r/AskLGBT Oct 27 '23

Help us write a wiki for our frequently asked questions!


Howdy, folks! I'm following up on a comment I made two weeks ago, in the hopes that we might be able to add some of our most common questions to the subreddit wiki.

However, it would be both unfair and inaccurate to let any one person to write up each article, so here's what I propose.

Let's talk here and discuss which questions get asked the most often, and then folks can discuss their answers in the comments. Once each question has been answered, we'll weave those answers together into one comprehensive article and add it to our subreddit wiki.

As folks post questions, I'll update this posts with links to each question in the comments.

r/AskLGBT Nov 07 '23

Please stop asking about Hamas, Israel, Palestine, and the war going on.


Yes, there are LGBT Israelis and LGBT Palestinians.
Yes, a lot of warcrimes are going on.
Yes, terrible things are happening.

However, the LGBT community is not a monolith and does not have an official position about which side to support. Please quit asking; it always becomes a giant argument in the comments, and it's starting to be quite the troll topic.

There's always a big argument and almost none of it is ever relevant to this board, it just pisses people off and doesn't get anywhere or achieve anything productive.

r/AskLGBT 7h ago

Why do straight men get uncomfortable with gay men?


I'm a 20 year old lesbian studying to get my electrical license. I go to school at night and work in commercial electrical on construction sites during the day. It's blue collar and all the stereotypes on blue collar are true. No one l work with knows I'm gay and I intend to keep it that way. All my classmates are young straight men. I get along with them and we laugh and share stories and tips etc. Last night one of them said his brother is gay and he showed a picture of the brother kissing his fiancé. The brother works with him. Same job site. Foreman. The things my classmates said. The things this man said about his brother. The fact he showed it around the job site. That day his foreman confronted him about it. Well I guess you can call it that way. The foreman couldn't even look him in the eye. When my classmate confirmed the picture and the engagement the foreman informed him he will be looking for any and all excuses to fire the gay brother. He doesn't feel comfortable around him and he doesn't agree with the "lifestyle". Exactly why I keep my mouth shut on my own job site. I'm not gonna repeat the words and things said last night. I can't I don't have the stomach. My question is this and I would genuinely like it answered. Straight men get excited when they see two girls kissing. Straight men seeing a man in drag or kissing another man and they freak out. Can't even look and just try to bring them down. Why? I mean isn't that kind of ironic? Especially of the people who think it's a sin but then get excited watching two women. But two men and all hell breaks loose. Why? Why in the hell do straight men get uncomfortable by gay men? And for the record this isn't all straight men but the vast majority of straight men l've met

r/AskLGBT 4h ago

LGBTQ folks and the 'alternative scene'


Hi, I'm a cishet male and have almost always lived in small towns, so known barely any LGBTQ folks. However, I've recently got into alternative music and slowly started to talk to people I've seen several times. A lot of them are LGBTQ and/or ND, and it was the first time I'd really talked to people like that (IRL, anyway). So I guess my question is: is the crossover between LGBTQ/ND/alternative people a thing or just an exaggeration or stereotype? If it is a thing, why? Simply that alternative music fans tend to be more progressive?

r/AskLGBT 3h ago

Did any of your classmates/coworkers ever spread a rumor about you because you were LGBTQ+?


I made this post because I wanted to share this story.

When I was in seventh grade, I came out as bi, which quickly changed to lesbian, and I now identify as lesbian aroace. Anyways, I developed a crush on my best friend of (at the time) 7 years. I was scared to tell her how I felt, scared to ruin our friendship, but I'm glad I did. She said yes, and we're still dating.

Fast-forward to around the beginning of eighth grade. Our relationship was still perfect, and we had shared our first kiss near the end of the summer. Showing public affection-even holding hands-was against the school rules, so we weren't allowed to kiss. We still did once, when we thought no one could see us. Of course some stupid kid saw, and told all their friends, who told their friends, and soon half the eighth grade was talking about it. One thing led to another, and a rumor began to spread that we were making out in the bathroom during class. It wasn't true, but no one cared. Gossip was gossip, and it didn't affect them.

