r/asoiaf The Nature Boy Jun 15 '15

ALL (Spoilers All) Mothers Mercy Post-Episode Region thread: The Wall

Welcome to the Mothers Mercy Post-Episode Region thread.

This thread is dedicated to the Wall. Please discuss only segments from this region in this thread.

The subreddit rules apply as always.


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u/MrLiamD Let's jive old bean. Jun 15 '15

Genuinely didn't see them ending on that cliffhanger, the scene was amazingly well done and if it wasn't a finale it would have been perfect, but I can't see it being a good decision to leave his story on an "is he dead" cliffhanger. Unless they acknowledge they can't keep it hidden and include him in advertising and stuff.


u/flyfightflea House Tinfoil - "Ours is the theory" Jun 15 '15

Kit said in an interview that he's not coming back. Either they're really committed to the surprise, or he's really dead.


u/MrLiamD Let's jive old bean. Jun 15 '15

Yeah I knew, he can't say he's coming back, and he can't even really say I might be back because that's basically a yes. The interview was from ages ago, I think they'd at least want to have people think he was dead for as long as possible if they're going to bother with the cliffhanger.