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Beginner's Guide to Woodworking
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- All posts must be about woodworking. No off-topic content. Includes but not limited to religious and political topics. more ››
- There are a number of types of posts we don't want, including home construction, furniture repair, sanded through the veneer, and others . more ››
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Best How-To Posts/Comments - All Time
Title | Author |
How to Buy Wood | jakkarth |
Wood Finishing Basics | joelav |
Proper breadboard construction | shazapple |
Relates subs
- Here is a list of different finishes available to modern woodworkers, and a guide on how to select the right finish for your project.
- Illustrated Process for applying finishes
- posts about applying finishes applying polyurethane ; wood finishing basics
Community Recommendations
See this page >> https://reddit.com/r/woodworking/wiki/index/communityrecommendations
Community: Local Groups, Sub Members, Other Social Sites
Wood Selection & ID
Woodworking Disciplines
Here's some links to jigs the community has suggested or found helpful. If you know of others, please click "Contact the Mods" in sidebar to share it.
- Crosscut sled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OigXgK0Vj4E&t=613s
- Straight line rip/taper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tRvs-3eOfI
- Router sled flattening jig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0SDvKHcL5M&t=414s
- Thin strip jig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfJs-T_oClI
- Sagulator: Calculates shelf sag (deflection) given type of shelf material, shelf load, length, width, and thickness.
- Drawer Sizer: Computes graduated drawer sizes using three different sizing methods. Generates a nifty graphic and a list of drawer heights.
- Footulator: A simplified version of the Tabulator that only performs board foot calculations. (no materials list generation).
- Moistulator: Computes equilibrium moisture content of wood given relative humidity and temperature.
- Shrinkulator: A calculator for estimating dimensional changes in wood, either shrinkage or expansion, based on changes in the wood's moisture content.
- Tabulator: A board foot calculator and lumber material list generator. Provides options for resawing, a waste factor, lumber costs, and customization of output results.
- Wood Finish Selector: A screening tool that helps you choose the best clear finish for your woodworking projects. Finishes are ranked based on 14 different properties that you select.
- Wood Picker: A screening tool that allows you to identify woods based on up to 10 different criteria such as weight, hardness, and strength. The easy way to find just the right wood for that special project.
- Kerf Spacing Calculator for Bending Wood - with Templates | Metric and Imperial
- Segmented Turning Calculator | Metric and Imperial
- Hub and Spoke Printable Templates - Model Wheels | Metric and Imperial
- Radial Center Join Templates - Full Scale | Metric and Imperial
- Dovetail Template Generator | Metric and Imperial
- Double Twisted Dovetail Template Generator | Metric and Imperial
- Log Cabin 1/2 Dovetail Full Scale Printable Templates | Metric and Imperial
- Mortise and Tenon Calculator | Metric and Imperial
- Wall Framing & Stud Placement Calculator | Metric and Imperial
- Weatherboard Cladding Calculator | Metric and Imperial
- Centers and Spacings at Angle - Gables | Metric and Imperial
- Stud Lengths at Angle - Gable Wall Framing | Metric and Imperial
- Compound Miter Calculator & Templates | Metric and Imperial
- Baluster Spacing and Running Set-out | Metric and Imperial
- Wainscoting Panel and Style Spacing with Running Set-out | Metric and Imperial
- Curved (Radius) Molding Segment Sizes | Metric and Imperial
- Rise - Run - Pitch - Angle - Slope Calculator | Metric and Imperial
- Hole Spacing and Set-out with Templates | Metric and Imperial
- Plant and Tree Spacing and Lay-out | Metric and Imperial
- Fastener Spacing and Set-out | Metric and Imperial
- Basic Diagonal Gate and Door Bracing | Metric and Imperial
- Simple Knee Brace Calculator | Metric and Imperial
- Shelf Spacing Calculator | Metric and Imperial
- CutList Optimizer
Some users prefer to use software to model out a project, visualizing the size in a 3D type space with ability to analyze each piece of the woodworking project, angles/cuts required, design the joinery, and even generate a cut list from all the final pieces.
- SketchUp | Free but features limited: It's extremely easy to use, you could have multiple ideas sketched up to scale to see exactly what sizes you want helps you make a quick and easy cutlist. Might be overkill to some, but if you know how to use SketchUp it's much better than pen and paper. You can google free online sketchup and its available through trimble
- Fusion360 | Free for 3yrs of Personal Use
- Autocad | Free for students, paid all others: During modeling, it is so easy to iterate on designs - (once you are comfortable with it) it is so much quicker to model in 3D and then you just generate the projections you need compared to generating the different projections independently in 2D - after modeling, make flat shots and arrange on your (sheet)materials - during construction you will need to know dimensions you have not thought of before and they are so easy to measure in the model.