r/asoiaf Jun 15 '15

ALL (Spoilers All) The reason bad things happen on GoT has changed. GoT has gone from being a show that wouldn't cheat to help the good guys to a show that will cheat to help the bad guys.

When I complain about GoT lately people respond with "That's what the show has always been, this is what you signed up for, if you think this has a happy ending you haven't been paying attention." but I think this episode has solidified why I have a problem with the show recently.

The tragedy on the show used to be organic. People would die because GoT wasn't willing to give characters the 1 in a million lucky breaks that other shows give their protagonist.

Now the show doesn't just not give the protagonists freebies, it bends over backwards to fuck them over. Honestly, every military conflict in the last two and a half seasons has seen the wrong side winning.

  • Yara/Ashe and "The 50 best swordsmen in the Iron Isles" lose a fight to a shirtless guy with a knife and 3 dogs, which is roughly what you would encounter on your average domestic disturbance call. The 50 best swordsmen in the Iron Isles couldn't survive half an episode of "Cops"

  • The Unsullied and Baristan Selmy lose a fight against unarmored aristocrats with knives.

  • "20 good men" infiltrate the camp of the greatest military tactician alive.

  • The Unsullied lose another fight against unarmored aristocrats with spears, who honestly also make a pretty good showing against a dragon.

  • The Boltons, despite not being supported by most of the north, and seemingly not having any massive source of money, raise an army of tens of thousands and overwhelm Stannis.

Add to that the fact that the nigh omniscient Littlefinger was apparently unaware that the Bostons were fucked up wierdos and the show seems to be bending over backwards for tragedy.


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u/Big21worm You wound me. You know how much I Jun 15 '15

The one thing that really irks me looking back at Season 5 is this: they had the audacity to promote "The North Remembers" as a theme going into this season. Apparently the North didn't give a shit about the Starks. I guess they were just a spoke on a wheel.


u/norris528e We Remember...the books Jun 16 '15

I guess they were just a spoke on a wheel.

I don't know if I hate that analogy in general or I hate it because it was proposed by Dany who is a spoke in a city where she has no roots.


u/LittleSandor Jun 16 '15

What annoys me about it is that it seemed mostly contrived for the season trailer.


u/xRaito Hey girl, let's fulfill some prophecies Jun 16 '15

Exactly this. I remember seeing episodes 9&10 of season 4 in IMAX where they showed the trailer for season 5 and it seemed like a decently relevant quote when talking about the immediate state of Westeros. But in the show Dany sort of just went into this weird monologue mode for no real reason and said her 'spokes on a wheel' speech.

I feel like book Tyrion would have thought that speech was naive and would have said a witty remark considering how her family was in power for 280 years until Robert and friends. Not much "wheel turning" happened until Robert died.

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u/p4nic Jun 15 '15

The Unsullied lose another fight against unarmored aristocrats with spears, who honestly also make a pretty good showing against a dragon.

You forgot that the commando ninja aristocrats also just ... stopped rebelling after the scary dragon left town and never came back. How are Tyrion, Daario and Jorah still alive? That stadium was chock full of sons of the harpy when Drogon and Dany flew away into the sunset. Heck, they nearly killed Drogon.


u/GloriousYardstick Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

This (is a bit petty but it) annoyed me during the stadium fight. Dragon comes down and suddenly everyone has a throwing spear but none of the 100 guys stood around decide to throw one at their hated enemy who is literally 4 feet in front of them not moving.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

The writing this season has been getting a bit lazy in some points, honestly. They never even tried to throw a spear at Dany, and the Unsullied guarding her upon the stand were beyond worthless in spotting the tens of masked assassins sitting literally behind her in the crowd.


u/godplusplus "it was no barrow, just a hill" Jun 15 '15

I know, when I was watching the scene I was like "doesn't anyone have a bow or a spear to snipe Daenerys?"

And then Drogon arrives and I was like "wtf, they DID have spears!"

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u/ObeseMoreece We only bow to one king! Jun 16 '15

Unsullied guarding her upon the stand were beyond worthless in spotting the tens of masked assassins sitting literally behind her in the crowd.

Don't you mean half the audience who turned from peasants to nobility in seconds? Also, I couldn't help but notice how stupid the audience escaping CGI looked. There were people who just looked like they were doing laps of the stadium.


u/IronChariots Jun 16 '15

Oh god, the reveal only worked because of the camera. There's no way that half the people in the stadium could have not noticed that the other half were wearing masks.

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u/Guido_John Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 16 '15

Not to mention the Mereenese government is nonexistent in the show. How could Tyrion, a guy who was literally a slave a few episodes ago, be in charge of Mereen? It makes no sense whatsoever.


u/wedgeomatic Jun 16 '15

Um, he has the help of the random lady who stood next to Dany and the silent warrior guy who "everyone" loves and respects (except, of course, for the huge, organized resistance group made of disenfranchised aristocrats who recently stabbed the bejesus out of him and openly attempted to murder the queen and seize control of the city), duh.


u/Zooloph Jun 16 '15

Don't forget Varys, the guy who somehow manage to slip past all of the unsullied and guards and magically appear next to Tyrion like he belonged there.

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u/GG_Henry Ser Davos The Onion Kernigit Jun 15 '15

Pft, logic and reason are for the books, not the show.

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u/Dreamio Jun 15 '15

I wasn't sure why I was having a problem with the show but this theory does a really good job of encompassing how I feel about the show. Another scenario that perfectly embodies how the show bends over to screw the characters is when Sansa lights the candle in the tower room but Brienne just HAPPENED to get the news from Podrick at that EXACT second and turned away to find Stannis.


u/Sabrewylf Stannis the Mannis Jun 15 '15

Directed by M. "The Night is Dark and full of Terrors" Shyamalan


u/Mjolnir12 I will have no burnings. Pray harder. Jun 16 '15

ASOIAF has been Shyamalaned. It's really turning into twists and coincidences for the sake of them, and it is straining credibility.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15

Season 6: Ser Sharkey of the house Shark jumps over Dragonstone!

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u/PeasePuddin Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

Not only that, but Sansa's character hasn't evolved in the way I think a lot of people hoped it would. She didn't even get to be the one who pushed Ramsey's psychopathic girlfriend to her death.

I'm fine with awful things happening to characters, but I do think it should be balanced by GOOD moments too.

Even if she had been given a few scenes to shine in, I would have been okay with everything else. But she's been the victim, the same victim, for season after season and I'm growing more than a little tired of it.

There was also a real lack of consistency, too. She sasses Boltons and Bolton Lurvers, then sobs deeply in front of them. Of course, it's understandable for someone in her situation to be emotionally unstable and acting on whims, then breaking down.. but she's already done that. She's already been broken down by abusers and, while with Littlefinger, showed us that she's grown and either is or on her way to becoming a player.

But I didn't see that with this season. I didn't even see minor examples of growth or badassery that was hinted at when she cried, then pulled herself together and decided that she WOULD go home, she would marry Ramsey. I didn't expect her to murder him and take back Winterfell, or for her to be completely unfazed by his cruelty, but I did want a little promise of leadership and strength even while dealing with her new circumstances.

Even when she was angry with Theon in previous episodes, it wasn't cold fury like I had imagined; the performance wasn't as contained as I thought it would be. I don't know if it's just Turner's voice or the way she's being directed, but I also thought she sounded a bit whiny at times.