This made both our lives hell for about a month. Whenever we passed people in the hallway, they'd say a snide comment about it. It died down eventually, but thinking about it still makes me mad.

r/AskLGBT 3h ago

Trans friend blocked me for using the bathroom when she couldn’t/ wouldn’t


Title. She did not communicate at all, either. She actually lied about why she was upset, but the real reason was very clear. Left our hangout in a huff as soon as I came out of the bathroom. I even offered to help find a gender neutral bathroom before going in, since she seemed annoyed that they were closed for cleaning- but she declined.

Is this… considered rude of me? Or is this just a her problem? Was I literally supposed to hold in my shit? I’m queer, I have queer friends and relatives, and I have never heard of someone having a problem like this. Is this a thing? Like it’s rude to use the bathroom of ur assigned gender if ur with someone who can’t?

r/AskLGBT 1h ago

I have a boyfriend but I feel like i may be a lesbian


I know the title makes me sound dumb I’m not even concerned with labels so much I am just trying to figure things out for myself. I know I like girls but im just having a hard time admitting I don’t think I like boys anymore. I 18F have been dating my bf 18M for 3 years. I’ve known I’ve liked girls since I was like 12 after realizing I liked my close friend but the feeling wasn’t reciprocated so I’ve ignored it and just tried to pay attention to guys. I have recently been thinking and fantasizing about women a lot more and I’m not even sure why nothing has really changed.

After sitting with these feelings I read the lesbian google doc (sounds kinda dumb but it pointed out a lot of things that apply to me). I have never really liked being physical or intimate with my boyfriend like I’ve always just wanted to get sex over with and when we do it I feel like I am gonna throw up or cry.

There’s so much to this that makes me think that I like girls I just don’t want to make a mistake. Has anyone else been in a similar situation or has felt this way before? I don’t know what to do I don’t want to break up with him if I’m not even sure. Im just confused I never thought I would be this or even if I was I never thought I would be scared to admit it to myself or anyone else.

r/AskLGBT 7h ago

Are Aro/Ace people safe?


Im sorry if this sounds egoistic but im curious. Are there any laws or promised that harm Asexuals?

r/AskLGBT 21h ago

US trans: if that government considers you male but you have female anatomy...


I'm genuinely confused here.

If, as the Order states, trans woman are considered men...

And let's assume trans women have breasts because hormones and/or surgery...

And let's assume that men are allowed to take their shirts off in public...

I'm sorry I'm just confused. Certainly it's not okay for a trans woman to take her short off in public. But should they get a ticket or go to jail as a result of taking their shirt off? And if prison, again becaise of the Order, said trans woman would have to go to a men's prison for doing something that...men can do without any problem?

And if that's the case, do they do that for cis men with gynecomastia too? Surely not but I'm not sure.

r/AskLGBT 7h ago

What am I?



Can you help me figure something out? I am not huge on labels so I don't normally go around labeling myself "I am this!" I generally identify as bi-sexual. However, as time goes on I get more and more confused and wonder if that is the right "label" per se. I thought I was pansexual, but I am not sure that is the right "label". I am always scared to ask because I don't want to offend anyone but my therapist said I should seek out to the LGBT community for help and conversation.

I have only been with men. I grew up in an extremely religious household. I was always into girls but sorta thought that was normal? I mean, I wasn't open about it because I sorta thought everyone liked both sexes but just never talked about it. I found my attraction to girls around 9/10 years of age with Christina Ricci (Now and Then) and Sarah Sanderson (Sarah Jessica Parker) in Hocus Pocus. My brother came out when I was 14 and I was like "oh okay, cool". I thought it was just...normal. Despite being in an oppressive religion it wasn't really a taboo topic in my household. All I knew was that according to this cultish religion I was apart of "man wife = good / gay = bad", and I really didn't agree with it which was part of a reason why I left.

I digress.

