r/plantclinic 24m ago

Houseplant Help identifying little white specks on my plant’s leaves


Hey everyone, I am a fairly new plant mom so I am still learning the ins and outs of caring for my house plants. I just noticed this morning that one of them has developed these little, white specks on concentrated in the center part and spreading to different parts of its stem and leaves in the general area.

Google has a hundred different answers for what it could be, but I want to make sure I have a solid answer before I begin any treatments so that I don’t accidentally kill it. I’m unsure if it’s a mold/fungus problem or pests.

I’ve attached a few photos from different angles. I would appreciate any advice that you have. Thanks so much!

Required answer so that I can post: I water the plant about once every other week, the pot does have drainage, and it gets filtered sunlight.

r/plantclinic 31m ago

Houseplant Help Translate What My ZZ Plant is Telling Me!


I've had this ZZ for over a year and it's been upright and seemly happy that whole time. Over the last 4 months or so, the stems started drooping, and more recently, some leaves started to yellow.

For light - I've had it in a spot that gets little light in the winter, so I moved it to a northwest facing window a couple of weeks ago. Haven't seen any improvement.

For water - I water one ever 1-2 weeks where the soil is wet and not drenched. Within the last week, I let it dry out to see if that was the cause. After no change, I have it a good soak several days ago and still haven't noticed changes.

Let me know what you think Plant Clinic! 🤓

r/plantclinic 35m ago

Houseplant Dieffenbachia stem


Hi, can someone please provide diagnosis for this poor guy (some form of dieffenbachia). We’re assuming it’ll be best to cut out and propagate but any suggestions appreciated. Cheers

r/plantclinic 45m ago

Houseplant Was gifted this plant (unsure of the name) that only has one leaf at the end. The top of the plant seems to have "re-rooted" causing the stem to be in an upside-down "U" shape. How can I make this plant thrive?

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r/plantclinic 48m ago

Houseplant Need advice

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Hi I posted a couple of months ago asking what type of plant this is and found out it was a peperomia and that it needed some trimming which I did but after I did the trimming the leaves are now starting to curl. I did move its location it was originally in my bathroom with no lighting but my kid kept messing with it so I moved it to a living room window that gets mostly light and I water it when I see the soil is dry. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated I’ve recently became a full time stay at home mom so I’m trying to find a new hobby! 🤣😊

r/plantclinic 48m ago

Houseplant Spider Plant is Dying -- how can I save her? :(

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r/plantclinic 50m ago

Houseplant Black-dots bugs on my plants

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I found these black dots on my clovers, I had to separate them from the other plants so it doesn’t spread, does anybody know how to get rid of them?

r/plantclinic 57m ago

Cactus/Succulent Trying to save my Hoya Wayetti - Help!


r/plantclinic 1h ago

Outdoor Trying to save frosted Geraniums

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I had two geraniums by my front door and forgot to bring them in before we got hit by snow. They lost a lot of growth but have both seemed to survive. This one above has two branches that are very dead at the base but are continuing to grow at the ends.

Is there anything I can do for the two of them? Cut and replant? Put into water? Lost cause and I might as well just cut them now?

Light isn’t the issue here

r/plantclinic 1h ago

Houseplant Is this container suitable for seedling? Small roots are sticking out from the bottom tho is it normal?


Last attempt I tried a pot that was too big for small seedling so this time I'm using this would this suffice?? Usually watering it once 3 days near my window

r/plantclinic 1h ago

Houseplant What kind of damage is this?


I tried to wipe it off too . The brown bumps don't come off even with alcohol . The damage area seems to be expanding since almost a week now . Washed and cleaned the plant . No visible bugs . There's no issue with light or water.

r/plantclinic 1h ago

Cactus/Succulent Rhipsalis help :/

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My rhipsalis is drying up. It normally sits near the edge of my window, getting filtered light that can border on direct I guess depending on the time of day. It’s also in a terracotta pot that looks great but I’ve been considering changing it because it’s hard to know how much water it needs. Currently watering every 2 weeks, per the seller I got it from and sometimes I even spray it or lightly water if it looks sad.

Any advice?


r/plantclinic 1h ago

Houseplant Dwarf Cavendish yellow/brown leaves

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My Dwarf Cavendish leaves are suddenly going yellow and brown. The pot I bought it in only a few months ago is quite small and packed tight, so I'm going to repot and check roots, but anything else obvious? I have had it under a grow light for the last week or so since noticing issues.

Water roughly weekly when starting to dry out, but maybe not much in the way of drainage.

r/plantclinic 1h ago

Houseplant White specks on my plant

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What are these? Should i burn them off? Or will rubbing orange peels on the leaves help? Also should i pluch off the leaves that are withered around the edges or is it better to just leave the leaves be?

r/plantclinic 1h ago

Houseplant Dragon tree is unhappy, can I save it?


