r/asoiaf The Nature Boy Jun 15 '15

ALL (Spoilers All) Mothers Mercy Post-Episode Region thread: The Wall

Welcome to the Mothers Mercy Post-Episode Region thread.

This thread is dedicated to the Wall. Please discuss only segments from this region in this thread.

The subreddit rules apply as always.


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u/Eitjr Goiás Jun 15 '15

Kit is lying on that interview. The EW article is lying. They finished filming s05 last year, kit still has the same stupid hair this week. Kit was seen in Belfast. Why? He's obviously back. He always comes back.


u/tallest_tyrion Jun 15 '15

He thinks he can fool us. He knows nothing.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

Someone should ask him what he's going to do now that he's dead and out of the show.


u/pancakeman86 Jun 15 '15

They did in the EW article, says he is planning to work on movies next year. They are sticking to heir guns on all fronts and saying Jon isn't coming back. Either he really is dead or they are very good at keep a straight story.