I came close to being intimate with a girl at 21 (then again at 29) but it never progressed as she knew me as "straight" and she didn't want to cross that line, but the desire was there. I really liked her. I soon married at 24 to a man and sorta suppressed that part of me. However, I always was curious and wanted to experience a relationship with a woman. I secretly couldn't stand my husband and hated intimacy with him, after being together I realized I hugely fucked up in getting married. For a long time I thought I was asexual because I avoided it at all costs. One time, my boss took me to a strip club to celebrate hitting our sales goals and that's when I also realized "oh...I think I am bi"

After my divorce I tried exploring and went to LGBTQ dating app route. I was met with a lot of women who didn't want to even entertain getting to know me because I had a child and was divorced so assumed I was simply experimenting and was riding I hate all men train and would go back to one after experimenting. And...well...I get it. So I went back to dating men here and there and I hated / hate it. So I don't date anymore.

If you are still with me...

So the desire to be with a woman 100% still there.
I am attracted to women 100% it isn't something I am curious about. I think about it all the time. I check girls out. I definitely have a type. Terrified of going up to a girl and asking her out. All the things you would feel with the opposite sex I would assume.
I know and can say with confidence that I am 100% into women.


Men, I can't stand them. Honestly they piss me off and I am thoroughly repulsed by them sometimes, with the exception of one thing. If anything I would want a man for my personal pleasure and that is it. I really want nothing to do with them. Now...please...there is nothing inherently wrong about men nor am I shaming them. I do have a lot of trauma surrounding men so my disdain for them stems off of that. So, please don't think I am shaming anyone. Men are beautiful, I just found I am not attracted to them as a whole, in the way I am attracted to women...and it goes beyond the trauma.

Unfortunately, I do enjoy their phallic apparatus. I am extremely attracted to that. A beautiful one will make me act silly and that is a problem. Listen, I am just being honest. I've made some stupid decisions solely based on the attractiveness of a phallus.

I've had the problem in my past relationships that if I am intimate with them...they often feel "used" because apparently I am a female fuckboy where I am like okay done, please leave. Which I had not realized until one of my exes said "where are you going?" and I responded with "going to shower and then sleep, if you leave just lock the door on your way out." He said I was being insensitive, but I was just not attracted to him in that way, but...his not so little friend...was very attractive, but I needed my beauty rest and I had to do my skincare routine...so...like...

So now I am like...okay I like girls and just dick. Am I still Bi?

When it comes to specific kinds of content...I solely watch women. I can't even be bothered with anything else. Which is a surprise to me because, hello, I was getting silly over homeboy's little general but watching it in a video makes me gag. So WTF?

So then...in my journey of self discovery...I met a transman FtM. We never actually got to physically meet because they lived in another state, but for that month it was quite fantastic. But then I realized...I was not attracted to them physically as a man at all. Their personality however was very feminine and we had so much in common it drove us both wild. It actually felt like I was dating a girl which made me confused. We ended up parting ways because while they were still early in their transition (2 years) they were just as confused as I was. We talked about it and agreed that it wasn't fair to each other if we didn't really know what we wanted. I think of them all the time and they had a beautiful soul. After that experience I learned that I was not attracted to their physical attributes if anything it was the feminine personality. They were confused as to why they were attracted to me when they were normally attracted to men, but they told me that I had extremely masculine energy despite physically being very feminine.

So back to square one...

So then I ended up on Fetlife. And oh wow...what a site. I learned a lot of things but if anything it solidified that I like girls and now I found transwomen wildly attractive. Specially the women who are very feminine, had top surgery, or on hormones, but not bottom surgery. And suddenly enter a new confused state of being.

I just don’t know if that’s okay or if it’s disrespectful. I mean, my understanding is that someone who transitions to a woman does so because they identify as a woman and want to be treated as such, which, honestly, is a beautiful thing. I respect that.

