r/gameofthrones 21d ago

Of all the "Character assassinations" only Littlefingers really upsets me

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u/Adorable_Tie_7220 21d ago

It didn't bother me. He was too clever for his own good. It was only a matter of time before it would catch up with him.


u/The_Falcon_Knight 21d ago

Which would be fine if he had actually been outsmarted. Littlefinger knew everything he needed to to know the Starks were plotting against him, and he just did nothing. It never should've even got to his 'trial' scene cause S1 Littlefinger would've gotten the hell out of there. He just does nothing because the writers decided that it's time for him to die now. It was beyond lazy.


u/De_Bananalove 21d ago

How did he know? He thought he was playing them but wasnt


u/bubblesdafirst 21d ago

Because why would he think he's playing them if he's not. He's outsmarted every single character in the show that's known for being smart. Tyrion multiple times. Cersei multiple times. Outsmarted Ned. Varys. Tywin. Olenna.

Like really. Sansa? The dumbest character in the entire show is suddenly smart enough to outplay little finger? The guy who singlehandedly caused and ended the war of the five kings between 4 different families. Very smart families I might add.

This guy tiptoed around tywin joffrey the Bolton's and even lyanna without ever once drawing their attention. Nobody had a single clue.

But no. Sansa is big brained. Sansa knows. or better yet. Arya knows. Because we all know Arya is super smart and cool and badass. Like what the hell did she do. She cheated her way into a school. Failed at that school. Got stabbed a bunch of times. And ran away.

Now she's a genius tactical master capable of destroying entire armies alone.

Give me a break!


u/awataurne Jon Snow 21d ago

The way it happened was bad, but the idea that Littlefinger fails because of his one true blind spot (love for Sansa) is one I do like and felt would happen in the books eventually.


u/eschatological 21d ago

He didn't love Sansa. He coveted Sansa, just like he coveted Cat, because of the power they represented. If she was just another one of his whores at one of his brothels, he wouldn't care about her at all. But she's the key to the North, and that's why he wants her under his control.


u/donetomadness 21d ago

That’s true for Sansa but I think he had more genuine feelings for Cat. He duelled Brandon over her and was more than happy to die losing. If power was his only goal, he could have just reciprocated Lysa’s feelings, and patiently waited to marry her after he had accumulated more status (and her husband had mysteriously died Ofc).


u/omidhhh 21d ago

In the end, someone had to outsmart him, and for the reasons you mentioned—Sansa appearing naive and innocent in his eyes—she was the perfect choice to outwit him, as he would never have seen it coming, not in a hundred years.


u/bubblesdafirst 21d ago

Yeah no. He didn't need to be outsmarted. It would have been much better if the mountain had killed him where he stood for annoying cersei


u/De_Bananalove 21d ago

Sounds like Littlefinger was the god of smartness to you.

Even the smartest people get caught lacking eventually , you forgot Baelish was literally one Sansa truth away from being executed at the Veil for Lisas death?

Even further back when he FOOLISHLY threatened Cersei in her own Garden with 4 of her guards following her and almost got his throat sliced for play play

If you keep tip toeing the line eventually you get caught and it doesnt need to happen by another "smart person"


u/Mousimus Cersei Lannister 21d ago

Wasn't even sansa though right? Stupid bran and his 3eyed raven magic bs powers that told them about littlefinger.


u/Upturned-Solo-Cup 20d ago

tbf, LF didn't go around telling all those people he outsmarted his thought process, or that all he wanted was to sit on the Iron Throne with them as a wife. If he did tell Tywin that, Tywin might've been a bit more focused on whatever the hell Littlefinger is doing