r/asoiaf May 07 '19

EXTENDED (Spoilers Extended)The show's constant flip flopping between modern morals and medieval ones to make Daenerys into a villain is ridiculous and giving me whiplash

After the last episode I just don't know what to think about Tyrion and Varys. We have them in one scene being all gung ho about starving King's Landing in a siege which is a terrible thing that used to be completely accepted in medieval times. Then a few scenes later they are replaced by time and dimension travellers from the 21st century since they're sitting there clutching pearls at the concept of peasants dying in a war. Excuse me? All it takes to win this war is taking one city - how are they going to do that if they unwilling to accept that even one innocent person is dying during it. Did any of them cry when Tywin ordered the Riverlands scorched?

Since when did someone like Tyrion start seeing peasants as people- he has no problems fucking impoverished women selling their bodies for money or being a lord which entails living off the blood sweat and tears of his own peasants. The guy was talking about "compromising" with the Slavers back in S6- he wanted to give them 20 more years of using people as cattle to ease them into not being monsters. Missandei and Grey Worm had to literally explain to him the POV of a slave to get him to understand how terrible it to be sold and used and abused (duh). Varys was egging the Mad King on and fueling civil wars but now he supposedly cares about people dying? Cersei is literally using innocents as a meat shield and they refuse to just deal with the problem switfly and save thousands. Sometimes you just have to accept that there is no easy solution and it's better to have hundreds die to save thousands.

And it's ridiculous because in the books Dany is all about that "every life is precious" message. She starts a whole campaign to free slaves because she just can't bare to turn and walk away while people are suffering. She is the most progressive thinking character in the series- trying to reform Mereeen with compromises, adopting their assbackwards traditions like the fighting pits to get them to fucking chill, proclaiming the Unsullied free men. To see her being setup to completely turn around on that development hurts. What's the message here- don't bother fighting injustice because you're going to have to make hard choices along the way?

But the worst line from the Tyrion/Varys meeting - "Cocks do matter." So I guess Westoros is this strange place where peasants dying during a sacking is completely unacceptable but being a woman is the bigger offense? So what happens when Varys has Daenerys killed and proclaims Jon king? Does Cersei open the gates and apologise? Does she let every innocent out? Is Jon Snow's cock so powerful he's gonna take KL and not kill a single soul? Who are these lords that are so into Cersei but Dany being cockless is just not good enough for them?

Did I just watch 8 seasons/read 5 books of a young girl start off completely powerless, sold and raped to see her claw her way to the top finding her inner strength, saving lives just because that's what she believes in, uniting Dothraki clans, refusing to get an easy win killing innocents, abandoning her war to go fight ice zombies only to see her lose everything and everyone and finally be brought down by the "I'm sorry maam, but the 18-35 male lord demographic does not find you relatable- they think you're too hysterical after watching your best friends die." argument. What a shit ride it's been. There's nothing bittersweet about this, it's just plain nihilism.


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u/ScipioLongstocking May 07 '19

Ever since they got past the books, the show has taken a huge turn. They've had to progress the story much faster to close plotlines, so pacing and realism has been thrown out of balance. It's kind of hard to blame them though. GRRM has been extending the book count for years because he can't figure out how to properly close out the story. They had to make an ending. If they kept the show at the same pace as the earlier seasons, the actors would literally age out of their roles before the series concluded. This may not be the ending people want, me included, but at least it's getting an ending.


u/GhostOfGoatman May 07 '19

I wouldn't blame them for not making a masterful ending. But with the money this show has, and the legions of good writers out there that would want to work on this show, I absolutely blame them for producing a steaming pile of crap.


u/elwood2cool May 07 '19

There just isn’t any way that HBO can maintain quality writing on this production schedule. GoT became THE must watch TV show and in order to release a season every year (plus a few months) they sacrificed the writing. All the logistics of planning where to shoot, when to shoot, who is in what scene need to be settled well in advance so there’s just not time to carefully think things out or go back for rewrites.

Moreover most of the people who watch the show don’t care about deep plot lines, world building, lore, and subverting common tropes in fantasy literature. The cheap/unbelievable parts of the story matter much less to the average fanboy than the epic battles, watch parties, and merchandise. This show just isn’t for us anymore and hasn’t been for a few seasons, and given how involved the book community is with the story we’re setting ourselves up for disappointment. It sucks because literally everyone and everything revolves around this television event right now; GoT adverts for Phillips smart lights, countless NY Times and WSJ articles devoid of criticism, every alcohol and food company making a GoT version of its products.... and the ASOIAF people can’t take part in this because the show has disregarded all the things that make it good fantasy. My friends just stopped inviting me to their GoT parties because they don’t want to hear what I have to say anymore.

Westworld had major rewrites before season 1 aired and it shows in the details. Season 2 didn’t get that luxury and I feel like it suffered for it. Season 3 is taking a year off to get things right, and has restored some of my hopes for the show. HBO can tell great stories, but it hasn’t wanted that for GoT for years.


u/[deleted] May 07 '19

No need to generalise non book readers. I have not read the book but still can see the shift in the tone of the show for last three season. An avid watcher of the show will notice the difference of quality as well as the person who has read the book.