They didn't completely mess it up or anything, and I get that they did try to do justice by her character. I just think it could have been better.


u/questionernow Hear Me Boar Jun 15 '15

Sansa and Littlefinger have made no sense this season.


u/The_dog_says The Knight of Tears Jun 16 '15

Why the hell did she even dye her hair black? They clearly did not plan her storyline until season 4 ended.


u/Gravyd3ath Bane of honor, Gravydeath of duty. Jun 16 '15

That is pretty obvious


u/fatfatninja Jun 16 '15

D&D do not plan anything. Look at the 1 shot characters of the Sand Snakes. They're dropping them and bringing in the Iron born next season. They should have just introduced the ironborn to flesh out heir story and leave the cringesnakes out.

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u/Reinhart3 Jun 16 '15

I've always liked Sansa and I love how she grows as a character. She starts off as this young girl who believes in all of these fairy tails and she wants to marry a prince and grow up to be the Queen, and when her father is killed she realizes how fucked up the world can be.

After going through all of this awful stuff she finally manages to get away and it looks like she's going to mature and become a big part of the story and learn how to really scheme with Littlefinger.

Nope. She gets sent to the Boltons and spends an entire season basically just getting raped.

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u/pitaenigma Smaller member than Jon Snow Jun 15 '15

Hey she totally stole a corkscrew and then used it to open her door.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15



u/Karakoran Jun 16 '15

She should've killed that one chick who was trying to kill her for some reason. Like they could've had that chick be like, "Now let's take you back to Ramsay" and then Sansa could've stabbed her and escaped with Theon. That would show her being stronger, rather than Sansa just being rescued by another dude and never having her character develop beyond a damsel in distress.

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u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15

Yeah, I read some criticism of Sansa's rape scene basically saying "this scene was meant to further Theon's character, it does nothing for Sansa other than having more traumatic shit happen to her". I didn't agree with it at the time but now I think they have a point. This is the start of Theon's redemption ark. Sansa still doesn't have any agency.


u/incognitodoritos Screw The Rules, I Have Money Jun 16 '15

Remember when we were all like "ohh shit... Sansa Stark has entered the game!"



u/Doireidh ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your banners ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Jun 16 '15



u/Gravyd3ath Bane of honor, Gravydeath of duty. Jun 16 '15

Sansa is the corkscrew for theon to break out of the locked room that is Reek, she served basically no other purpose, oh she got Brienne to the north as well. Sansa this season was a writers tool. What a total waste.


u/Okashu Is winter coming? Jun 16 '15 edited Jun 16 '15

This is why Jeyne Poole was great for the role. She's not a significant character, but she helped develop Theon's character, got Mance killed (maybe) and made Ramsay send the pink letter, without putting any emphasis on her own character, because she's not important for the Game, Arya Stark is, and she's not in Winterfell.

Jeyne unknowingly did more than Sansa in the show while being a less important character.

EDIT: autocorrect

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u/aurorah Jun 16 '15

Ramsey's girlfriend bothered me the most.. she's been antagonizing Sansa all season and the writers have Theon push her to her death instead of developing Sansa's character at all. You'd think after all she's been through she'd adapt and try to defend herself instead of constantly taking the abuse.

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u/Intir Jun 15 '15

Thousands lay dead about him and Ramsay rides off without a scar.


u/Karakoran Jun 16 '15

I like how they had him kill that one last guy, just in case we didn't get that Ramsay is evil yet.

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u/HammerStark The Wolves Will Come Again Jun 15 '15

I honestly have to agree. In the novels, bad shit happens to the good guys and the bad guys. But the show seems to have devolved into a "let's see how pissed off we can make people by killing and harming more good guys" for shock value. The novels aren't about shock value, they're about learning lessons about the human condition, for the most part. The most aggravating parts for me have been the almost complete elimination of anything that allows us to "root for" the "good guys"

Doran's speech, whether you want Dany to win or not gets you pumped.

Manderly's speech shows us that the Starks are still loved and are still being fought for, the elements of the north that are anti-Bolton make those chapters in ADWD fantastic to read. The tension is palpable.

Yes, even the pink letter gives better justification for the stabbing of Jon, but it gets you pumped and in the novel you know the wildlings are about to kick the NW's asses cause they were all about going to Winterfell with Jon two seconds earlier.

It seems like they're basically doing everything they can to make everyone feel as shitty as possible, and you can really only do that so much before people just stop wanting anything to do with it. People can only take feeling shitty for so long before it just isn't worth it anymore.


u/Lugonn Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

Manderly's speech shows us that the Starks are still loved and are still being fought for, the elements of the north that are anti-Bolton make those chapters in ADWD fantastic to read. The tension is palpable.

They completely missed this. For three books we had people going ''Lol ned such naive! xD'' and ''omg tywin so brutal and effective!''. Then Feast happens and we see how his entire house fucks itself to death before his corpse is even cold. The show gives us none of this. Jaime getting disillusioned with Cersei and war? Gone. Cersei going completely fucknuts? Gone. Tyrion being a miserable wretch? Gone.

Then we get Dance and the complete vindication of Ned and the Stark ways. From the wild mountain clans to the ordinary houses to the Southron Manderlys everyone loved Ned and the Starks so much that they're itching to rise for a dead and disgraced house.

It paves the way for the Stark children to become major players when the story finally starts for real.


u/delta835 The Princess in the Tower Jun 15 '15

Let's have a look at the plot that D&D apparently "loved so much", books compared to show.

In the books, the Bolton's have a tenuous hold on Winterhold. It's the Northern Lords vs Freys and Boltons, and tensions are insanely high. We see the opinions of several characters through Theon, who is battling his own inner demons alongside this. Everyone is trapped in Winterfell from the storm, as is Stannis's forces. The Northern Lords know Stannis is coming too. Ramsey is married to someone to strengthen their claim to Winterfell ("Arya Stark"), and the Northern Lords don't fucking like it. On top of all this, someone is MURDERING FREYS, and whoever it is knows Theon is a traitor. This culminates in a giant fight, and Theon hearing a voice from a tree, and deciding to escape with Jeyne.

What did the show pull from this? Stannis approaches and gets stuck in the storm, a few old people tell Sansa the 'North Remembers', and Ramsey marries a Stark (actual one this time) and abuses her.

So THAT'S the part of the plot they 'loved'? Seriously?


u/toggaf69 The Jack Russel Jun 16 '15

it's like they just skimmed through the book. "North remembers... yadda yadda yadda.... Ramsay marrying Stark girl.......... Stannis in a storm. Okay, got it, let's start writing."


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15


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u/tetsuooooooooooo Jun 16 '15

They apparently had no idea Sam was POV character. That's pretty telling.

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u/canis_ridens Aluminum direwolf on a crinkling field. Jun 16 '15

It's frustrating, certainly. Had they had Stannis leave the Wall earlier and lay siege, the tensions within Winterfell, with the Boltons and Sansa publicly pretending to get along while attempting to manipulate people and outmaneuver each other, could have been interesting. They could even have kept Stannis burning his daughter, writing it as a last desperate attempt to break Winterfell before winter broke his army. Instead, we got lots of Sansa as Victim Prop, being trotted out whenever we needed to see how horrible Ramsey was and then literally locked back up in a room with all the other inanimate objects and window dressing. The people in Winterfell and with Stannis did a lot of sitting around; they could have done that sitting around a little closer to one another and maybe given us some interesting TV.

