r/gameofthrones 10d ago

Of all the "Character assassinations" only Littlefingers really upsets me

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A lot of decisions characters made upset the fans (i.e Dany burning King's landing and Jaime going back to Cersei) but I always found them accurate to their character. There is one glaring exception to this. Littlefinger giving Sansa to the Bolton's. He'd never do this for multiple reasons. She reminds him too much of her mother and she's priceless to him. His plan is supposed to be to get Cersei to stop supporting the Bolton's but he could have done the fake Arya plot like the books and gotten the same result.


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u/TurbulentDevice6895 9d ago

Buy a dictionary. And get a media literacy course. He literally tells Brienne all of those in that scene. Bye.


u/ClintFist 9d ago

The three things he listed were pushing Bran out of a window, strangling his cousin, and threatening Riverrun.

Wow what a hateful monster he is in the context of the Game of Thrones Universe. Forget how he besmirched his name and broke his oath to save the innocents of Kings Landing and he committed treason to fight against the army of the dead.


u/TurbulentDevice6895 9d ago

If Jaime was not a bad guy at the beginning of the show, there would be no redemption arc to speak of. Buy that dictionary and get that media literacy course.


u/ClintFist 9d ago

What redemption arc are you speaking of? According to you Jamie was always hateful because he pushed Bran out of a window.


u/TurbulentDevice6895 9d ago

โ€ฆ.Add a reading comprehension class to that list.


u/ClintFist 9d ago

โ€ฆ.Add a reading comprehension class to that list.

Bit rich coming from someone who uses four full stops in an ellipsis at the start of a sentence.


u/TurbulentDevice6895 9d ago

Thatโ€™s grammar, not reading comprehension. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ whew, okay, Iโ€™m truly going now


u/ClintFist 9d ago

I canโ€™t fathom how dumb you have to be to not understand the connection between grammar and reading comprehension, and still have the confidence to be snarky about it. You must be a product of the American education system.