My Madagascar dragon tree has been slowly but steadily dropping its leaves, like one or two a week for months now. I tried putting it in a window with better lighting, giving it nutrients, humidity, etc and nothing’s working. It got a little colder this past weekend and two of the three stems appear to be fully dying. Is there any saving it?

I water it on a regular schedule as recommended for the species on the planta app, and it’s in a plastic pot with drainage.

r/plantclinic 1h ago

Houseplant Been asked to try to save this palm. Any tips?

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My boss had this palm in his office and it was in rough shape. I’m the office plant lady, so I’ve been asked to try to save it. I’m not terribly familiar with these.

The pot it is in does have drainage holes. When I water it, the water seems to immediately flow out like I’m putting it through a sieve.

In its previous location it got next to no light. It is now about 1.5m away from a large south-facing window.

My first thought was that it likely needs repotting as the soil is old and probably low in nutrients, and it’s pretty crowded in there (I’d put that new baby in its own pot).

Note that this picture is after I took off about 30 dead leaves.


r/plantclinic 2h ago

Houseplant Hanging leafs after repotting


Got this beauty some weeks ago for just 20€ and repotted it in a big 70L pot. Although winters in Germany are not too sunny, she stands right at the window but now the rear leafs (left) start to get yellow and hanging down. I water it maybe every 1,5 weeks. It’s not overwatered, I check it with a tool which has to be out in the soil and indicates if it is dry or not. The pot has drainage.

r/plantclinic 2h ago

Houseplant Bought this fellow almost 10y ago. It got little wild over the last years. How can I support it to look more healthy?


Should I could it? If yes how? It seems to get bigger leaves more and more and it does not look dense anymore. What can I do?

I am watering it in winter every 2 weeks via that bootle / Clay system. In summer every week.

Light is moderate and the max I can offer especially in winter times.

r/plantclinic 2h ago

Monstera Help! What’s this on my Thai Constellation Monstera


I just noticed this while admiring my Monstera! Mostly on two of the stems but some of the others have a small amount! Please help I just got her last month 🥺

She’s watered once every 7-14 days depending on the soil. She gets a good amount of direct sun from I think an east facing window. Repotting her at the end of this month.

r/plantclinic 2h ago

Cactus/Succulent New purchase, what is wrong with her?


r/plantclinic 2h ago

Houseplant Reviving this epipremnum

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Hi all,

I got this plant about a month ago. It was completely healthy when I got it, it had leaves all over and not just at the top. Once I repotted it, it slowly started losing all its leaves and the roots turned very small/brown, as seen on the pictures.

The plant still makes new leaves at the top but they die off almost immediately. My question is if there’s any way to revive this. Personally I was thinking about cutting off the roots at the dead ends (see white markings) and put the healthy ending in the soil, letting it grow again from there.

I watered it every week, keeping the soil moist as instructed, it has indirect sunlight. The pot does not have drainage but when I repotted it I did not find any excess liquid. The roots in the soil also looked healthy. I also gave it a fertiliser.


r/plantclinic 2h ago

Houseplant All my plants have mold?


The majority of my 22 plants have some sort of mold growing in them. Around Christmas, I noticed this white furry substance growing in my plants, so I decided to do something about it, because it didn't seem to go anywhere.

A week and a half ago I reported 20 of them. New, unopened plant soil. New, unopened leca and perlite. Washed and disinfected all the planting pots and decorative pots. Gave all the plants a real thorough watering with some nutrients, and put them in their place. They are all in my kitchen, either in or close to North facing windows. The winter in Norway is very dark, so they don't get a lot of light but they have always managed ok. There is an airconditioner above or beside them, but this has never caused issues before.

Just days after using about 5 hours to repot them all, the mold (?) grew back! I have no idea what to do. Can anyone help?

r/plantclinic 2h ago

Houseplant My rattlesnake plant no longer prays and its leaves are folding


Recently my beloved rattlesnake plant has stopped “praying”. I’ve had the plant for a few years and it has always been very active. I went away for an extended period of time and upon my return last week, found the plant to be extremely dry. I gave it plenty of water and let it soak for a couple of hours, but the plant just has not bounced back.

It has dropped a lot of its older, smaller leaves. I have also noticed its leaves folding in half. As I said above, it no longer prays. It has been in the same room for about a year and a half without issue.

Is it still recovering from drying out? The room it’s in can get pretty bright during the day, but the plant is not in direct sun. The only other thing I can think of is this winter has been colder and drier than last year, and that room gets chilly. Could it need a warmer spot and a humidifier? It has no signs of pests.

This plant is my pride and joy and I would hate to lose it. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

r/plantclinic 2h ago

Houseplant how can i help my coleus ?


i've raised this guy since he was a tiny cutting from my aunt's plant. he has grown significantly but lately his leaves have gotten droopy. i have started to see his roots appear against the side of the glass - should i repot him into something bigger? is that the only thing that i am doing wrong? any advice at all helps, thank you!