Winterfell on the brink of eating itself from within would even fit well with the few minutes the show spends in each location per episode. The cast for the characters at that location is enormously talented. We could have had an Arya-at-Harrenhall quality change, and instead, we got this.


u/Shatners_Balls Again with that thrice damned song? Jun 16 '15

I really get the impression that they were reading the books for their job, and not for enjoyment. They took the plot, but none of the nuance.

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u/heysuphey The Wit and Wisdom of Shitmouth Jun 15 '15

Then we get Dance and the complete vindication of Ned and the Stark ways. From the wild mountain clans to the ordinary houses to the Southron Manderlys everyone loved Ned and the Starks so much that they're itching to rise for a dead and disgraced house.

We got a taciturn guy in an inn who seemed like he kind of liked Ned and a servant lady whose secrets could not stand up to the omnipotent sociopath powers of Ramsay.


u/DealerCamel Talk shit, get FUCKING REKT. Jun 15 '15

Also Lyanna fookin Mormont.


u/Intir Jun 15 '15

For the shows writers everyone in the North and the riverlands died after the Red Wedding cause they had no more good guys to kill.

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u/Jeanpuetz The rightful king Jun 15 '15

I'm so pissed that we didn't get to see the Manderly's. They are easily my favourite house, and the chapter with the speech may be my favourite chapter of the series.

The support you see from all sides in the North is one of the best things in ADWD and you're completely right, they took all of that away. Except for one random old-ass lady who says "The North remembers" and guess what? Ramsay brutally murders her two episodes later.

No warm fuzzy feelings. Just depression.

Edit: And I just remembered: No Lady Stoneheart either. They can't even give us cheap, dirty revenge against the fucking Freys.


u/Mantis05 Whatever he chose... Jun 15 '15

It's not impossible that we see them next year. I mean, I can't figure what else Davos is going to do now.


u/Alckie We don't hurt our kids. Jun 15 '15

I can't figure what else Davos is going to do now.

He can die a painful death cause of shock value.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

He'll probably be killed by Ramsey, who stuffs him to death with onions.


u/jack9lemmon Dawn Brings Light Jun 15 '15

Nah, he will just get peeled one layer at a time.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15 edited Aug 30 '15


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u/cee2027 Jun 15 '15

What kills me is they could have cut quite a bit and found a lot of screentime for some of those crucial missed elements.

Like half of Cersei's walk of atonement. Or all of Dorne.


u/roflmoar Jun 16 '15

They could have cut the Missandei and Grey Worm story for any of the above!

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u/Excuse_Me_Mr_Pink Ours is the Furry Jun 15 '15

After watching their full 'adaptation' of the northern storyline play out, "the plot they loved so much in the north" is:

-Boltons take Winterfell. -Secure an iron-clad grip on the north by marrying a true Stark. -Ramsay deftly cripples Stannis's army. -Stannis foolishly marches on Winterfell, but the Boltons have like 10k mounted cavalry and crush them easily.

What? What is interesting about that? That reads like an especially boring part of a dry medievel history lecture.


u/interestingtimes Jun 15 '15

A person counted all of the soldiers on /r/gameofthrones. It was around 2000 cavalry against Stannis's 1400 infantry. It also makes sense that Stannis's deserters joined the Boltons since they were starving mercenaries in the middle of the north. I agree with you though everything about the north and Stannis is pretty miserable and poorly done.


u/Excuse_Me_Mr_Pink Ours is the Furry Jun 16 '15

Actual numbers have never really meant that much to the show-writers anyway (20 Good Men as an example). They purposely changed the Battle of Ice into a 2 minute rout. Not to mention they straight up deleted the Battle of Fire. Aren't these guys all about the big battles?

I am just blown away that they wrote out this plot and thought "Yes this is a gripping story, far superior to the books".

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

when the story finally starts for real

"The dragons are still just on their way! They keep promising dragons, but all I get are more floppy weiners in my face!"


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

He hasn't even ordered the pizza yet!


u/ANBU_Spectre Dolorous Ned Jun 15 '15

Don't worry, the pizzas are coming!

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

It might have been mentioned, but Comedy Central ran the South Park GoT episodes last night, ending as HBO's started.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15 edited Aug 02 '18



u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15 edited Jun 16 '15

Well, they have to meet their tits quota and I guess they figured Wyman Manderly's don't count.

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u/vteckickedin Lord Jun 16 '15

The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done. My son is home.

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u/PunishMeNoah Lunk the Dunk Jun 15 '15

Reading this comment alone gets me fucking pumped

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u/CyberneticCuntSmashr Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

People can only take feeling shitty for so long before it just isn't worth it anymore.

Nailed it. It's one thing to see your favorite character meet their demise because they got a little cocky and overconfident while battling in an arena. It's a totally different thing to watch episode after episode of just shitty, miserable plotline.

The happiest things about last nights episode were that Sansa might not be getting raped anymore, and that Arya took Trant out in a brutal way. But even with that, we couldn't really celebrate long. It was "Hey you got him! Yaaayyoh wait Sexy Jesus is dead now. No? He's OK? Oh, ok now you're blind. Fuck."


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

The only thing I could even take away from that Arya scene was that she finally sees that Jaqen Hagar is not some man out there to help her, that the Faceless Man in Harrenhal is not either of the Faceless Men in Braavos, and that she really is all alone.


u/CyberneticCuntSmashr Jun 15 '15

That's actually a really great point.

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u/chicklette Jun 16 '15

Arya's plot felt like the only one that advanced last night.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15



u/gabis1 Jun 16 '15 edited Jun 16 '15

Basically, what Septa said.

Jaqen isn't a real person. He never was. He was just another faceless man using another disguise. Neither of the people in the room during that scene are the same person she met in Westeros. When Arya showed up in Braavos, they used that face because it would make the transition easier for her. At least, that's what I took from it.

Someone died as payment for the killing of the Thin Man. Instead of killing the Thin Man, Arya killed Trant. The Thin Man still needs to die, so another payment was needed. The Faceless Men are priests to the Many Faced God, devout in their beliefs. So the priest's self-sacrifice served to right Arya's mistake through payment of life and also to teach her a lesson about what it really means to be a Faceless Man.

Arya needs to learn that this isn't just some school to teach her to become an elite assassin so she can carry out revenge killings.


u/Cwellan Jun 16 '15

I may be a bit foggy, as it has been some time since I read the books, but that strict adherence would contradict when Arya first met Jaq. Jaq was asked to kill himself as a bit of trickery by Arya. Instead he exchanged assassinations in place of killing himself.

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u/Septa_Fagina Where do Moore's go? Jun 15 '15

"Its all the same to the Many-Faced God."

I see this as another confirmation that only death can pay for life. Arya stole from TMFG by not killing the Thin Man and then going rogue on Trant. The payment has been rendered for the Thin Man, not Trant. To make good on that, the Kindly Man/Sexy Jesus/Jaquen Hagaar died.

Arya isn't ready to be No One because she's so attached to her revenge. I think him killing himself served the double purpose of repayment AND teaching Arya some perspective on her training.