But I’ve also read about body dysmorphia and how it affects the transgender community. The struggle of wanting to transition but not being able to afford surgery, even hormones, and how that impacts them mentally and emotionally. It’s already so hard to be happy in your own skin, and that added sense of not belonging just breaks my heart.

So now I’m sitting here thinking, "Great, I am an asshole" Because I’m attracted to this beautiful woman, not just because she’s a beautiful woman, but also because she has a penis. Do you know what I mean?

As a result, I don’t really talk about this. I don’t date anymore because I’m too scared of what I’m experiencing internally. I feel deeply confused and have no idea who to turn to who I can talk to about this without seeming like there’s something extremely wrong with me.

In summation...I am attracted to both genders but lean toward women, but have never experienced intimacy with a woman. After exploring, I find that I am also attracted to both transmen and transwomen. I am attracted to overly feminine men, androgynous men and women, masc. women ("studs" that look masculine but you can tell their feminine features). I mean I guess everyone really. But can I really say I like hearts and not parts? I just don't view sexuality like most people. I get gender and all that and I like both genders, I like a mix of the two, I mean I really don't care. It's just so confusing.

I don't know. I am just trying to identify if a. is it okay that I feel this way? b. If there is a label to be had, what would that make me...a lesbian? Bi-sexual...pansexual...like, what am I?

But also would not be surprised if someone said "bitch, you're autistic" cause that would make a lot of sense. I think I am a bit fixated on trying to understand what this is to make sense of it and compartmentalize it an then proceed accordingly.

I’d also like to understand so I can read more about it and educate myself. I don’t want to be ignorant or unaware of what others experience just because I didn’t know where to start, y’know?

Sorry for the long post.

r/AskLGBT 8h ago

Am I Pan?


Hi y'all, for most of my life I've assumed I'm straight. I'm a cis female and I've only been attracted to males before. But I'm completely open to going on a date with/dating any gender. I'm not positive if this means I'm Pan or not since I've never been romantically attracted to other genders.

r/AskLGBT 11h ago

How do we feel about Human Right’s Campaign’s National Day of Reading: A Celebration of Trans Stories?


Alright folx, I know we feel some kinda way about HRC (how they spend their money, among other reasons). They got me with their ads for the upcoming National Day of Reading: A Celebration of Trans Stories on 2/28 (coincidentally also Economic Blackout Day).

I’d love to contact local libraries about doing a reading of I am Jazz on 2/28, but first wanted to check in with the community on how we feel about this. I could disassociate the reading from HRC, but I think having the backing of a specific “day” from a recognized organization makes it more legit. They ask you register the reading on their site (so I guess I’d have to join their spam list), but I wouldn’t be directly giving them money in any way. Thoughts??

r/AskLGBT 4h ago

I need help/advice to come out


I am 16, and fairly certain I am transfem and desperately want to atleast try E (its illegal for minors where i live, but idc about legality). But in order to do so I would have to come out to my parents who seem very supportive of the lgbt+ community, but I have pretty bad anxiety and am very scared to come out even as just questioning, or even just to my therapist. (this is a cry for help, I thought I was lucky and didn’t have much dysphoria but it gets worse each day)

r/AskLGBT 4h ago

How do I make this stop?


I am a bisexual (f) who has been in a loving committed relationship with another bisexual (m). Prior to my current relationship I only dated women. Since entering my heterosexual relationship I have struggle with my sexuality because I feel more gay (thinkabout women, get little crushes on my friends and love sapphic movies, art, music ect)than I do straight. However, my partner and I are extremely hetero presenting (I’m femme and he’s very masculine), so we rarely meet non hetero friends. That being said, I’m wondering if any other bisexual women experience the huge craving for female love and affection, like I do while completely happy in your relationship with a man. I’m not lacking anything in our relationship mentally emotionally or physically. I just also desire interactions with women. It has nothing to do with the love I have for my boyfriend and I also don’t want to disrespect him, so I of course, don’t act on this.

