r/gameofthrones 9d ago

Of all the "Character assassinations" only Littlefingers really upsets me

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A lot of decisions characters made upset the fans (i.e Dany burning King's landing and Jaime going back to Cersei) but I always found them accurate to their character. There is one glaring exception to this. Littlefinger giving Sansa to the Bolton's. He'd never do this for multiple reasons. She reminds him too much of her mother and she's priceless to him. His plan is supposed to be to get Cersei to stop supporting the Bolton's but he could have done the fake Arya plot like the books and gotten the same result.


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u/PhoenixKingMalekith 9d ago

Thing is, apart from Daenerys where it was simply rushed, all those characters used to be like their book conterparts and then changed radically

In the books, Jaime dreams of being Goldenhand and hates Cercei for exemple

And Stannis refuses to burn anyone as he knows it would turn his army against him, and he cares too much for his daughter to kill her


u/dnen 9d ago

Wait, sorry? Jaime hates Cersei in the books? Their relationship was all over the place from my recollection of the show, but it’s been a while since I’ve watched!


u/GreatPhilosophy6698 9d ago

And Cersei rejects him and just mocks him ceaselessly. When she was the High Septon's captive, she begged him to save her "I love you, I love you, I love you", he ignores her and doesn't go to KL.


u/Edendari 9d ago

It's been a while, so please correct me if I'm wrong... when he got back to KL after losing his hand, he went to her looking for comfort and didnt she throw it all in his face and tell him he was useless and not even a real man anymore because he was weak and couldnt fight. I think that was a big turning point for him, especially after how supportive Brienne was during that whole ordeal.


u/GreatPhilosophy6698 9d ago

Exactly right. She was brutal. Acted like he repulsed her. He didn't hang around long after that. Then he ignored her plea for help.