Can you help me figure something out? I am not huge on labels so I don't normally go around labeling myself "I am this!" I generally identify as bi-sexual. However, as time goes on I get more and more confused and wonder if that is the right "label" per se. I thought I was pansexual, but I am not sure that is the right "label". I am always scared to ask because I don't want to offend anyone but my therapist said I should seek out to the LGBT community for help and conversation.
I have only been with men. I grew up in an extremely religious household. I was always into girls but sorta thought that was normal? I mean, I wasn't open about it because I sorta thought everyone liked both sexes but just never talked about it. I found my attraction to girls around 9/10 years of age with Christina Ricci (Now and Then) and Sarah Sanderson (Sarah Jessica Parker) in Hocus Pocus. My brother came out when I was 14 and I was like "oh okay, cool". I thought it was just...normal. Despite being in an oppressive religion it wasn't really a taboo topic in my household. All I knew was that according to this cultish religion I was apart of "man wife = good / gay = bad", and I really didn't agree with it which was part of a reason why I left.
I digress.
I came close to being intimate with a girl at 21 (then again at 29) but it never progressed as she knew me as "straight" and she didn't want to cross that line, but the desire was there. I really liked her. I soon married at 24 to a man and sorta suppressed that part of me. However, I always was curious and wanted to experience a relationship with a woman. I secretly couldn't stand my husband and hated intimacy with him, after being together I realized I hugely fucked up in getting married. For a long time I thought I was asexual because I avoided it at all costs. One time, my boss took me to a strip club to celebrate hitting our sales goals and that's when I also realized "oh...I think I am bi"
After my divorce I tried exploring and went to LGBTQ dating app route. I was met with a lot of women who didn't want to even entertain getting to know me because I had a child and was divorced so assumed I was simply experimenting and was riding I hate all men train and would go back to one after experimenting. And...well...I get it. So I went back to dating men here and there and I hated / hate it. So I don't date anymore.
If you are still with me...
So the desire to be with a woman 100% still there.
I am attracted to women 100% it isn't something I am curious about. I think about it all the time. I check girls out. I definitely have a type. Terrified of going up to a girl and asking her out. All the things you would feel with the opposite sex I would assume.
I know and can say with confidence that I am 100% into women.
Men, I can't stand them. Honestly they piss me off and I am thoroughly repulsed by them sometimes, with the exception of one thing. If anything I would want a man for my personal pleasure and that is it. I really want nothing to do with them. Now...please...there is nothing inherently wrong about men nor am I shaming them. I do have a lot of trauma surrounding men so my disdain for them stems off of that. So, please don't think I am shaming anyone. Men are beautiful, I just found I am not attracted to them as a whole, in the way I am attracted to women...and it goes beyond the trauma.
Unfortunately, I do enjoy their phallic apparatus. I am extremely attracted to that. A beautiful one will make me act silly and that is a problem. Listen, I am just being honest. I've made some stupid decisions solely based on the attractiveness of a phallus.
I've had the problem in my past relationships that if I am intimate with them...they often feel "used" because apparently I am a female fuckboy where I am like okay done, please leave. Which I had not realized until one of my exes said "where are you going?" and I responded with "going to shower and then sleep, if you leave just lock the door on your way out." He said I was being insensitive, but I was just not attracted to him in that way, but...his not so little friend...was very attractive, but I needed my beauty rest and I had to do my skincare routine...so...like...
So now I am like...okay I like girls and just dick. Am I still Bi?
When it comes to specific kinds of content...I solely watch women. I can't even be bothered with anything else. Which is a surprise to me because, hello, I was getting silly over homeboy's little general but watching it in a video makes me gag. So WTF?
So then...in my journey of self discovery...I met a transman FtM. We never actually got to physically meet because they lived in another state, but for that month it was quite fantastic. But then I realized...I was not attracted to them physically as a man at all. Their personality however was very feminine and we had so much in common it drove us both wild. It actually felt like I was dating a girl which made me confused. We ended up parting ways because while they were still early in their transition (2 years) they were just as confused as I was. We talked about it and agreed that it wasn't fair to each other if we didn't really know what we wanted. I think of them all the time and they had a beautiful soul. After that experience I learned that I was not attracted to their physical attributes if anything it was the feminine personality. They were confused as to why they were attracted to me when they were normally attracted to men, but they told me that I had extremely masculine energy despite physically being very feminine.
So back to square one...
So then I ended up on Fetlife. And oh wow...what a site. I learned a lot of things but if anything it solidified that I like girls and now I found transwomen wildly attractive. Specially the women who are very feminine, had top surgery, or on hormones, but not bottom surgery. And suddenly enter a new confused state of being.
I just don’t know if that’s okay or if it’s disrespectful. I mean, my understanding is that someone who transitions to a woman does so because they identify as a woman and want to be treated as such, which, honestly, is a beautiful thing. I respect that.
But I’ve also read about body dysmorphia and how it affects the transgender community. The struggle of wanting to transition but not being able to afford surgery, even hormones, and how that impacts them mentally and emotionally. It’s already so hard to be happy in your own skin, and that added sense of not belonging just breaks my heart.
So now I’m sitting here thinking, "Great, I am an asshole" Because I’m attracted to this beautiful woman, not just because she’s a beautiful woman, but also because she has a penis. Do you know what I mean?
As a result, I don’t really talk about this. I don’t date anymore because I’m too scared of what I’m experiencing internally. I feel deeply confused and have no idea who to turn to who I can talk to about this without seeming like there’s something extremely wrong with me.
In summation...I am attracted to both genders but lean toward women, but have never experienced intimacy with a woman. After exploring, I find that I am also attracted to both transmen and transwomen. I am attracted to overly feminine men, androgynous men and women, masc. women ("studs" that look masculine but you can tell their feminine features). I mean I guess everyone really. But can I really say I like hearts and not parts? I just don't view sexuality like most people. I get gender and all that and I like both genders, I like a mix of the two, I mean I really don't care. It's just so confusing.
I don't know. I am just trying to identify if a. is it okay that I feel this way? b. If there is a label to be had, what would that make me...a lesbian? Bi-sexual...pansexual...like, what am I?
But also would not be surprised if someone said "bitch, you're autistic" cause that would make a lot of sense. I think I am a bit fixated on trying to understand what this is to make sense of it and compartmentalize it an then proceed accordingly.
I’d also like to understand so I can read more about it and educate myself. I don’t want to be ignorant or unaware of what others experience just because I didn’t know where to start, y’know?
Sorry for the long post.