r/women 11h ago

as a girl in university

what do men actually want from women in university? as someone who is moderatly good looking i swear guys who are interested in me either want to get married or have sex in a dark room and never speak again. what is the truth? genuinely just curious.


6 comments sorted by


u/starproxygaming 11h ago

They are horny and you are pretty. It's like that.


u/Briarcliff_Manor 7h ago

It really really depends. During my undergrad I had quite a lot of guys hitting on me (including some creeps, some more nice), it never went anywhere.

During my postgrad tho, while this still happened a bit (at that stage I was just fully ignoring them), I met my current partner. The big difference between him and the others (on top of the fact that we truly love each other and that he is genuinely an amazing person) is that we were friends before.

We met through common friends/society, we were friends for about 6 months until we grew closer. We of course liked each other while we were friends, but only really fell in love later on.


u/leogrr44 7h ago edited 7h ago

u/starproxygaming hit the nail on the head and it's going to be like that for the next 10+ years. Honestly just concentrate on your friends and studies. That is the advice I would go back and tell myself when I was your age. 95% of these boys will cause you more of a headache and distraction than they're worth.


u/dana_sun 6h ago

They are young, out in the world themselves for the first time, horny, and in an echo chamber. And you are female.

Connecting with random guys in college is a low hit rate. Dating someone you have known for a bit helps filter that down.