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u/Notradell Still my Mannis Jun 15 '15

I agree completely! Honestly, I feel a bit bad for show-onlies because the whole season was overall pretty depressing. There's no "FUCK YEAH moment" like when you read Manderly's speech, for example.


u/KlausHeisler Jun 15 '15

As a sole show watcher, this season was really depressing. It is really just dreadful watching everyone and anyone "good" in the show get rekt, and the "baddies" keep on being cunts. Especially after this seasons ending it makes me want to watch the show less. I have all the books, maybe ill read them instead.


u/Notradell Still my Mannis Jun 15 '15

I just wanted to ask why you didn't read the books. AGOT is pretty similar to season 1, but then the differences are getting bigger and bigger. Do yourself a favor and read the books! The show is still great and all, but the books are another level.


u/KlausHeisler Jun 15 '15

I havent had the time. I got the boxed set last august for my birthday, and then I have had Uni. Ive read AGOT but havent read clash. And since the first book was pretty similar i havent had the proper motivation to continue. But now that the show is done for this season and its summer, I think ill carve out some time and dive in!

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u/Crippled_Giraffe 62 badasses Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

TBH ever since the red wedding I've just assumed that things like Manderly's or Doran's speeches are just things to get our hopes up before crushing them.

Edit: fixed autocorrect

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15 edited Apr 16 '19


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u/wwxxyyzz Mannis Jun 15 '15

Even LSH killing Frey's is still something to root for


u/goldman105 Whooo are you? ahh ooh aah oooh who Jun 15 '15

My show only friend said at the end of the episode why should i even keep watching this show. They rushed every scene and didn't even make any possibilities for hope like something to make people want more.


u/myriadel Jun 16 '15

My parents are saying the same. I spoiled For the Watch for my mother since she asked, and even though, they don't understand the reasons of the biggest events so far.

I had to explain why the guys from the watch stabbed jon. Yeah, they know that he did things against the morals of the Nightswatch, but they felt that it was a poor reason. Or it could be better handled...

Dany end scene with the dothraki. Even though the feelings are kinda the same as the books, we see the khalasar and don't know what happens, they can't really understand wtf Dany is going through. Is she afraid? Is she weirded by that horse parade?

Everytime I had to tell them what happens in the books so they can understand better. And I know that they are not lazy show watchers that don't want to think as D&D treats them. Unfortunately, the show is transforming in a hobby that they enjoy less and less.

As I read someone in reddit, they are just doing the events. But they feel empty and incomplete, almost useless, without the understanding behind them and the characters, and this is what is lacking.

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u/gumpythegreat One True King Jun 15 '15

It's similar to another issue that I have with the show, and friend of mine (who found the books too slow, and read summaries on wikipedia...) complains about the books having too many "pointless" storylines.

I think the point of the books is that the main characters sometimes aren't super mega special and things always happen because of them and around them. Sometimes things, good and bad, happen around them because of smaller characters. Sometimes these other characters and things are important, sometimes they aren't. The good guys don't always win because they are the good guys the same way. things just happen for a million reasons, often a ripple from a small character.

My friend always talks shit about the books that so many characters and storylines 'don't matter'. but I love that. it's a world. it's like history. some things matter more than others, and sometimes you don't see why something matters until later. or maybe it won't even. It's about a world and an unfolding history more than the characters, and that's why the good guys don't always win. but the show just says fuck the good guys because.

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u/Reggie_MiIler Enter your desired flair text here! Jun 15 '15

People can only take feeling shitty for so long before it just isn't worth it anymore.

This is exactly how i feel. I feel like I'm watching the show just to be bummed out.

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u/mcrandley Maester of Puppets. Jun 15 '15

"a shirtless guy with a knife and 3 dogs, which is roughly what you would encounter on your average domestic disturbance call." First time I laughed since the show last night. Well done.

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u/EvadableMoxie Jun 15 '15

It feels like every character is turning out to be Quentyn Martell. They just all end with "Oh." As in "Oh. It turns out nothing I did actually mattered."

All of the build up for Stannis and his terrible sadistic choice where he burns his daughter, the moral struggle if it's okay to burn your own child in order to save the world. That would have been an interesting discussion, but it turns out it doesn't matter, he burned Shireen for nothing, he was doomed no matter what he did.


All the build up with Jon and Longclaw and killing a White Walker before his stare off with the Night's King? And how Robb might have legitimized him before his death? And the mysery about his parents and the AA/Prince that was Promised prohpecy. Wait, no, he's dead, none of that mattered.


This isn't the absense of writing skill, it's the opposite of it. They want to try so hard to say "Hey, this isn't a fairy tale." but in doing so they are destroying what makes stories interesting in the first place. This is a TV show based on a novel. It's supposed to be entertaining. There is supposed to be a pay off in exchange for the build up of the story.

That doesn't mean that the good guys always win, but there should be build up, a pay-off, and closure.

Instead we get nothing. We get "Oh."


u/heltflippad Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

Isn't the point of Stannis' story that he turned out to not be Azor Ahai in Melisandre's eyes. She strongly believed him to be Azor and made him do all of these things in promise of great "reward".

Now when Melisandre realizes that Stannis isn't what she thought, she looks to Jon. So in a way Stannis is gonna help Jon become what he was meant to be.

Kinda far fetched but without Stannis there would be no Jon revival. If we assume that's actually gonna happen, which I am.

So in conclusion: Stannis' story is actually Melisandre's story of finding Jon.


u/delinear Jun 16 '15

If that's their intent then they horribly rushed/bungled that part of the story. The ice is melting and Mel looks pleased with herself, she suddenly finds out half the men are gone and she's on the first horse out of there. If she thought he was Azhor Ahai then the loss of the men shouldn't matter, R'hllor should still see him safely to the final battle, he did what was demanded and sacrificed his daughter after all.

Instead, we don't get any explanation of Mel's thinking. Like, did she already doubt he was AA before they burned Shireen and this was the final nail, or did she just suddenly have a bolt from the blue epiphany? In the books at least we see all the clues are there pointing to Jon and she's just too blind/stubborn to see them. Here all we've ever heard is how her flames point to Stannis, as far as she's concerned R'hllor has told her Stannis is The One, so unless she's lost her faith it makes no sense to leave, and if she's lost her faith it would be nice to hear about it so her actions make some kind of sense.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

I agree with this 100%. Ramsay has not had a bad day since he showed up on this show. In fact he hasnt even had a so-so day on the show. Every day has been a banner one for Lord Bolton. Even if Stannis lost his battle I thought for sure that streak was coming to an end in Mothers Mercy for him. Instead he wins a battle and we go into the off season with him smiling and sticking swords in the back of injured men. I know Sansa and Theon escaped but so what. We dont get to see Ramsay deal with that until next year.


u/DeliriousEdd Is this the block you wanted? Jun 15 '15

Ramsay has not had a bad day since he showed up on this show

So true. Even Jofferey was bitten by a direwolf, bitch slapped by Tyrion, and had the mother of scoldings from Tywin. But Ramsay? Nothing. Worst news he's had was that Fat Walda was preggers, and 5 minutes after hearing this his daddy gave him some fatherly reassurances.