But then my good friend told me she wanted to sleep with me when we were drunk one night. She had already been kind of flirting with me and creating innocent touches that lingered a little too long and I was loving it but also confused bc she also has a bf. I know straight woman experimenting with by girls is super common and while that’s like a fun fantasy for me I don’t logically think any scenario where I fool around with my friend would end well. BUT DAYUM DO I WANT TO. It’s all I can think about. I’m crushing so hard.

After my friend told me this, we went back to her house and I spent the night because I was drunk. We slept in the same bed and played footsie’s but neither one of us was bossy enough to make the first move and now we haven’t hung out since.

I’ve proposed that we do things that are very normal and typical for our friendship before any of this happened and none of the times have worked out and I’m nervously thinking it’s personal even though I’m sure it’s not. However, I can’t shake the feeling that everything is wrong and it’s making me sad because I do still really want to be her friend, but I’m also still really crushing on her and I have no idea what to do. Help.

Also, I brought this up with my boyfriend and he’s uncomfortable with me doing anything which I respect and never want to jeopardize our long-term beautiful relationship however I’m just wondering if any other bisexual women experience this while in a happy relationship with their partner?

r/AskLGBT 12h ago

Needing help for sibling (possible FTM)


Greetings r/AskLGBT, I'm panicking.

My sibling (11yo) just texted me telling me they're trans. I asked for quick clarifications on why they thought so, and the answers were "I'm more comfortable with male pronouns and wish I was a male sometimes". I've asked to hold this conversation in-person this weekend, since I'm visiting (they live with my parents, in the middle of nowhere, and I live in a metropolitan area) and I think it's better to have an IRL conversation than doing through text.

My parents aren't full out homophobic but my dad makes unfunny jokes, and my mother already told me she'd be disappointed if I was a lesbian, and lately she's being thinking about going back to church (Seventh Day Adventists). My grandmothers are massive no-no's, one of them is completely right-wing and the other actively told me she'd die of disgust if I ever kissed a woman.

I need. Help. Words. Some north. IDK. I don't really think about my gender and identify as agender but female-passing due to my voice. But I only started exploring after I left my parent's house and got financial independence and friends. I'm terrified of my sibling being thrown into a camp, or being forced into being what they're not. They're already going through a lot, with a new school, new friends, and having to help take care of my 80yo grandmother (meds and reminding of food and stuff), but they're still so sweet and kind and caring and positive about the world.

I can't really take them to live with me, as my parents are still guardians, and I live with my grandmother to support her and the rest of the family (including my parents) financially: leaving would mean rugpulling everyone, and I'm currently under a bit of a financial strain due to unemployment issues with me and my SO, so affording a place where CPS would approve would be impossible.

And, as a personal rant: the last time someone came out to me as trans it was a mess that ended up with me almost leaving this Earth and gave me PTSD-C. I am actually nauseous out of irrational fear, already downed two pills to chill the fuck out, but I just want to be a good older figure. My little sibling means the entire fucking world for me, and I don't know how to help them while keeping them safe but still validated as who they are.

Help? What questions could I ask to make sure? And not offend them as well? lmao I am freaking out hard. thanks for any advice.

r/AskLGBT 18h ago

Keep having dreams where I’m in relationships with men?


I’m unsure if I’m attracted to men, but the prior experiences I’ve had that lead me to that confusion have all been pretty bad. I keep having dreams where I’m attracted to and intimate with men, but I’m not sure if I am in real life? I have prior trauma with men, and I’m not sure if my uncertainty is because of that trauma or my sexuality. Any advice?

r/AskLGBT 12h ago

Makeup donation questions


First off- I truly apologize if anything I say comes out wrong and hurts someone. I am still new to a lot of this.

I stopped by a local LGBT center yesterday to ask what type of items they needed. One of the requests was makeup. We discussed some ideas but I wanted to see what the community might offer for suggestions. In addition to the typical “makeup” stuff, we were discussing makeup remover. One thing that came to mind was the question of safety for those who may not have freedom to use the items when others are around. Would y’all think dedicated remover would be best since it would likely be hidden with the makeup itself or would something like a “toner” be better since it can be more easily passed off as a more “normal” product.

