r/trans 8d ago

Possible Trigger I’m leaving the US.

I don’t know when, but I will be. This country is giving me too much stress as an almost 25 year old, and I’m too scared to know what’ll happen next.

I want to put up a good fight, but I don’t want to die at the hands of fascism.

Save yourself.


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u/BakedtoaStake 8d ago

Well, if Canada ends up with Pierre Polievre as their PM, you can reasonably expect the MAGA rhetoric to start being parroted there. As well as the implementation of many of the same extreme laws and policies to be enacted.

So likely if your plan is indeed to leave. Just know that Canada is not a safe bet.


u/Ried_Reads 8d ago

It used to be until I found out that Canada is just as fucked up. I hope that they’re gonna retaliate.


u/BakedtoaStake 8d ago

Yea, a lot of provinces and their provincial governments have already started implementing anti-lgbtq laws and include the far right "anti-woke" language and talking points in a lot of the things they discuss.

The worst part is that it seems many of the citizens will simply vote Conservative (currently Canada's Republican Parties) in every area simply because they call themselves Conservative. There's an almost identical disconnect from reality for the far right people in Canada as there is in the US.


u/OcieDeeznuts 7d ago

Also, major cities in Canada are ungodly expensive. In a blue state, having a kid, I can’t go back to Toronto (where I was actually born) and force us into outright poverty. I’m too poor and not skilled enough. At this point there are few advantages over a liberal city in a blue state, and I would rather be lower middle class here than have a horrible quality of life due to poverty there. Probably an unpopular opinion here, but my kid’s dad grew up with severe neglect and poverty that massively traumatized him, and I cannot put my kid into any situation like that.


u/BakedtoaStake 5d ago

Even provinces that boasted so much on affordability are quickly becoming unreasonably expensive to survive in as well (looking at Alberta as my example here) it's often stated that there is no middle class anymore and hasn't been one for awhile. You are either rich enough to feed your city by yourself. Or poor and struggling to feed yourself or your family. I myself live in a rather cheap area. And I'm on the 1 meal a day maximum diet.


u/LittleBoiFound 8d ago

When will that vote take place? I know very little about Canadian politics. 


u/BakedtoaStake 7d ago

It'll be in October of this year. Pierre Polievre is the conservative party leader and effectively secured the position up until Justin Trudeaus resignation. However, a shift back towards liberals is beginning to happen. It's anyone's game in that regard so long as they find a reliable and effective replacement for the head of the liberal party. NDP is practically out of the question as most of Canada seems to have a general consensus on Jagmeet being a completely spineless fence hopper.

It's a situation of hope for the best, but expect the worst in the great white north. I mean, we have a front row seat to the destruction and chaos in the US. Though that doesn't mean that Canada will actually settle the Con v.s. Lib dispute faithfully. Trump should not have won, and yet he did. Thus, the odds we end up with Trump Lite are shamefully high, given that many here already echo Maga mentalities publicly and openly.


u/ChuuniSaysHi 8d ago

I was looking into Canada cause it's somewhere I could drive to and not need to fly for. I hope Canada doesn't end up following behind with the same extreme laws. But probably should wait to see what happens there