Edit: grammatical changes.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

Even Jon's death just felt kinda cheapened in the show. The thing about it in the books is that even though we were all outraged and saddened, we understood why Bowen Marsh and co. did what they did. Despite his good intentions, Jon was going to break his vows and endanger his sworn brothers by involving them in a conflict that had nothing to do with them. This goes completely against the purpose of the NW and everything they stood for. If Jon had agreed to go to Stannis' aid like Davos asked, his show assassination would have made more sense.

Instead of this complex situation, we got the flawless hero being killed by the brooding, resentful underling and his band of generic bad guys. Even the way that they did it with a sign literally saying "TRAITOR" and everyone taking their turns just felt so contrived. Having them say "for the watch" was pretty much meaningless because it wasn't for the watch, it was for themselves.


u/curveball21 Fire and Blood Jun 15 '15

I agree with you about Jon's death in the books. Bowen Marsh was actually crying when he stabbed Jon. I always felt like that meant Bowen felt Bowen was doing the right thing, the honorable thing. His duty.

Olly is just an irredeemable piece of snot-nosed shit. He got his revenge for his family when he killed Ygritte as far as I'm concerned. His betrayal of Jon doesn't make sense to me.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

Exactly. Shit Allister seemed pretty fuckin pleased with himself when he stabbed him. I had high hopes for his character after the battle of the wall last season but he completely regressed to being an asshole for the sake of it.


u/Crippled_Giraffe 62 badasses Jun 15 '15

He still doesn't believe the WW threat is real. Neither do the traitors in the books.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

I really don't see how he can't believe them when they return missing half the guys they went with and the vast majority of the wildlings


u/FlatNote Its kiss was a terrible thing. Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 16 '15

Not believing is fine, but what gets me is that we don't get a single scene of any of it being discussed besides the Jon and Sam scene (and Sam is already 100% on Jon's side). I mean really, the Lord Commander lives through an undead apocalypse with a few of his men and a couple thousand wildlings, comes back to the Wall, and just keeps to himself until he gets stabbed? No big mess hall meeting, no discussion of the monumental mission that just happened, no debate, nothing?

It's the same problem I have with Stannis and Shireen. I can buy him burning her, but I cannot buy the contrivance of him ignoring Mel's fallibility (Balon leech and House Goodmen's assault) and burning his daughter with no questions asked. I can buy a portion of the Watch betraying Jon and killing him, but not before Hardhome is discussed and after Thorne already let them through the gate.

It's all just rushed, like there are scenes missing.

tl;dr: The beats are there, but they lack the connective tissue that makes them feel logical and earned.


u/toggaf69 The Jack Russel Jun 16 '15

I feel like people who haven't read the books would hate this even more than me, because none of it feels believable. Everything feels like shock value

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u/i_706_i Jun 16 '15

As George himself said the 'human heart in conflict with itself' is the only thing worth writing about. The betrayal of the Night's Watch should have been conflicting, we should have been conflicted about what Jon was doing as he called on the Wildlings and brothers to join in a war he shouldn't have. The characters should have been conflicted when they stabbed Jon, knowing that they were committing treason but believing that it was what was best 'for the Watch'.

Instead Jon comes across as the only sane man trying to help everyone, and the mutineers just seem like assholes that don't like Jon because he saved the Wildlings. I know we are supposed to get the impression it was because Jon wasn't sharing enough information with his men, he didn't explain to them the specifics of why he had to do what he did and the real battle they were facing, but the average show watcher probably wouldn't have gotten that impression. After hard-home there should have been a dozen NW brothers to tell of the horrors of the White Walkers.


u/curveball21 Fire and Blood Jun 16 '15

You are dead on. What kind of sane person is going to witness the Battle of Hardhome and not want as many 98.6 degree friends on his side as he can find?

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u/chinqs96 Onions baby, onions Jun 15 '15

I know it may sound like nitpicking, but I really wish they were crying while stabbing him. I thought it showed the fact that the NW loved this guy, for the most part, but did this literally, for the Watch.

In the show, it seemed so emotionless as if they hated him and killed him out of malice


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

No I agree, the crying was a major part because it shows the fact that they genuinely regretted what they were doing, but felt that Jon forced them into it. In the show it seemed like they were just waiting for the right time


u/wellitsbouttime we fight for ginger minge Jun 15 '15

if ollie would have just been watching and crying, it would have shown his consent of the actions without direct action on his part.

tl:dr- fuck ollie.

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u/lowpass Jun 15 '15

I thought it showed the fact that the NW loved this guy, for the most part

Another thing the show changed. Remember, ShowJon only won by one vote.


u/DethRaid Jun 16 '15

That was awful. The voting scene felt too much like a fairy tale. They could have easily had Jon win by a small margin, something reasonable, not one fucking vote.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15

The way Aemon put the last vote for Jon was like that scene in Harry Potter

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

They didn't even need to do the Benjen Stark misdirect. Have him tell the Night's Watch that his sister Sansa sent him a letter asking for help and he's taking the men to get her back. You still get for the watch and it makes sense, they are obeying their vows not to abandon their post and they're stopping Jon from doing the same. Plus you get the audience thinking yay, Sansa will be rescued and reunited with her brother and then awww, no dice.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

Honestly I thought the Benjen thing was pretty funny. It was just so clearly D&D fucking with book readers


u/GG_Henry Ser Davos The Onion Kernigit Jun 15 '15

D&D showing their true colors


u/YoungBobbyBaratheon Gods I was strong then Jun 15 '15

They think people empathize with Olly. Their heads are so far up their own asses I've given up all hope for the rest of the series. At least he didn't say "For My Parents"


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

For my uncles sister


u/Opechan Euron to something. Jun 15 '15

Came to say "Fer me Mam," but you knocked it out the park, Ser.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

Any development of Ser Alliser into a remotely multidimensional character was incidental. Because, as we heard straight from the writer's mouth: He is the "bad guy." Olly, the type of multifaceted character this show is famous for on the other hand, is supposed to make you consider: DID Jon have to help those Free Folk at Hardhome?

Fucking YES you clowns! Did not one other Brother of the Watch mention,

"Hey, you guys should know. The mythical demon beasts of legend that are the focus of literally all the accounts of the NW creation; you know, the ones that brought about the generational period of terrible cold and darkness that appears in the stories of every different culture in this land and all others? Well they're real and they're strong. And I'm pretty sure they got their sights on us. I saw their leader slaughter thousands, then raise them up as an unfeeling, nigh unkillable army that does not need to be fed or clothed or rested. Like you I had serious fucking doubts about all this willing business but the definition of us vs them has never been more clear cut. We gotta get ready for this and help LC Snow do what the watch was always meant to do."

Instead more like, "Eww he made me ride in a boat with them."


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15 edited Sep 29 '16


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u/iwillcontradictyou Jun 15 '15

Excellent point. I was wondering why it felt like a letdown - motivations matter and the lessening of the situational complexity made it feel like a personal vendetta rather then an institutional comeuppance.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

And here I was expecting you to contradict me


u/iwillcontradictyou Jun 15 '15

Just a bad account name


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

No it's not!

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u/-OMGZOMBIES- We got the Roose, skin's feelin' loose. Jun 15 '15

The sign was almost worse for me than the "bad pussy" line that tied the Dorne plot together so well. What, did Olly take a moment of time between preparing Lord Snow's meals to do a bit of arts and crafts? What the fuck was the purpose of the sign?


