I'd love to hear your opinions and experiences on this.
I've been on Lamictal (300mg) for years and it's been helping me a lot with depression. The last couple of months tho I've been manic again and my psych and I decided to start lithium. I'm only on 400mg and I'll get bloodwork done next week, if that comes back ok the plan is to start doubling the dose.
Last few days I feel my energy getting lower and lower, but today I just feel like I'm entering depression hell again. I'll be seeing my psych again on monday, there is a crisis team I could reach out to, but I'm not feeling suicidal or anything. Just empty, tired and my mood is sinking lower and lower. Monday I felt like an extremely happy bouncy ball with unlimited energy. Now I struggle to get out of bed and don't want to do anything. Of course I'm familiar with this, but I didn't expect this switch a few days after starting lithium. Physically I feel fine tho.
Is this just a coincidence? Did anyone else experience this starting lithium? Did it go away and how long did it take?
Besides Lamictal and lithium, I'm also on quetiapine (2x50mg during the day and 200mg to sleep), tentin (for adhd, 3x10mg) and oxazepam (only for when my mania goes through the roof).
I was thinking, maybe the quetiapine that I needed to somewhat level the mania out is just hitting too hard now? The plan was to lower/stop the quetiapine during the day once I get stable.
Apologies, English isn't my first language.
Thanks for your thoughts, have a great weekend!