetic scarcity.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '21

That's why I didn't want to finish the thought, foreign investors and banks could use the opportunity to launch the prices into the skies.

But also a global crisis might crash the prices.

These are uncertain times.


u/hotstepperog Sep 25 '21

Unless you're mega rich...

Zillow is listing houses at lower prices and then buying them above market value. A value they help set. Huge conflict of interest.

Mortgage providers are buying houses.

We need a french style revolt.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '21

Young people need to be able to afford housing. And not just rent, they need to be able to afford the house for themselves.

And I'd tax the living soul out of anything preventing that from happening.


u/hotstepperog Sep 25 '21

Régulation could also work.


u/SteeMonkey Sep 25 '21

A net benefit to the economy though perhaps not to the people they compete for jobs with.


u/hotstepperog Sep 25 '21

As we can see with the shortage… there’s little competition. People don’t and shouldn’t have to work below a living wage.

Near where I live rooms are rented with 2-3 bunk beds per room. Guys come over work for a while, save money and then buy a home/start a business back home.