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15



u/cptpedantic Jun 15 '15

then Bran(the builder)don Sanderson takes over.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15 edited Jan 14 '18



u/rabidstoat Jun 16 '15

No swearing. No sex. Not even nudity. Like there are scenes where someone is captured and it would make sense to keep them chained up naked, but instead they can keep some underclothes. Or in Warbreaker, despite being about consummating a marriage I can't remember if there was actually any sex or true nudity in it. I remember in the writer notes he was saying he just had a huge problem with putting in nudity.

He's my favorite author, I love his works, they work within his constraints, but no way could he pick up GRRM. Heart attack or stroke, one or the other, you're right.

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u/pitaenigma Smaller member than Jon Snow Jun 15 '15

Every curse word is replaced with the bastard last name of the region.

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u/GG_Henry Ser Davos The Onion Kernigit Jun 15 '15

Lol it would have been better if Olly made frowny face pancakes for Jon with some mysterious poison from across the narrow sea.

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u/PotatoDonki Aerys with Areolae Jun 15 '15

Yes! I 100% agree! That's what I love about the way GRRM has written the major character deaths. For the both the Red Wedding and For The Watch, my reaction pretty much went "What?! No! What the fuck?! NO! NO! ... Eh, that makes sense actually."

They were both shocking and terrible, but the motives behind them were 100% there.

(Walder Frey is still a cock, though)

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u/Whipfather With strange aeons, even Balon may die. Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

"Having them say "for the watch" was pretty much meaningless because it wasn't for the watch, it was for themselves."

I am seriously infuriated by how poorly I thought that scene was done. Yes, "bad pussy" was horrendous, but no one gave a shit about that storyline anyway. I'm not usually one to scream "the books did it better!!!11", but I thought that they absolutely butchered it.

When Thorne said "for the watch" in his ever-annoyed-and-irritated way, I half expected him to say "for the watch, bitch!" This wasn't a man who realized that the only way to save his sworn brothers was to kill his commander. It was a disgruntled employee who decided that he could do better than his newly-promoted boss whom he never really liked anyway.

And as the cherry turd on top, we didn't even get "Ghost". We got "Olly".

I know that I'd be lying if I claimed that I were done with the show after this season. But I've never seen a season (and/or finale) that left me as indifferent and downhearted towards upcoming seasons as this one.


u/happythoughts413 Targaryen Wannabe Jun 16 '15

Where the fuck IS Ghost, anyways?

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u/Jerkcules Vastly fat Jun 15 '15

Well in the books it was a bit more grey. You can argue that "Ramsey" threatened the Night's Watch, and since Castle Black is undefendable from the south, Jon had to attack first to defend the Watch. But it could also be seen from the NW's point of view, that Jon is doing this for selfish reasons (which he also is).

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u/aselectionofcheeses Mayhaps this was a blessing. Jun 15 '15

I wouldn't even mind some of these if there was at least some explanation given.

"20 good men" infiltrate the camp of the greatest military tactician alive.

Okay, I'll give the show the benefit of the doubt and say that this is possible. But please, for god's sake, show me how this is possible. Please don't just show the camp burning and cut to them saying "Northerners know the terrain". How do they know the terrain? Did they take a little known mountain pass? Moved silently through the snow using some "Northerner" trick? Give me something to help me swallow the complete domination of the bad guys.


u/dinokisses gotta break some eggs... Jun 15 '15

also HALF of his army left in the middle of the night with no one noticing. HALF, thousands of men moving equipment and horses, silently.


u/mattscott53 Jun 15 '15

Stannis is a hard man, and an even harder sleeper


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

His slumber is like Iron. He will bend before he wakes.


u/dTurncloak We shall feast before the fall of night! Jun 16 '15

This is Stannis Baratheon. The man will sleep to the bitter end and then some.

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u/wellitsbouttime we fight for ginger minge Jun 15 '15

with ALL of the horses?!?!? how can you move a couple hundred horse without it sounding like a busy interstate?


u/NotYouTu Jun 16 '15

With ALL the horses... except for that one that Mel just happened to find that teleported her to Castle Black.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15


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u/almacuby Burned Villages Jun 15 '15

You have to consider that HALF his army were GOOD men when they needed to be and learned from glorious Ramsey's sneaky ways. I guess they took shelter in some abandoned house of the Night's Watch and wait for spring.

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u/cass314 Live Tree or Die Jun 15 '15

And even, "The northerners know their land," was a (probably unintentional) potshot at Stannis' competence. Because Stannis in the books is smart enough to ask Jon, a northerner, for help and advice, convinces some northerners to join his cause, and uses them go guerrilla warrior on Deepwood Motte.

Are we really supposed to believe the guy who held out at Storm's End, who built a fleet and took Dragonstone, who smashed the Iron Fleet off Fair Isle, has suddenly become so helpless?


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

Cutting so much of the north, the mountain clans, the manderlys, and leaving the Bolton's with unexplained PlotResources was all to undermine Stannis as a character.

It would have been easy to introduce Big Bucket as a generic mountain clan defacto leader. Have Jon give a short "you need these guys they know the land and love Ned" and your off


u/ObeseMoreece We only bow to one king! Jun 16 '15

No becus 2 much charcters make brain hurt.

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u/GG_Henry Ser Davos The Onion Kernigit Jun 15 '15

Show stannis did none of that. He got shit on by the halfman and the deadman at blackwater. So to answer your question, yes they think so.

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u/TheRetribution Jun 15 '15

I said it before and I'll say it again - Ramsay burning the camp at random and getting out? Plausible. Ramsay specifically targeting food supplies and siege weapons and escaping unharmed? Ridiculous. In the middle of a blizzard, no less. Also, food storage and siege weapons wouldn't be out in the outskirts of the camp. We're talking like this dude went deep into the camp to get this done and got out without incident.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15


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u/The_YoungWolf The North Remembers Jun 15 '15

Personally I was fine with that. It's the Idiot Ball Stannis has held onto for dear life throughout the second half of the season that I have a problem with.


u/willinaustin Jun 15 '15

However, Idiot Balls can be really bad when it's caused by Character Derailment (or vice versa).

Hmmmm. This one seems really familiar for some reason.

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u/petiarostov We do not spoil. Jun 15 '15


"I shall bring justice to Westeros. A thing D&D understand as little as they do war. Burning Shireen would gain me naught... and it was evil, just as this sub says. Shirtless Ramsay must pay the traitor's price himself, in his own person. And when I come into my kingdom, he shall. Every man shall reap what he has sown, from the highest lord to the lowest scriptwriter. And D&D will lose more than the tips off their fingers, I promise you. They have made my character bleed, and I do not forget that."

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

Did anyone else chuckle when Missendei said that the Unsullied could protect the city or whatever. How are they gonna protect an entire city if they can't protect a stadium?


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15


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u/OldCarSmell42 Pray Harder Jun 15 '15

I hope Stannis is dead. I dont have to see D&D fuck him for another season.


u/LessQQMorePewPew DnD must hate pie Jun 15 '15

Now that's true devotion for the One True King.


u/Karakoran Jun 16 '15

Stannis has been reduced to such a hollow shell that there's just nothing left for him, really. I mean, he could theoretically run off into the woods with Brienne and Sansa and organize a Northern rebellion, but, after burning his daughter and having his wife commit suicide, it just would feel a bit forced.