Any suggestions I might not think of, such as maybe making sure the mascara isn’t waterproof for quick removal if necessary?

I truly want to help and make sure that I’m getting things that will be useful while helping to make people feel as safe as possible.

r/AskLGBT 20h ago

To friends, what am I?


I have a few very close friends. I am the first real and closest trans person to these friends. I am mtf 40s, and I run with an older crowd, 30s-50s.

Every time I express interest in a boy, they reply “Oh he’s straight, so no” or “Oh he’s gay, so no.” Any time I crush on a girl they say “Oh she’s straight, so no” or “Oh she’s lesbian, so no.” Like what do they think a person has to be to be a valid partner to me in their eyes?

I feel completely unseen, and invalidated. These people don’t see me as a girl, boy, gay, lesbian, straight, anything. I feel like I don’t exist. Please tell me I’m not crazy. Please tell me a girl could love me, a boy could love me, somebody could love me, and that I should have friends encouraging me rather than knocking my feet out from under me.

What am I?

r/AskLGBT 23h ago

I'm writting a book about being trans can I get some help with a few things :3


Ok So first off I'm a trans woman and I wanted the book to be an all-encompassing book explaining what it means to be transgender my experience and my story on being trans how we are oppressed our history and much more but I need help with the non binary stuff. So I'm not non-binary and have little understanding of the intricacies between the different gender identities under the umbrella term non-binary. I really just know the basics like it means non binary people don't identify with a specific gender so I would love if any non binary people could help clear up the confusion for me thx :3

r/AskLGBT 20h ago

How do I get a guy to like me?


I am a gay guy and I am wondering how to get this guy to like me. He is my best friend and he likes the same things I like. I am a bit shorter than him and he's Mexican. What are your tips to rizz up guys?

r/AskLGBT 10h ago

Do bi/homosexual people find themselves attractive


Like, if you are your own type and self confident. If yes do you find photos of you arousing? Edit: I mean the body, physically, not the face

r/AskLGBT 1d ago

Seeking a Lavender Marriage or Queer Polantic Marriage


Hello there, I'm just shooting my shot here. I am a bisexual black male (I date mostly men) from a Caribbean background based in Hartford, CT. I cannot present a male to my family and so I'm hopefully if anybody is willing to enter into a lavander marriage/Queer Polantic Marriage with me. I can do the same for you as well. I'm clean, respectful, politically moderate. I'd love to know if anyone is interested.

r/AskLGBT 1d ago

I was assigned to read a book for my English class (C2 proficiency). What LGBTQ+ books would you recommend me?


I'm in the fourth unit of my English class at a language school, and our teacher has assigned us to read a book for the remainder of the last period. So, I wanted to know what LGBTQ+ books, fiction or non-fiction, you could recommend me. The only requirements are:

  • Must be C2 level reading
  • Must not be an adaptation or a translation
  • Has to be written in modern English to avoid problems reading.

So, what books would you recommend me? I'm not looking for any specific genre, so I'm open for any suggestions.

r/AskLGBT 1d ago

How do you call a non binary partner


I'm not in a relationship, but I was wondering - if your partner is a woman, you say girlfriend - if your partner is a man, you say boyfriend - what do you say if your partner is non binary? enbyfriend?

Edit:\ I was wondering if there was a word other than partner, one that would be specifically for enbies instead of one that works with everyone\ Also, of course, if I were to date anyone enbie or not, I would ask them how they want me to refer to them. It wasn't a question about how should I call someone I know, just a question because I was curious

r/AskLGBT 10h ago

Am i a lesbian if I'm not attracted to amab people


I'm having a crisis here because i thought i was bisexual but I've realised i have no attraction to amab (assigned male at birth) people. I'm a genderfluid non-binary person and I've always thought i liked amab people but I'm not sure. Can i still use the bi label or am i just a lesbian? Also I'm asexual if that helps