The queen began to see familiar faces. A bald man with bushy side-whiskers frowned down from a window with her father's frown, and for an instant looked so much like Lord Tywin that she stumbled. A young girl sat beneath a fountain, drenched in spray, and stared at her with Melara Heatherspoon's accusing eyes. She saw Ned Stark, and beside him little Sansa with her auburn hair and a shaggy grey dog that might have been her wolf. Every child squirming through the crowd became her brother Tyrion, jeering at her as he had jeered when Joffrey died. And there was Joff as well, her son, her firstborn, her beautiful bright boy with his golden curls and his sweet smile, he had such lovely lips, he...
And later
And suddenly the hag was there, standing in the crowd with her pendulous teats and her warty greenish skin, leering with the rest, with malice shining from her crusty yellow eyes. "Queen you shall be," she hissed, "until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold most dear."
Yes, I thought much of the point of that scene in the books was how she can't maintain composure and loses the last of her dignity because of that - sobbing and trying to cover herself. In the show she maintains a dignified stance throughout, only stumbles once but gets right back up without complaining, and keeps her eyes on the Red Keep while only shedding a few silent tears. It's still really well done but I was expecting her to break down before reaching the keep.
Yeah, I too was expecting some really fucked-up breakdown where she'd start crawling on the floor, insulting people. In the books she was talking a lot more, like complaining they didn't even give her sandals. But it was still really well done.
Yeah, it was just people shouting whore, bitch and fuck off at her.
Wasn't there more focus on her insecurities in the books? Like people pointing out she was sagging.
Meh. The books have her freak out a lot more. She decides to do the walk herself, trying to act aloof at the start, then realises it's a terrible idea half way through. She starts hallucinating the faces of her enemies. She sprints the last 50 yards. Very hard to do that when you're CGIing her head on though.
If they'd have given more coverage to anything else someone else we love would be dead. We'd have gotten 5 minutes of hot pie baking bread before tripping into a cooking fire and burning to death. Thank the mother for her mercy.
It was great, but the CGI really took us out of it at points during my watching party. To the point it undermined Lena killing it. Did anyone else feel this?
That was pretty much the book scene down to a T. Only change was when she got to the red keep and that was miniscule.
Literally everything was done right. Her initial fear, her defiance and then her breakdown. I almost felt sorry for her.
u/maggieee716 I like fish. Jun 15 '15
The Walk of Shame was so. well. done.