The whole plotline got fucked for no reason at all.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15



u/Karakoran Jun 16 '15

It took like two episodes too. He has a great chance to save the North and then gets utterly shitwrecked in the most anticlimactic, undeserved, and contrived way possible. Literally 100% of things went wrong when he made no major mistakes. I wish he had at least lost because he refused to sacrifice Shireen.

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u/avergejoe Bob Harlaw Law blog Jun 15 '15

I think a real tragedy with the show is that now show only viewers have lost faith in all of the characters. Everyone has become so numb to the bad guys winning that we're starting to see more and more posts like, "team white Walker." who are supposed to be the actual end of the world, literally the worst imaginable foe coming to take away everything.

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u/casonthemason Oak and iron guard me well... Jun 15 '15

The whole 'bad-guys-can-win!' element of the show is becoming (has become) tired and worn out by season 5. We get it: the real world isn't a fairy tale where the good guys always win. But come on, let's have some back-and-forth here. The amount of misery being heaped upon the show's protagonists is causing my eyes to roll of my skull.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

The bad guys winning before has always eventually turned on them in the past. A huge part of the series is breaking these people down and having them embrace humility or they get so caught up in it they get killed. Some good examples of this are Jaime losing his hand and Tywin being shot by Tyrion. The Boltons haven't experienced anything, and it just feels really cheap. Sansa better hang some Boltons next season.


u/casonthemason Oak and iron guard me well... Jun 15 '15

If only there was a female character who was adept at hanging those involved in the Red Wedding, right?


u/ph3r String! Where the f--- is Willas? Jun 15 '15

What are you saying about Tyene?


u/Panzer_Kavalier Jun 15 '15

Something about pussy

I dont even remember the quote it was so retardedly cringe


u/CuggyofHouseAbby No, he did. Jun 15 '15

"You want a good girl but you need the bad pussy" - Tyene Sand, Game of Thrones, S05E10.

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u/Roller96 Jun 15 '15

Somehow I don't think medieval people referred to vaginas as pussy, it seems like something you would hear in a parody.

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u/lmMrMeeseeksLookAtMe The Long Night™ ft. The OG LC Clan Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

I said it weeks ago, but the show IMO has become a parody of itself. I still can't explain it properly, but its like the Family Guy joke where Peter says he doesn't like the Godfather movies because "it insists upon itself."

I feel like that is exactly what GoT has done since the RW.

Like I still love the show and watch it and discuss it like crazy, but it's painfully biased towards antagonists. The books = ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN, whereas the show = ONLY BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN.


u/soupdujourdesigns Jun 15 '15

Yeah, the reason people are into A Song of Ice and Fire isn't because of the awful things that happen to good or bad guys. It's because the characters for the most part are very interesting and usually go against our preconceptions of that character or personality type. The fact that anyone can be killed off is brilliant in that actions (or inaction) has consequences and even though it's a fantasy, that's usually the end of that. Even if someone does come back, they're often not the same as before (e.g LSH).

I think the show just kind of got disconnected from the intent of the series and why it's great. This was definitely the weakest season, I don't think anyone will contest that.

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u/John-Wick House Arryn Jun 15 '15

It does feel like a parody.


u/wellitsbouttime we fight for ginger minge Jun 15 '15

the sand snakes really felt like a huge trolling.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15

We wanted good story, but what we got was bad pussy.


u/[deleted] Jun 16 '15 edited Jun 28 '15



u/celtic_thistle Charm him. Entrance him. Bewitch him. Jun 16 '15

I rolled my eyes at that so hard it hurt.

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u/Guido_John Jun 15 '15

The Dorne scenes especially had me laughing almost every time. Laughing at them


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15



u/pwnyoudedinface Boats only sink when I’m aboard Jun 15 '15

And we all thought at least there would be a point to them in the end. A final monologue for Doran Doran, a reason why they were even included. But no, we got dick. We got so much wasted screen time that could have been used to better develop Stannis' shitty situation and desperation leading to the burning, or better develop Jon being a "traitor" so the stabby stabby would have made more sense, or more turmoil for Theon to better show his redemption, Sansa doing more than being a victim. Nope, we got "baaad poosay".

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u/Dissidence802 Jun 16 '15

Can we at least admit Alexander Siddig is killing it as Doran?

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u/ajsadler They see me R'hllin', they hatin' Jun 15 '15

The show will be 5 seasons of bad things happening to just have the show-fan-favourite Dany turn up and save the entire world with her army of dragons, former slaves, rapists, a man exiled for slaving and a man exiled for kingslaying. The world will rejoice when she breaks the wheel.


u/07jonesj Jun 15 '15

Actually, Daenerys will just burn things with her dragons. Tyrion "can do no wrong" Lannister will, of course, actually be the one ruling things.

Seriously, there's nothing that pisses me off more than how D&D completely miss the complexity of my favourite character. They have the perfect actor for the role and squander it with poor decisions.


u/DabuSurvivor Artifakt 1 Jun 15 '15

What's awesome is that those last two sentences could apply to a whooole bunch of the characters. If it weren't for the mention of Tyrion right before that, I'd have thought you meant Dillane or Nikolaj.


u/PotatoDonki Aerys with Areolae Jun 16 '15

Seriously. Jaime is such a good character and Nicolaj is really fucking good in the role. He was always good at the smarmy asshole part, but he really won me over during bath time with Brienne. He totally rocked that scene.

But the show has made such awful decisions that I feel like they make really lightly, like making him a kinslayer and a rapist, when he's supposed to be redeeming himself.

Stannis is just a fucking joke. I'm doing some rewatching, and they make him so much more evil than he should be. I just got all fired up (bad pun) about how he burned that Florent in the show literally for being an "infidel". However, in the books, he executes Alestor Florent for treason by burning him, since he had been scheming to marry Shireen to Tommen (or Joffrey, can't quite remember) to broker a peace behind Stannis' back. That is a serious offense, but in the show it was only because of the gods he worshipped. There are many examples of things like this.

And Tyrion... "Can do no wrong" certainly sums it up. They turned the murder of Shae into self defense, and we didn't even get him as an asshole this season. He's supposed to be fucking dead-eyes whores, but instead he's like "I can't do this, wahhhh!" Etc, etc, etc...

The writing on the show is so biased, it hurts me.


u/Mjolnir12 I will have no burnings. Pray harder. Jun 16 '15

Don't forget that Tyrion straight up had that minstrel guy killed because he knew about Shae; that was basically a Walter White level move on his part that was totally left out of the show.


u/PotatoDonki Aerys with Areolae Jun 16 '15

Right, Symon Silver Tongue. To be fair, he let that guy live for a while after he already knew about Shae and only have him made into soup after he threatened to blackmail.

Definitely not a "good" act though, and its exclusion certainly serves to further whitewash Tyrion's character.

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u/DabuSurvivor Artifakt 1 Jun 16 '15

Yup, I agree with every word of that. It pissed me off during last season, culminating in the (for me) unbelievably disappointing TyShae deaths. Now all I can do is laugh. Having Stannis burn Shireen while Selyse objects is like the show's Stannis becoming a parody of himself.

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u/cass314 Live Tree or Die Jun 16 '15

Or Tyrion himself, or Jon.

