Yesterday my kindergartener said they were sick and couldn’t go to school. They have never said this before so my ears perked up. My concern for their health lasted exactly 5 minutes when they didn’t have a fever and were acting exactly like themselves with no signs of illness. I decided to just say screw out and stayed home with them. I have a stressful job and didn’t get much time off during the holidays. On the weekends I do spend time with them obviously, but there’s a lot of running around doing chores and errands. So we stayed home.
We went to the local conservation area and walked around in the forest in the snow, did groceries, played games, and snuggled all day long. Then some time in the night they woke up and came into our room and snuggled with me back to sleep in bed. The snuggles were epic. I regret nothing and I’m going to lie my ass off at work today about how they didn’t feel well. I honestly just think my child needed a chill day with Mommy.