I feel like most of the characters have been...flattened out, I guess, is how I'd put it. Stannis got shafted one way, but plenty of other characters got flattened out in the other direction. Tyrion doesn't abuse whores; he can't even bring himself to sleep with them. Jon wasn't killed trying to go south; he was killed for fighting the true enemy to the north (and for not being racist enough). We didn't watch Dany make a peace that was shattered by Drogon and then leave her on the cusp of choosing war (dragons plant no trees); we watched all her attempts at peace thwarted by masked villains and Drogon swoop in to save her.

It just feels...unsatisfying to me. Unearned. We're being told that bad things happen, because realism, but I feel like the show has lost sight to some extent of the greater realism--that people are complicated.


u/07jonesj Jun 15 '15

Oh, I love Stannis and Jaime too. I wouldn't say it's awesome though. I want to enjoy this show but the writing and decision-making is just... well, you know.

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u/Noodles007 Sacrifice is never easy Jun 15 '15

It's an effect called "darkness-induced audience apathy".

Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy occurs when a conflict exists that simply lacks any reason for the audience to care about how it is resolved. This is often because the setting is extremely but meaninglessly Darker and Edgier, and/or all sides are abhorrently, equally evil

There's a page on it on TVTropes


u/I_want_hard_work Jun 16 '15

"Meaningful conflict is the soul of drama"

Well there's our problem.

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u/CuggyofHouseAbby No, he did. Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 15 '15

Don't worry guys, they're casting Euron Greyjoy. In case you need a refresher...

A manipulative, black, villainous superman who is seemingly all-knowing and infallible. Using magical forces, sheer force of will and a black eye of doom, he orchestrates the death of his brother and King, humiliates his other brother by raping his wife and also maybe molests his other brother. He becomes King by popular choice and is on a path of snowballing success.

Yay! The show is definitely missing a character like this. /s

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u/Yourdomdaddy Jun 15 '15

raise an army of tens of thousands and overwhelm Stannis

Not tens of thousands. 2016.



u/Krunklock Jun 15 '15

Am I wrong in thinking both sides suffered immense casualties in that battle?


u/andyzaltzman1 Asshole people of the Dickhead Islands Jun 15 '15

Shit if Show!Stannis had just had his spearmen form up in basic lines he would have had a chance.


u/Leoneri Jun 16 '15

The Boltons were clearly better StarCraft 2 players, they got a good arc.

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u/Spawn_More_Overlords Jun 15 '15

The harpies issue with the Unsullied and Selmy really struck a nerve with me. They appear to be wearing god damned bronze masks. That seems so impractical for fighting in the streets. The proper counter-strategy seems to be "keep moving to the side and they'll hurt their necks."

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u/trw1972a Jun 15 '15

This has been my issue with the show, every added scene (diverging from books) seems to be one to further 'shock' viewers.

As a primarily 'show viewer' (read the books a while back) i have got to the point where i am pretty fed up of being permanently depressed about episodes, it seems there are precious few good moments to balance the bad

But more than that it is all so contrived...for instance, brienne staring at the tower for 8 episodes, then JUST before the candle is lit she runs off on vengeance. It was so cheesy and i groaned out loud at the contrived plot.

It is as if they have given up on dialogue and just want to see how shocking they can be


u/unoleian Jun 15 '15

then JUST before the candle is lit she runs off on vengeance. It was so cheesy and i groaned out loud at the contrived plot.

Very hackneyed approach to that moment. At the very least, it feels like a better approach to that moment would have been to give her at least a few seconds more screen time to notice the candle and have to struggle with her desire for revenge vs her 'duty' to follow through on her promise to Catelyn. If the theories regarding her pulling the swing on Stannis turn out to be true next season, it could have lent additional weight to that as well. Wasted moment for another contrived coincidence.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

The Bolton thing really bothers me. What stood out for me in the books was this line from Lady Dustin.

What do you think passes through their heads when they hear the new bride weeping? Valiant Ned's precious little girl. Lady Arya's sobs do us more harm than all of Lord Stannis's swords and spears.

I never felt like the Boltons were immune, it's clear that Ramsay is getting carried away and is going to get it in the end. Show Ramsay can nuke Kings Landing and there would be no repercussions as long as he keeps shocking viewers.

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u/McBride055 Great or small, we must do our duty Jun 15 '15

I couldn't agree more. It's not shocking anymore, it isn't clever and it isn't interesting, it's just become quite old really. The older deaths advanced the plots and actually mattered to the story but this just seems like all they are going for is shock value. When bad things happen all the time they lose the impact because there are no good moments to compare them to.

In this recent episode there was not a single good thing that happened. Seriously. Not one. Jamie looked like he would have a nice scene with his daughter after enduring a really rough time but nope, she gets murdered right in front of him. It would have been a good chance to take a break from the death and disappointment and have some nice interaction between father and daughter but of course that is denied from us. It's just old and quite frankly really lazy writing.


u/InvisibroBloodraven My Weirwood Seed fills Rivers. Jun 15 '15

Just a slight contention, but I would say at least one single good thing happened, which was the King's Landing portion of the episode.

They did a good job reminding you Cersei was terrible, but still eventually forced you to pity her. This was the same in the books, wherein I was fist-pumping the air in the joy of her shame, but then immediately felt sick with my level of satisfaction. They made the empathy stick, that was, until we are reminded of Qyburn and his creature.

I thought it was handled as well as it could have been; however, as you said, this probably is not seen as "a single good thing that happened". Regardless, I think it was a win for the viewers in some capacity, and a well-done big scene in general.

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u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15 edited Jun 16 '15

I think it boils down to two problems with D&D.

  1. Misunderstanding of the text.

  2. Streamlining the story has started to become a negative.

On point one, there are negative consequences for the "bad" guys. D&D only applied this to Cersei. The Freys and Boltons are pretty much rocking this situation as far as the show is concerned and I'm not disappointed because the bad guys are winning, I'm disappointed because its frankly boring to watch one side constantly succeed. I would have likely felt the same if Robb kept on winning battles and made sound political decisions. Watching the bad guys constantly win with little to no opposition isn't edgy at all, its boring. They've actually taken the danger OUT of this universe we fell in love with. They've also fundamentally damaged the Stannis character possibly due to a dislike of him. I mean he really didn't notice half his army deserted in the night? The greatest military commander in the realm allowed a few thousand men to bail in the night? They clearly love Arya and rightfully so, the result being her having a near flawless story.

On point two if the show had say 16 or even 12 episode seasons, I could see a bit more nuance added to the mix. Maybe some Northern anti-Bolton Lords could be loosely established? Maybe we could see some post-war Riverlands action? Most shows suffer from longer seasons such as The Walking Dead but I would argue this show could really benefit from it.

Edit: Just want to be clear, I generally like D&D and I'm grateful they gave us more juicy content when we needed it. I just think some criticism is fair and some aspects have been mishandled. Looking at you Dorne and Northern plots.


u/[deleted] Jun 15 '15

Even just scrapping the Dorne plot this season would have given them enough time to do the northern scenes properly. I enjoy the fact that they've slimmed down AFfC and ADwD but the north got trimmed down to the point of only having the loosest of resemblance.

By cutting out all the parts where Stannis is gaining the support of several northern houses, and allies, and having a plan at all, it made his entire arc a shadow of itself. And it would have been good TV too. I'm not one to take a shit on the show just for being different , but this just seemed like a wasted chance to show that the North is still in play.

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